"It's really indifferent, Lord Wuchen."

Bai Jue couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Wuchen disappear. He looked at Scorpion who had been horribly torn apart, shook his head, and walked to Scorpion's side. He was the one who did the next thing.


Deep in the dark underground, the figure of the outsider golem was clearly visible. Ten thick fingers stood and counted the figure. It took three days in a blink of an eye from the last incident.

"Scorpion was actually killed, what a pity..."

On the top of the outsider golem, a middle-aged man with orange hair said indifferently, the fluctuations in his voice had no human feelings, is it really a pity that only God will know.

There is no doubt that this person is naturally Payne

"Deidara's arm was also twisted."

Samsara's eyes opened, the black lines rippled, and he looked at Jiaodu, "Deidara's arm will be handed over to you. How can I say that he has served the organization for many years, and there is no credit or hard work."

Then his eyes fell on Wuchen, and Payne frowned without a trace, a suspicious look flashed in his eyes, and then he seemed to remember something again, and when it came to his mouth, he took it back.

"The deceased has passed away, and the road ahead is still to be seen. Today I will introduce a new member to you."

Payne's stern voice spread out, and the whole dark cave was full of echoes, and everyone's eyes were all exposed to Payne's body, and he became the focus in an instant.

The requirements for entering "Xiao" are extremely high, and everyone is all S-level rebels, no exceptions.In other words, if you want to join Akatsuki, you must have the strength to rival the shadow-level powerhouses in each village.

"I'm really looking forward to it. I don't know who can join this dark organization. I hope a dramatic character can ease the heavy and depressing atmosphere." Quite curious about the new members who have never met, the shark face smile is particularly scary.

"I hope so." Fei Duan pouted, with a suspicious look on his face, obviously he had doubts about this newcomer.

Wuchen has a face full of indifference, as if it has nothing to do with him hanging up high, squinting his eyes, sometimes revealing his brilliance, staring at the figure hidden in the dark, his eyes flashed.

Wuchen, who was in an excellent situation, could clearly see the figure of the other party, wearing an orange spiral mask with only his eyes exposed, wearing a black trench coat embroidered with red clouds, which was airtight.

"Sure enough, it's you... Uchiha Obito! No, I should call you Fei now!"

Staring at the black shadow isolated from the world in the depths of the darkness, a meaningful smile swept across the corner of Wuchen's mouth. After taking a deep look at him, he closed his eyes with the presence of the old god, and his mind wandered too much.


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Chapter 271 A Fei [First Update]

Uchiha Obito, who is now Ah Fei, joined "Xiao" shortly after the death of the Red Sand Scorpion. On the bright side, he was his partner and teammate with Deidara, but in fact, "Xiao" who was in control behind the scenes really existed. , can also be said to be one of the biggest black hands.

"Ta Tata..."

The sound of footsteps came out from the darkness, and the sound of the cheerfully moving footsteps was like a jumping child. It was very pleasant, but it gave people a feeling of not growing up.

Soon, an unidentified man with a spiral mask came into view, although he was middle-aged from the body because of the mask that looked down on his appearance.

Everyone's eyes were projected, including Wuchen, and they all looked at the masked man curiously.

"Oops...don't stare at people like that, I'll be shy~~~"

It seemed that he couldn't stand such a particularly depressing environment. Uchiha Obito, who was covered by the mask, laughed lightly. The voice of the idiot made everyone stunned. After looking at each other, they could see the speechlessness in each other's eyes. The kid seems to be out for a comedy show!

The most ridiculous thing is that the masked man seems to think that it is not enough, and he deliberately scratches his head and poses, dancing around for a few laps under everyone's attention.

"Isn't this guy coming out to be funny! Or a comedian invited by the leader on purpose?! The current depressing atmosphere in the entertainment organization!!!"

Deidara's old face suddenly turned black, as unsightly as a black pot, the corners of his mouth kept twitching, and he suddenly felt that it was the happiest time to form a team with the scorpion, because the guy in front of him seemed to belong to the lack of roots. Types of strings!

"It's like a comedian, but it's very in line with my taste, yo, hello, I'm a dried persimmon ghost!"

The ripe dried persimmon shark smiled at the masked man, and said hello first. The shark face squeezed out a penetrating smile. Although it seemed to be a simple greeting, there was always a feeling of cannibalism.

"Senior, don't eat me, my skinny arms and legs are not enough to stuff my teeth."

Seemingly seeing an unprecedented terrifying creature, the masked man blocked his face with his hands and stepped back as if frightened.

"Why didn't this kid see him like this when he was with me before!"

The corners of his mouth twitched indistinctly, looking at the masked man Obito speechlessly, Wuchen secretly slandered in his heart.Although he knew that during the mission with Deidara, the masked man acted so strangely, he couldn't help but sweat for Deidara, and the two people's personalities did not seem to belong to the normal category.

In other words, there is no normal character in "Xiao" at all.

"Hey hey hey...why is this kind of monster every time I enter the organization? Isn't it normal, at least it's like a reliable and trustworthy person like this uncle."

Fei Duan looked at the man in the mask with dissatisfaction, and the three-stage scythe in his hand suddenly waved, looking at it like this, he wanted to test the strength of this new member.

"Ah ah ah... Is this my delusion, even a mere zombie will feel that he is worth entrusting." As if hearing the biggest joke, Gan Persimmon Ghost Shark looked at Feiduan playfully, the ridicule in his eyes was clearly visible.

Hearing that, Feiduan just glanced at the ghost shark coldly, knowing that it was not his skill to hide his mouth, so he shut his mouth wisely.

"This kid doesn't take lessons at all."

Wuchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry while looking at Feiduan who was carrying the sickle, he couldn't help but become speechless, and sighed that this kid has no cure. When Itachi joined "Xiao", he was taught a lesson by Itachi, and then Wuchen himself joined "" When "Xiao", this kid also challenged Wuchen, but he didn't know Wuchen's ability, and was accidentally injured by the horns...

Looking at this picture now, it is obvious that I have to clean up the masked man!

Wuchen was silent, watching the upcoming scene with interest, with a curious look on his face.The other members of the "Xiao" organization all looked at the masked man suspiciously. Those who could join "Xiao" were all S-rank rebels. This kid was a bad guy from head to toe, but he didn't have the slightest prestige of an S-rank ninja. .

Flying out to test and test the soil is exactly what they meant, especially Payne, who was sitting on top of the outsider golem, did not interfere in the duel. Obviously, he was also looking forward to the performance of the masked man.

To a certain extent, the relationship between Uzumaki Nagato and the masked man is not harmonious. Naturally, he hopes that Feiduan will test the ability of the masked man for future emergencies.

After all, there are no real friends in this world. Under absolute interests, the enemy who kills his father can sometimes become friends. It may sound exaggerated, but it is the truth.

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