
His brows were slightly wrinkled, and he noticed the runaway chakra in Wuchen's body. Obito's pupils enlarged, revealing a look of astonishment. Even if the content of chakra was not as good as the ten tails in his body, the content was unprecedentedly huge.

"How can there be so many ordinary human beings—"


When the dust-free Chakra came from the earth, the sharp sound of breaking the air suddenly came from the front. When he looked up, the dust-free trace had disappeared, and when he reappeared, it was already in front of him.

"Light speed kick!"

"A good boy has enough seeds and courage to send him to his door to court death!"

Staring at Wuchen, who suddenly came into view, and the flying golden small retreat, Obito sneered again and again, revealing murderous intent, waved his arm gently forward, and the Qiu Daoyu behind him gushed out.

"Tear him apart!"

Seeing that the dust-free calf and the Qiu Dao jade are about to come into contact, Obitu said coldly, any substance that comes into contact with the Qiu Dao jade will be completely erased, no exceptions.

However, the next moment Obito was stunned, his breathing and expression all stagnant.

The black "Gu Dao Jade" easily passed through the golden luster, but what Obito didn't expect was that the dust-free calf did not collapse and disappear because of the contact with the "Gu Dao Jade", but seemed to disappear out of thin air, and ignored it. The existence of "seeking jade".

The calf that can kick the mountain to pieces swept straight towards his head.

"What a joke, how could this happen!"

He cursed inwardly, and when he was shocked, he quickly crossed his arms and blocked his eyes. Such a short distance was not enough time to launch "Shenwei" and "Gu Daoyu" for defense.


The power that was so powerful that it could destroy the sky and destroy the earth rushed straight in, Obito groaned for a lifetime, vomited blood from the corners of his mouth, and the whole person was bombarded to the ground like a cannonball.

"Boom boom boom...

A huge deep pit was smashed into the ground, and the coyote lay on the ground motionless.

"This guy is really a strong pervert. I thought his flesh and body were weaker, but who would have thought that it was as hard as meteorite."

Wuchen in the sky looked at Obito in the deep pit and frowned, his little feet were still slightly numb, where he seemed to have kicked a soft human body just now, giving Wuchen the feeling that he was kicked Like a meteorite!

Staring at Obito who was still lying half-dead in the deep pit, his face was icy cold, his pupils surging with anger, his five fingers were stretched, and all his fingertips were surrounded by a shimmering golden luster.

It is a joke that Ren Zhuli was kicked to death.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Countless small light bullets shot out from the five fingers, roaring down desperately, and the locked target was naturally Obito in the pothole.

After many years, Wuchen no longer learns the tricks of the yellow monkey, and develops many different tricks on his own. The ability of the glittering fruit is to turn his physique into a mysterious thing like light, which has great potential in the future.

"Boom boom boom..."

Intensive golden light fell from the sky, mercilessly devastated Obito, rewriting the appearance of the surface recklessly, like thousands of blades, sharp enough to cut Obito into a stick.

Everyone knows the truth of taking advantage of your illness to kill you, and Wuchen knows it even more.

"This is just the beginning, what can you do with the ten-tailed man's strength? Young master will take everything from you today and use it for your own use!"

The corners of the mouth swept a cold arc, the dust-free face was covered with frost, and the chakra all over the body began to boil, like an erupting volcano.


In an instant, the dust-free body is like a black hole in the universe, madly swallowing and absorbing natural chakra. Whether it is power or content, the chakra full of it can be improved by several grades in a short time.

At the top of the sky, red circular logs were faintly seen falling from the sky, and the number was unpredictable.

"Ming Shenmen!"

"Bang bang bang..."

In the deep pit where the soil was lying, most of the red logs were piled up in an instant, and the crowds filled the pit and stirred up dust.

There is no doubt about the power of Myojin Gate, and Senju Hakuma once even used this technique to suppress the ten tails in a wild state (before he became a human pillar force).

"Boom boom boom... kaka kaka..."

After a moment of calm, strong chakra fluctuations suddenly erupted in the deep pit, roaring violently like a god, the whole earth trembled violently like an earthquake, and at the same time, the red sacred tree that filled the pit also changed. It turned black, and it shattered as if it had been drained of its vitality.

The deep pit was filled with dust, and dark yellow-colored smoke covered the entire sky.

"Do you think this trick of deceiving children can subdue me, should you say that you are naive or should you say that you believe too much in your own strength?"

The mocking and disdainful voice was thrown out of the dust, and a tyrannical chakra shot out. The sand and dust in the sky were suppressed in an instant, and the color of the sky was restored.

"Ignorance and ignorance, what about that fragile wooden dun - you bastard!"

Obito was about to make a mockery of Wuchen, but he was distracted by the pupils that caught his eye, and his face suddenly turned gloomy.

"Sorry for making you wait for a long time, the natural chakra that this technique needs to consume is huge, and the natural chakra absorbed before is used to suppress you... But luckily, the time to suppress you is enough to extract more natural chakra. !"

"Xianfa Mu Dunzhen has thousands of hands on top of it!"

Chapter 278 Beating Obito [Fourth More]


The moment the boundless Buddha appeared, the whole earth began to tremble, beating non-stop, and it was very fragile. It sounds ridiculous, but it is the truth.

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