"Little girl, where do you come from so much nonsense? I just want to pretend to be in front of you. Is it okay to show your superiority? Is it okay to make you admire and worship me? Can't you?" Where did Greyworth come from so much bullshit, so much bullshit to save you with kindness.

"This reason is too, too, too... well, I can't accept your reason, I admit defeat." In desperation, Greyworth could only bow his head in shame.

After hesitating for a long time, Greyworth was still at a loss for words. Wuchen's words were like a deep-sea bomb, blasting the wisdom in her mind to the sky. When encountering such people who play cards out of common sense, the gods will have a headache!


Seeing Greyworth wanting to cry without tears, Valseria pursed her lips and chuckled, and could understand her pain, because she was dizzy by the dust-free air back then.

There is no way, Wuchen's mouth is extensive and profound, even if it is an excuse to talk nonsense, he clearly knows that he is talking nonsense, the most painful thing is that he is speechless.

In fact, Wuchen has no other ideas. She is idle anyway. Although Greyworth is a snobbish woman, she can't deny that she takes good care of herself, and it's okay to help her once.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 2264 Crooked Mind [First More]

"Speaking of which, haven't you taken out your spell engraving?"

Greyworth stared at Valcellia. Judging from the level of "divine power" just now, that kind of huge scale is extremely rare. The old-fashioned Greyworth can conclude that the engraving of the curse inlaid in the heart has not been taken out.

"You underestimate me too, it's just a mere engraving of a curse, it's not a big trouble." Wuchen interrupted Greywas, looking at her slightly dissatisfied, is this underestimating himself?After going through a lot of worlds, even this kind of small problem can't be solved, so how can you keep going?

"It's not a big trouble? Then what is a big trouble in your eyes?!" Hearing this, Greyworth rolled his eyes angrily, and explained patiently: "This kind of thing is called a terminal illness, and after a long time, the body is Do you understand what it means to be an elves? It means that you can't become an elves, and you will be an ordinary human being from now on. That's why the spell engraving is prohibited from circulating."

For Greyworth, the engraving of the curse was an out-and-out magic, but now it was easily resolved by Wuchen, and it was really unacceptable for a while, so much that Greyworth pinched his arm, and the stinging pain caused her to suffer. Understand that this is not a serious reality.

"Can you heal my pain?!" His eyes regained clarity, and Greyworth's tone was unbearable.


Being looked at by Greyworth with adoring eyes, Wuchen was full of emotion. This is the benefit of being strong. Strength naturally surpasses everything. Without strength, in the end, it's just a plaything in the hands of others. Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but sigh.

"Of course, don't doubt my husband's ability." Vierseria smiled gracefully, then put her arms around Wuchen's arm and rubbed it between career lines.

"I heard that you were clamoring to kill him before." Seeing the two people showing their affection, Greyworth was very pleased. Didn't he hear a word?Show love die fast!

"Take off your clothes." Wuchen said lightly, but one sentence made Greyworth stunned, stunned, and looked at him suspiciously.

"If you don't want to, I can leave now." No nonsense, Wuchen turned around and left.

"Wait, I'm not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry? Besides, I didn't say no..." Greyworth rolled his eyes, this guy Wuchen was too disrespectful, and left as soon as he said it.


Wuchen raised his eyes slightly, realizing that Greyworth was about to take off his lower pants, and said coldly, "Just taking off the shirt is enough, just show the position of the chest."

"I understand."

Greyworth nodded and said he understood, and immediately opened the collar to reveal the location of the heart, but since Greyworth's career line is too large, even if it only exposed the location of the heart, the dazzling sphere is also invading the dust-free within sight.

"This guy...Although it looks a little unreliable, but he is very reliable when he is serious." Looking at Wuchen secretly, Greyworth found that Wuchen's eyes were turbulent, just staring at Greyworth's heart. The position, the expression is serious.

"Does it look good?" After a long silence, a cold voice suddenly came.


Without thinking about it, Greyworth answered without hesitation. However, the moment the voice fell, Greyworth's entire face turned crimson.

There is no other reason, and the person who asked her is Wuchen.

"Cough cough cough..."

He coughed twice in embarrassment, and was caught by someone who peeked at him. It was Greyworth's characterization. At this moment, he couldn't help but bow his head ashamed, like a little girl who did something wrong. I can't wait to find a place to dig in. It's too embarrassing. .

"But this guy is really charming when he does things seriously." Greyworth muttered in his heart. The moment he lost his mind just now, he was really rendered by the dust-free temperament.

"Gluck cluck..."

Viersellia* laughed, holding Wuchen's arm, and said in a sour tone, "Lord Dean, don't try to snatch Wuchen from my hand, you have done what you should do, you shouldn't. We've done it, we've done it too!"

"Why don't you even have a bit of restraint?"

Touching his nose, Wuchen smiled bitterly. Once this woman fell in love, the speed at which her IQ dropped was ashamed. If Vercelia said this, wouldn't it mean to indirectly say that she had sex with Wuchen!

"You two..."

Greyworth's head is covered with black lines, and there is a little evil in the corner of his eyes. What has his school become now?Now a big-tailed wolf has been brought in, and a good school has been developed into a dust-free harem base!

"You don't need to be upset. If it weren't for me, you would still suffer from pain and suffering. Wealth and misfortune depend on each other. It's not a bad thing for you to enter this school."

The dust-free hand was placed at the heart of Greyworth, and bursts of emerald light emerged, which was the medical ninjutsu he was good at.


Greyworth, who had never been touched by a man, had a strange body flow, and couldn't help but let out a long moan, and his face was covered with a morbid blush again. Ya, how can she get along as a dean in the future, and what kind of prestige is there?

"No wonder, no wonder Valseria suddenly fell in love with you. If I guessed correctly, it is because of this reason. This incredible method is enough to change the world."

Suddenly discovering the changes in his body, Greyworth looked at Wuchen in shock, his eyes sluggish, and finally understood why Valseria chose to stick Wuchen upside down. The exposure of this heaven-defying method is definitely enough to cause an earthquake in this world. of.

Not to mention other people, even Greyworth was thinking about Wuchen at this moment.


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