In the wooden corridor, there was a sound of "Tadata", and looking up, it was Wuchen who was holding Yu Luo.

The characters in the confrontation system are all in the extreme state, and it is impossible to say that a comedy scene where one mouth evades and collapses the other party.

It is only a life-and-death confrontation between you and me. The winner is the winner and the loser is the loser. Once you step on the road, there is no turning back. If you fail in training, you can only step on the dead end of the underworld. If you succeed in training, you will naturally take everything from the opponent.


Ask for a reward, ask for flowers, and ask for least five times a day! ! !

Chapter 275 Pairing with the soil [first more]

Endless starlight dotted the azure void, and the monotonous sky was quite vivid, with a little more vitality.

At this moment, Wuchen seems to be in the world within the system.

The world in the system is the same except that the void is a little weird. The ground is composed of mountains and rivers, and it is an endless emerald green as far as the eye can see.

"Yo, it's been a long time, Ling'er, you are much prettier than before."

On the open plain, with the gentle breeze blowing in the face, Wuchen stared at the graceful figure in front of him with a smile, with a playful arc on the corner of his mouth, and said, "If anyone can marry you, I am afraid that they will wake up laughing when they sleep, of course. Including me!"

The slender peerless figure in front is clearly visible, like a goddess above the nine heavens, more arrogant and untouchable than Otsutsuki Yuluo, and the aura is also much stronger, like the master of the sky, the whole sky is crawling on her Under his feet, the sky and the earth are so small, not to mention dust-free.

This arrogant, powerful, and beautiful woman can arouse countless people's sense of conquest.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for a while, I haven't seen much improvement in strength, but I have seen a lot of improvement in lip-smacking skills. You are really impressive, Wuchen."

The delicate face is always indifferent to the world, and Ling'er's expressionless face turns a deaf ear to Wuchen's ridicule.

"You're the only one who said that."

Wuchen heard the words and smiled bitterly, his heart was extraordinarily bitter, no matter when he was in front of Linger, he was very small, even Wuchen often felt this kind of fantasy, as long as he faced Linger, he would be instantly stunned.

"Everything goes to the Three Treasures Hall, tell me, you are the candidate for this time."

Seeing through the purpose of Wuchen at a glance, Linger asked with a blank face, there is absolutely no other thing that Wuchen came here except for training or training.

"Don't be so indifferent. How can we say that we are born from the same root, and we are both prosperous and damaged."

Wuchen smiled embarrassingly, and he was quite embarrassed. He also knew that he had neglected Ling'er over the years and completely regarded her as a tool-like existence. It was indeed a bit unreasonable and completely ignored her.

"Hmph, since you know that you are born with the same roots, don't talk nonsense. It's not good for me if you die." Linger glanced at Wuchen coldly, Ling'er said in a determined tone, her eyes were icy, obviously unable to accept this. rhetoric.

Hearing this, there was a flash of hesitation in Wuchen's eyes, remembering that Uchiha Obito's eyes were full of cautious colors. If it was the earlier Uchiha Obito, it would be better for Wuchen, but it was a crooked melon and a cracked date. Uchiha Obito in the peak~peak period is a super-dimensional character like the Tou-tailed person Zhuri.

It would be fine if it was just a pure ten-tailed, just simply exerting its power, but after the ten-tailed being absorbed by Obito, it means that the power is also controlled by him, the gap is worlds apart.

"Are you still afraid? That's funny."

Her beautiful eyes widened, she stared at Wuchen with interest, Linger's thin lips swept a contemptuous smile, and sarcastically said: "You were not afraid of the sky when you first came to this world..."

Staring at Wuchen, her wise eyes seemed to see through Wuchen's heart, Linger's light voice was like the sound of heaven, and she said elegantly: "It is common sense that you can be afraid of monsters like Ten Tails, and he is indeed not you. Competitive..."

Linger slowly said that the ten tails have completely surpassed the cognition of human beings, the boundless Chakra, the immortal body, and all kinds of ninjutsu that are so powerful that the sky defies the sky, Wuchen is really no opponent.

"so what."

Frowning, staring at Ling'er, Wuchen asked lightly: "The essence of the existence of the divine tree is to be used, to be used by Kaguya Otsutsuki, to be used by me or to be used by me, not to mention I don't think I am. What's worse than her, at least Kaguya's era has come to an end, and my era is slowly rising."

After all, everyone is just a thief, Kaguya can steal the power of the divine tree, and Wuchen doesn't think she can't!

"You still dare to say it."

Staring at Wuchen's face, Ling'er said as usual, obviously he had expected Wuchen to make such a statement, and asked indifferently: "Who are you trying to practice... and rules are no longer needed. Let me tell you, if you want to take everything from the opponent, you must kill him completely, and if you are killed, you will also die completely, and there is no way back."

There is no free lunch in the world, and the same is true in the system. The character who beats the system can take everything from him. If he wants to challenge and fail, Wuchen himself is also a life-and-death elimination.

In other words, it was a life-and-death bet, and losing would mean the end of everything.

"Say your opponents, Wuchen."

Taking a deep breath, Ling'er, who was transformed into a system consciousness, asked that any character Wuchen chose to practice against would be transformed into him, and then both sides fought brutally.

"Uchiha Obito!" The awe-inspiring light in the depths of his eyes, Wuchen exhaled heavily, and immediately shouted in a deep voice, his tone was sonorous and powerful, and his confidence was exceptionally firm.

"As you wish."

As Linger's voice fell, her perfect body suddenly flashed a white dazzling luster, for the terrifying Chakra erupted without warning, raging like a tenth-level hurricane.

"Boom boom boom..."

Due to the fact that he could not bear the majestic chakra, the ground where Linger stood before slammed into pieces, extremely fragile, and vulnerable like scraps of paper, and the huge potholes hundreds of meters deep on the ground were clearly visible.

"What a horrible Chakra fluctuation!"

His pupils shrank suddenly, and Wuchen was shocked like a stormy sea. He could clearly perceive that the air flowing around was directly evaporated into nothingness by the hot chakra, without a trace.

The world is like being in a steamer, it is extremely hot, and the whole space is boiling.


Ask for a reward, ask for an automatic request, and order all kinds of least five times a day! ! ! ! !

Chapter 276 You are going to be unlucky [Second]

Wuchen's eyes froze, carefully looking at the figure floating in front of him, and he could clearly see nine mysterious small black spheres floating behind him.

"This is the model of the Tou-Tails Juri... The pressure on people is really great, especially since his state is obviously not as thorough as Uchiha Madara's, so it still gives me a heart that I can't resist..."

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