"Damn, that's the most precious thing in a woman's life, okay? This guy actually said it as if it was rubbish. It really is a big radish. He and Alice must be separated."

It's okay not to say it, this sentence immediately angered Valselia, and she looked at Wuchen with great dissatisfaction.

"I said what the hell are you thinking? I just asked you to pinch my shoulders and beat my legs. Your technique was good just now, and you have the potential to be my servant. No wonder you have excellent roots!"

Wuchen looked at Valselia with shining eyes, as if seeing a treasure.


Valcellia almost spit out saliva, looked at Wuchen with cold sweat, and asked with common sense: "The thing you should let me promise you is to slap your back? Isn't that kind of thing?"

"That kind of thing?"

Wuchen frowned deeply, seeing the embarrassed look on Versilia's face, she immediately understood that she was thinking crooked, smiled wryly and shook her head and said speechlessly: "Do you really think I am a sperm? I can tell You, I have met countless beauties in my life, and I have long been immune to certain aspects. In fact, I have always wanted to say that if you can be tempted, that is the real skill!"

Wuchen said these words without blushing or panting, but Valseria felt uncomfortable listening to it.

Maybe it sounds ridiculous in Verseria's ears, it's like the most ignorant joke in the world, it's really ridiculous, in Valseria's eyes, Wuchen is the kind of evil, shameless, extremely A typical flower*heart radish.

"You may be very dissatisfied, but one thing is always true." Wuchen saw Versilia's disdain and said calmly: "But no matter what, I didn't start with the three of them, right? Even cheap Didn't take it."

"That's right."

Valseria nodded undeniably, no matter how unreliable Wuchen was, she never surpassed the Thunder Pond from beginning to end, at least Claire and the others are still perfect.

"Okay, I promise you!"

After thinking silently for half a minute, Verseria resolutely agreed. This kid is not asking too much. Anyway, it is just a blow to Wuchen. Although it loses face, but thinking about the possibility of becoming a wizard in the future, Versalia is decisive. Give it a try, even if you dance with wolves.

In fact, even if Valselia rejects her conditions, Wuchen will help her once. After all, she is Alice's sister, and although this woman is a little arrogant, her temperament is not bad. In the end, she is just blinded by power. eyes.

"Most of the meridians in your body are broken, and it won't be long before you become a crippled person, and even if you continue to delay, you won't be able to save your life."

Wuchen is not an alarmist. Curse engraving is such a dangerous thing. Although he has temporarily gained powerful strength, the heavy price is fatal.


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Chapter 2256 Surprised Valseria [First More]

Although he has gained incomparably powerful strength, especially the increase in the content of "Shenwei", the burden it brings is the possibility of destroying the smooth meridians that dredge the gods. Such a huge price is enough to make Valseria collapse.

"Do you really have a way to cure me?" While beating Wuchen's back, Versilia still asked a little worried.

"It's not a big deal for a dead horse to be a living horse doctor." Wuchen replied with his eyes closed and enjoying himself.

"I'm not dead yet!" He smashed Wuchen hard, and Valseria's tone was extremely dissatisfied. This guy didn't pay attention to himself at all.

"Hehe... calm down!"

Wuchen smiled shyly, waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I'm [-]% sure, you still think about how to thank me."

This is not a bragging about Wuchen. He controls a lot of medical ninjutsu, and he just helps Valselia repair the meridians. It's still too simple, a piece of cake.

"Okay, take your clothes off."

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and Wuchen waved his hand, staring at Valseria's heart, for fear that this girl was thinking crookedly, he explained patiently: "The source of your engraving is to think of the heart, so naturally If you do it there, the damage to the heart is the most serious."


Hearing this, Vierseria couldn't help but stunned, touched it subconsciously, and admired Wuchen even more. Whether it was right or guessing, one thing was undeniable. Into the heart, and sometimes can feel some mild labor pains.

But all of this is known only to Valseria, and now that Wuchen is talking about it, Valseria is really startled.

It's just that Valseria has remained indifferent out of her own restraint. In fact, a shocking wave has been set off in her heart, and she has fallen to the ground with Wuchen's admiration.

"I take off."

After carefully looking at Wuchen for a few seconds, Verseria took off her clothes casually, her bright eyes were as clear as water, without the slightest wave.

Vierseria could see that Wuchen was not interested in herself, and there was no flame in those eyes, only pure indifference.Moreover, taking [-] steps back, even if Wuchen really intends to do something wrong, Vierseria can only hold her nose and endure it. After all, which is more important between strength and chastity, she will choose the former without hesitation.

In a world of cannibalism, strength is above all else.

"I'll go and prepare first." Without giving Valseria time to prepare, Wuchen turned around and left and locked the door first. It would be a tragedy if Claire and others broke in at this time.

In less than a minute, Vercelia took off her clothes and covered her body, and a delicate and translucent body appeared in front of Wuchen.


Wuchen was stunned, staring at Verseria, her whole body motionless.

"This bastard, with a human face and a beast heart, also said that he is not interested in me, and he can't walk anymore." Vierseria scolded inwardly, looking at herself without blinking, what made her feel bad?


Unable to bear Wuchen's peeping, the corners of Valseria's mouth wriggled, and when she was about to open her mouth to break the awkward atmosphere, Wuchen's sigh came beforehand.

"I asked you to take off your clothes, but I didn't ask you to be naked. Just take off your upper body and expose the position of your chest, but you can't be naked now, you don't want to..." said Here, Wuchen said very narcissistically: "I know I'm handsome and everyone loves me, but you can't tempt me like this. I tell you, even if I see you, don't even think about it. Strong buy and strong sell, want to possess me? Dream!"

After all, I'm looking at it everywhere now, and it's like a lifetime of shit!

"Go to hell!"

Valcellia's pretty face blushed, she glared at Wuchen with a charming look, she quickly put on her clothes, and was lying on the sofa with her eyes closed in anxiety, her heart was about to jump out.

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