Vierseria murmured softly, and the corners of her mouth curled up with interest, "I want to see, where did he have the courage to slander me in such a way!"


At night, the sky is getting dark and the temperature is getting colder.

"Bang bang bang!"

When Wuchen was about to go to bed and rest, the dull knock on the door came again, and it was very soft and rhythmic this time, unlike the sound of almost kicking the door during the day.The first impression is that he is very polite.

"In the middle of the night, who is here to do a sneak attack?" Wuchen yawned, wearing pajamas, his hair was still wet, and he came to open the door in all kinds of boredom, his cheeks full of laziness.


The door was gently opened, revealing a familiar but vaguely pretty face.

"Who are you...?" Wuchen questioned, he was [-]% sure that he had seen this face before, but he couldn't remember who it was in a short time.

"you do not know me?"

The visitor raised her eyebrows slightly, looking extremely surprised. After all, she is also a public figure, and most of the people in this school know her.

"Joke, are you famous? Why should I know you?" Wuchen grinned: "There are so many narcissists now!"

"My name is Valselia, and I'm Alice's sister." The girl's tone was calm, her beautiful eyes stared at Wuchen, and she deliberately gritted her breath, "I'm still the head of the former Knights of the Wind King. ."

"Oh... it turns out to be you." Wuchen suddenly realized and laughed: "You are the boss of the few clowns who jumped during the day? Could it be that you came to trouble me?"

"The boss of the Joker Clown?" Vercelia's forehead turned black, and the corners of her mouth twitched. It was the first time someone said she was the boss of the Joker Joker, didn't she look down on herself!

"Forget it, I don't know anything like this country boy."

Taking a deep breath, Valselia calmed down again. Just as she was about to speak, Wuchen's sudden words almost made her go berserk.

"I tell you, little girl, don't think that if you come to me on your own initiative, you can get a discount. You can't afford to hurt you if you want to sleep with me. If you take out your family, you can't afford the price!"

Wuchen's tone was extremely serious, and his eyes looked at Valselia seriously.

"You bastard..."

After hearing this, Valcelia almost couldn't hold back a slap and greeted her, finally realizing that her subordinates were almost crying with anger, this guy is so shameless, he has no morals at all.

Also, are you really that expensive?What does it mean to lose all my family and not be able to pay?Valseria was so fiery that her whole body was about to burn. Not only did she feel that she was being looked down upon, but even her own family was scorned and scolded by Wuchen.

"Boy, remember it clearly, I came to you for no nonsense, and you'd better shut up now, you'll regret the price of angering me, don't play with fire!"

Vierseria resisted the urge to kill Wuchen, and said with a blank face: "I heard that you and Alice got very close, I was just curious about what kind of man she had a crush on."

Speaking of the end, Vilseria's eyes were unusually dignified, wanting to see through Wuchen.

"Do you think Lao Tzu is bland and a living bastard?" Vercelia stared at Wuchen for half a minute, and remained silent, but Wuchen was the first to speak to break the silence.

"You guy..."

Vercelia's face was slightly rigid, and frankly speaking, she really didn't see any bright spots, except that it was ordinary.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 2247 Don't tear me off [second more]

What annoyed and tired of Valseria the most was that this guy spoke too arrogantly, he didn't take himself seriously at all, and his attitude was arrogant and domineering.

"Alice is still young. She is ignorant now. She was bewitched by you in the past. You'd better keep me away from her in the future, otherwise... hum!"

Valcellia snorted coldly, carrying threats and warnings, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Away from her?"

Wuchen chewed the meaning of it carefully, then his eyes lit up, and he leaned close to Vercelia's ear, and assured: "You mean to be farther away from her and closer to you? Don't worry, I definitely don't. It will alienate you, even if you two sisters go together, I will make you want to die."

Wuchen winked at Valselia, with a terrific smile on my face.

"Stinky bastard, give me death!"

Valcelia's pretty face flushed, and sometimes the more she tolerated it, the more complacent the other party became.The unbearable Vilseria raised her jade hand and slapped it.


Wuchen stretched out his hand and grabbed it as light as the breeze. The pink and tender show fist was not useful. For Wuchen, he had no strength at all.

"You didn't eat, did you have such little strength?"

Wuchen looked at Valseria, and smiled maliciously: "Or, are you doing this on purpose? Is it a manifestation of seeking? Deliberately said to show weakness and wait for me to be strong? It turns out that you are a Shou! I heard that you are very strong."

"Come here for me."

With a sudden tug, Vercelia's fragrant body fell into the dust-free embrace.


Being suddenly pulled into her arms by Wuchen, Valseria trembled slightly, and her cheeks were instantly flushed, as gorgeous as a monkey's butt.

Of course, there is also a fire of anger burning in it.

"No wonder you dare to come here, you have some strength." Being held by Wuchen, Versalia's tone was light, as if nothing was wrong, as if Wuchen was not holding her.

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