"Didn't you say it before, I have a bad temper, you have to stimulate me." Wuchen complained.

"It's better for this despicable and shameless guy to be hacked to death by God." Restia cursed, suddenly understanding why Wuchen did this.

"If you dare to tip off the news, then don't blame me for turning my face away."

Wuchen closed his body, walked to Restia, hugged her body, and waved his hand, the luxurious big bed appeared, and Restia was placed on the bed.

"Anyway, it's all illusion, it's fake, you can do whatever you want!" Restia didn't care, just let Wuchen touch it.

"I was going to let you go, but if you let me do whatever I want, then I'll be welcome."

As soon as the voice fell, Wuchen took over Restia's body and mind.


In the real world, Restia also opened her eyes, and she was relieved when she saw that the illusion was lifted. Obviously, the nightmarish experience before was false, and only a few seconds passed before and after.

"Damn, it's obviously an illusion world? Why does my body hurt so much?"

Restia moved her body a little, remembering Wuchen's madness in Yuedu World, her face was red with shame, and there was a hint of anger immediately.

Isn't everything that Yuedu World has endured false?Why does the body feel the same tingling?


Wuchen's laughter suddenly sounded, and it fell in Restia's eyes, but it was far more terrifying than a demon. Thinking of Yuedu World and Wuchen's actions, Restia suddenly wanted to die quickly!

"Seeing you look so scared, it didn't cost me my [Yue Du] effort, little girl, I don't care what you do, it's better for me to comfort Claire and the other little girls, otherwise, you [Yue Du] read], all of this will happen in reality."

Wuchen smiled lightly, but in Restia's eyes, it was extremely terrifying.

"I understand..." Restia nodded obediently unexpectedly, then stood up and left slowly.


However, before taking two steps, Restia fell to the ground, her body was hollowed out, and she was unable to move an inch. Moon reading is a very unique illusion, and the pain suffered by the illusory world will also be endured by the body in the real world.


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Chapter 2262 Greyworth's Secret

"I'll settle it?"

Restia was in a dilemma. She felt like she was throwing a stone at herself. She told about the adultery between Verseria and Wuchen. She just wanted to cause a conflict between several people and make Wuchen have a bad life. It's better now. , All of this is not a pit, but it is a pit that you don't want.


Restia's pretty face is gloomy, she has something to say but it's hard to say, so she can't be laughed at by Wuchen.

"If it's not right, I'll tell you, Restia, I'll show you what a real beast is. I was too kind in the [Yue Du] space before."

Leaving this sentence, the dust-free left.

"Is that still called mercy?"

Restia couldn't help but think of the tragic passage in the "Monthly" space, being fucked by a person in various poses for twenty-four hours, and it didn't stop, there was no shock, and it was a miracle within a miracle to be able to walk. .

But now Wuchen said that she had been merciful before, so it would be terrifying when she did not leave any information to reply to herself. Thinking of this, Restia was all overwhelmed with chills, and hurriedly trotted out. , can only settle the unhappiness of Claire and the others.

And Wuchen went to a special place - Dean Greyworth's office.

"Damn, are you here again?!"

At this moment, Greyworth didn't look like before, her cheeks were pale, like a seriously ill patient, a piercing pain swept through her internal organs, and she was lying on the desk crying in pain, but she gritted her teeth and didn't Let yourself cry out.

A long time ago, Greyworth implanted a curse in his body, and his body accumulated a lot of damage over the years. Later, he won the championship of the Elf Sword Dance Festival. The wish he made after winning that year was to prolong his suffering. Fortunately, it was successful, and Greyworth survived, but he was still suffering from illness.

"Ah ah ah, your embarrassed expression is really rare."

The ghost-like tone suddenly sounded, and Greyworth stood up reflexively when he heard the words, and his gaze followed the source of the sound.

"Break into my office without my permission, brat, you're not too brave!" Greyworth's tone was cold, but he didn't mean much to blame.

It's no use blaming and punishing. Wuchen doesn't ignore her at all. The so-called punishment is self-inflicted because Wuchen doesn't execute it at all.

"The old witch..."

Looking at the pale Greywas, Wuchen asked with a smile, "You seem to be in pain, isn't the taste of implanting a curse in your body uncomfortable?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Don't make up rumors, or I can take it as a smear of me!" Greyworth scolded, the panic in his eyes disappeared for a moment.

How could she not be surprised that the biggest secret of her life was casually revealed by Wuchen?

"Still pretending to me?"

Wuchen looked at Greyworth with disdain, and sneered: "Under my eyes, don't say you just implanted a spell engraving, I know what color your fat is, right? Purple?"

"Nonsense, it's obviously a black... bastard, you dare to take my words?!" Greyworth glared glared at the reaction, and this bastard actually molested her head, which is outrageous.

"You don't need to be angry, am I wrong?" Wuchen asked indifferently.


Hearing this, Greyworth fell silent. Although he didn't know where the news of Wuchen came from, he looked calm and didn't seem to be talking.

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