Time passed quickly, and Wuchen also stopped. With this group of rotten nobles, he couldn't breathe well, so after Nayue Subaru left, he didn't speak, so the matter of Wang Xuan proceeded quickly.

On the other hand, Feirut refused to participate in the king's election, saying that he was not interested in the king's position, but sometimes people didn't have many choices. At this time, Lord Rum suddenly shot, but in the palace where the masters gathered, he wanted to fight. It is difficult to splash, not to mention the impossible thing of rescuing Feirut, so there is no doubt that he was finally caught. In desperation, because of Lord Rum, Feirut could only agree to participate in the election in the end.

Chapter 2224 War [First Update]

Everyone thought that this matter was over, but it was not the case. Not long after Nayuki Subaru left the palace, he was surrounded by a large group of knights.

"Hey hey hey... What do you want to do? Rebellion? Don't forget that I am the servant of Lord Emilia. If you dare to hit me, Lord Emilia will not bypass you!"

Nayuki Subaru, who was staring at the eyeing knights, panicked. He attracted hatred but troubled Wuchen instead of being beaten himself.

To put it bluntly, Nayue Subaru's previous actions were to raise hatred for Wuchen, but these cowardly knights seem to be afraid to ask Wuchen for trouble...

"Do you think I'm easy to bully?" Subaru Nayuki guessed in his heart, looked up at Julius, and asked, "You guys..."

"Do you dare to fight? Your crimes should be punished, but for the sake of your being Emilia-sama's servant, how about we fight with a wooden sword?"

When Julius said these words, his face was ridiculed and contemptuous, and the contempt and contempt in his eyes did not hide at all.

"You think I dare not?!"

Nayuki Subaru was angry. If he was cowardly at this time, let alone whether Emilia would look down on him, he would look down on himself in the first place.

"I promise... bang!"

Just when Nayuki Subaru was about to agree to Julius, a dark shadow suddenly flashed over, and with a slight lift of his foot, it kicked Nayuki Subaru away.


Nayuki Subaru slammed into the wall in a state of embarrassment, and the solid wall was cracked.

"Who did it? You dare to attack me? Is it you knights?" Subaru Nayuki growled angrily, his voice a little sharp because of anger.

"I did it, what, you want to beat me?"

Wuchen languidly flashed in front of Nayuki Subaru, his eyes narrowed, "If you want to see me upset, or even want to beat me, I welcome you with both hands."

"I... the mountains don't turn and the water turns, just wait and see." Caiyue Subaru suddenly hesitated, glared at Wuchen viciously, and finally fell silent.

Through several consecutive "reincarnations of death", Subaru Nayuki understood Wuchen's strength. He couldn't even beat Julius, let alone Wuchen. Even if he was angry, he would bow his head and admit it.

"What do you mean? It's very rude to disturb the duel between me and others." Julius frowned and looked at Wuchen, his face full of badness, "He insulted all of us, he must have this guy Pay for it.”

"I'm not interested in your grievances, even if this kid's life or death has nothing to do with me, but..." Speaking of this, Wuchen's tone paused slightly, and he said helplessly: "But this kid, in the end, it's all about People from Emilia's camp, you beat him hemiplegia and incontinence, the one who is embarrassed is Emilia..."

Having said that, the meaning of Wuchen is self-evident, and everyone can hear it. After all, Subaru Nayuki was beaten, and Emilia, the master, must be disgraced.

"It's up to the owner to beat the dog. I can't turn a blind eye." Although Wuchen's tone was lazy, the expressions of Julius and the others changed slightly, and these words were obviously full of warnings.

"Do you still look at the owner when you beat the dog?"

Caiyue Subaru's old face darkened. Isn't the dog Wuchen mentioned himself, and said angrily, "He's scolding me by changing the law."

"If you're going to continue to challenge him, it's better..."

Wuchen saw the insistent Julius, resolutely stood in front of him, and said lightly: "You can fight me, I stand still, if you can defeat me within three moves, how about I apologize? And do whatever you want."

"Stand still?"

Julius and the others were stunned when they heard the words. The so-called standing still means that they did not take any counterattack and were attacked by Julius while standing.

"You guy..."

The face of Julius who reacted was ashen, but he felt that he was being despised. This was naked disdain and contempt, and the flames accumulated in his heart erupted, "Do you think you can beat me by standing still?"

"No, this needs to be corrected."

Wuchen shook his head and said calmly, "A person like you is not qualified to fight me, but if you have to challenge this boy Nayue Subaru, I can only stand up and ask you three tricks."

To be honest, Wuchen really didn't plan to duel with Julius, this guy is too weak, but he has to challenge this guy Nayuki Subaru, no matter what, he is from Emilia's side, and he naturally loses Lost is the owner's face.

"I didn't mean to look down on you."

Wuchen found that everyone in the Knights was looking at him with fiery eyes, and the flaming eyes were enough to melt the city wall, and said indifferently: "I'm just stating a fact, it's not too late to turn back now, at least I didn't lose, no would be so embarrassing."

However, it's good that Wuchen didn't say anything. The moment he fell, Yuriuston agreed, and he could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Stand still? Is this guy killed now?"

Everyone looked at Wuchen mockingly, as if an adult and a child were fighting. The adult stood still and let the child beat him, and he could easily beat him to death.

"Hehe, crazy guy, you'd better be killed by Julius, then no one can stop me." Subaru Nayuki was extremely excited, without the slightest gratitude.

When Wuchen said, "It's still up to the owner to beat the dog", Nayue Subaru could not wait to swallow Wuchen alive. If he was killed, Nayue Subaru would definitely have a party to celebrate.

He believed that with his own ability, he could also make Emilia the king.

Chapter 2225 Was spiked? 【Second Update】

Nayuki Subaru's heart was full of joy, if it wasn't because of the crowd, and the scene was not suitable, he might have jumped up and clapped his hands.

These days, he has been oppressed by Wuchen, but he is unable to fight back, and his life is extremely difficult, like walking on thin ice.

"Hmph, this guy is too arrogant, he actually stood still and let Julius attack, do you think he is not bad for King Kong?" Subaru Caiyue hummed to himself, after several reincarnations, he told Yuri Wusi's strength is also understood, very powerful, I believe that Wuchen stands and does not fight back, he must be beaten up.

"I just took Emilia to take a look with you. The miserable appearance of your fat head and big ears made you pretend to be forceful!" Subaru Nayuki thought in his heart, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


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