"This this..."

Everyone was stunned, especially Emilia, who covered her small mouth with her right hand, and opened her fist wide enough to look at Wuchen in disbelief.

Emilia knows healing magic, but in the end, it's all about treating skin injuries. Like Wuchen, it's against the sky, and damaged organs can be repaired. Is this something that humans can do?Call it a miracle.

"Master Rom!"

Feirut saw the healed abdomen and the regenerated internal organs, and the heartbeat that was about to stop accelerated again.


Seeing that Wuchen was not talking nonsense, Felt and Emilia were both relieved. For the two of them, this was the best ending.

But one person doesn't think so.

"Really... cured?!"

Seeing this, Subaru Caiyue was stunned, staring straight at Wuchen, remembering the previous promise, and suddenly felt a burst of regret in his heart.

"Do you really want to call him grandpa? What a joke, absolutely not, so I would rather die once." Caiyue Subaru shook his head like a rattle. It would be better to kill him than to call him Wuchen grandpa.

Especially when Emilia was watching from the side, this made Subaru Naizuki feel so bad.

"Boy... don't you understand?"

Yu Guang glanced at the tangled Caiyue Subaru, and Wuchen sighed softly in his heart, "No matter how few times you go through reincarnation, or a thousand times, you have to bow your head in front of absolute strength."

The strength is doomed to the gap between each other, no matter what, Subaru Nayuki can't fight Wuchen.

"All right."

After about a few minutes, all the damaged organs of Lord Rom were recreated by Wuchen using Yin-Yang escape, and he also used medical ninjutsu to input a lot of vitality, and the old man's pale cheeks returned to blood again.

"Thanks benefactor!"

After Lord Rum regained consciousness, without saying a word, he just bowed towards Wuchen.

"Get up, it's just a job." Wuchen smiled lightly. He knew that this Lord Roma was brutal and scary, but his nature was not bad. When Emilia and others were in danger just now, Lord Roma knew that the enemy was strong. But still, the act without hesitation says it all.

"Back to you."

Feirut's small face also burst into a gorgeous smile, very sunny, and he gave the badge to Wuchen with a jump.

"It's finally a relief now."

Seeing the exquisite badge in his hand, Wuchen breathed a sigh of relief, and then handed it to Emilia with a smile, "Miss Emilia, leave the things to you for safekeeping, and I should retire as well."

When the words fell, Wuchen shrugged, yawned, and wanted to turn around and leave, his eyes were a little sleepy, and he really wanted to find a place to sleep.


Suddenly remembering something, Wuchen's pace abruptly stopped, his eyes spread in a circle, and then he frowned, "Where did that kid go?"

"You mean... Subaru?" Thinking of the grievances between the two, Emilia immediately understood Wuchen's intention. After all, there was still a bet just now.

"That kid tricked me three or four times, without breaking his legs, it's hard for me to express my hatred." Wuchen said to himself.

"Break my leg?"

Nayuki Subaru, who was hiding behind the rock, twitched at the corner of his mouth. Just as he was about to get up and run for his life, a flash of light suddenly appeared in front of him, showing a dust-free body.

"Fulfilling the bet, I still break a leg, you choose one." Wuchen smiled, very friendly, but in Subaru Nayuki's eyes, it was more terrifying than a demon.

"Grandpa, grandpa..."

Forced into desperation, Nayue Subaru finally spoke ashamed. The moment the words fell, his entire face was flushed red, as if it was on fire.

"Wuchen, I will definitely smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces." Caiyue Subaru swore in his heart, his cheeks contorted.

"Hehe... If you're not afraid of torture, just come." Wuchen turned his head and said nothing, anyway, this kid has already offended, it doesn't matter if he is completely offended, he is not afraid of him anyway.


Just when Wuchen was about to leave, Emilia stopped him suddenly, and trotted to Wuchen, full of embarrassment and said: "I was wrong before, if you don't mind, you can go Stay in the humble house for a few days."

"Live at your house?"

Wuchen’s face was full of weirdness. After thinking about it for a while, it seemed that he really had nowhere to go, “Well, it happens that I have nowhere to go either.”

"Lucky guy."

Seeing this, Caiyue Subaru was envious, jealous, and hated, because Mao didn't have such good luck as Wuchen?

Chapter 2295 Rem and Ram [sixth more]

Wuchen doesn't care about Caiyue Subaru's complicated eyes, he has nowhere to go anyway, it's not bad to leave with Emilia, he doesn't have any ambitions, there's nothing in this world to be moved by Wuchen, find a jerk to eat The place to fill the stomach will do.Although it was said that this little girl Emilia had prejudice against herself before, but no matter what, she was relieved later, and in any case, finding a place to sleep is better than wandering alone.

"Get the hell out of here." Wuchen scolded Nayuki Subaru to go to the side to cool off. Emilia didn't invite him to stay anyway.

"Don't meddle in your business, Emilia Tan didn't say anything, where are you being long-winded?" Looking at Wuchen viciously, Nayuki Subaru immediately walked up to Emilia cheekily, complaining aggrieved Said: "I'm lost, and I can't remember the way home. Can you also let me... go to your house for a night stay?"

If it was an ordinary person, naturally, she would not agree to go to her own house by herself, but Emilia was different, this simple girl was too kind.

"No problem, let's go back with us." Emilia's face bloomed with a gentle smile, like a gorgeous blooming flower, which was intoxicating and intoxicating.


Hearing these words, Subaru Nayuki nodded hurriedly, and immediately glanced at Wuchen with a majestic look like a winner.

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