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Chapter 284 Prelude to the End [Fifth More]

Looking around, I saw Susanoo's head was on the ground, majestic and unyielding, and his whole body was filled with ancient decay. His scarlet eyes were glaring at the void in front of him, revealing a fiery and high fighting intent.

The complete body that contains immortality, Susaneng, is full of sharp edges, surrounded by invincible momentum, magnificent, like the ancient god of war who came out of the time and space tunnel, full of ancient rhyme, and the vicissitudes of the ancient armor is even more silent. Even the irresistible power of time cannot erode him.

The weapon in Susanoo's hand is even more unheard of, unseen, and Wuchen has never used it in past battles, but looking at his shape, it should be a bow and arrow.

Of course, he also knows the goods. If that kid Uchiha Sasuke is here, he will definitely exclaim: Who moved Lao Tzu's precious spiritual bow...

When Wuchen was training Uchiha Sasuke in the past, he defeated him and naturally took everything from him, including his abilities and Susanoo's weapons and many other resources.

"It's time to end..."

Looking blankly at the giant meteorite in the sky that had collapsed, the corners of Wuchen's mouth rose slightly, sketching a relaxed and relieved smile.

This blow will definitely solve Obito, the undead loathsome cockroach!


The grains of soil accumulated from the dust fell from the sky and fell heavily on the ground, smashing into countless deep pits, just like the surface of the moon, with uneven layers of the surface.

Wuchen's pupils narrowed slightly, and when he looked intently, he could see the black spiral sword that pierced through the giant meteorite, which was the Tianzhu spear used by the Six Path Immortals in the past.

"Ten Tais, Ten Tails, the only thing I lack right now is you, wait, I'll take you away right away!"

The generosity in his eyes turned into a dignified, dust-free and radiant Dao, and the tone in his words was full of self-confidence, as if eating the big boss Uchiha Obito.

Looking up, Sanju Complete Body Susanoo suddenly raised his thick and powerful arm, his sturdy right arm was holding a spiritual bow, aiming at the inside of the "Earth Blast Star" where Uchiha Obito was located.

"Just let you see one of my strongest tricks!"

After saying that, the sneer at the corner of Wuchen's mouth was more profound and obvious, and at the same time, with a slight wave of his arm, the black sphere was squeezed with his hands, and it floated quietly in front of Wuchen and swayed gently.

The black sphere is extraordinarily mysterious, and the dark halo reveals the most ancient evil, just like the super existence before the world opened, and it is the mastermind behind the destruction of the world.

This is the terror of Gudaoyu, which can easily create and destroy the world. It is also one of the capitals of Kaguya Otsutsuki in the world.

Wuchen's body does not have chakras with ten tails or nine big-tailed beasts.

Of course, all of this comes from Yuluo Otsutsuki, a woman of peerless elegance.

In my heart, I miss Otsutsuki Yuluo a little, thinking of the graceful and smiling cheeks, and the cute little dimples hanging on the pretty face, Wuchen is particularly satisfied, even if Yuluo usually has a lot of trouble with him, But it is content to advance and retreat, know how to measure.

"What can a husband ask for at this point in life?"

The corners of his mouth raised a strange arc, Wuchen clenched his fists, and at the same time, the jade in front of him shattered, turning into countless black ink floating in the air.

With a gentle wave of Wuchen's hand, the dense black ink fell on Susanohu's bowstring...

"To be annihilated between heaven and earth without a trace is really the most suitable way to die, Obito."

Staring at the meteorite that has gradually collapsed, and the spiral sword that has protruded its head, Wuchen sneered in his heart, the sight in his pupils suddenly solidified, and his body was tense.

"Give it to me!"

As Wuchen's voice fell, the dark ink gathered in the black Ling Gongjian suddenly condensed, and quickly shrank, turning into a black arrow that was several meters long...

And Susanohu picked up the arrow condensed from the jade jade in his left arm, pulled the bowstring to the maximum, and aimed directly at Obito, who was about to break the seal.

Qiudao jade is a black jade that contains all the properties of the power of yin and yang of the five elements. It surpasses the limit of blood and the elimination of blood, and any substance in contact will completely collapse.

So if Obito was shot by an arrow, he would definitely die.


The huge meteorites kept peeling off, and the huge meteorite fragments kept falling to the ground, smashing out countless clear deep pits, and the spiral black sword became more and more obvious.

The line of sight is excellent and dust-free and even sees the soil that is intact.

"As expected of the ten-tailed pillar force, it's really strong and outrageous."

Although Wuchen didn't think that "Earth Burst Star" could seal Obito, he didn't expect that he would break the seal like this, and it didn't cause any impact or damage to him at all.


The voice quickly cooled down, the sullenness of being isolated from the world overflowed on Wuchen's face, and the murderous aura all over his body began to run wild and out of control. At the same time, Susanoh, who was pulling the bowstring tightly, also strengthened his strength again, and the sharp black arrow aimed straight at him. With a soiled abdomen.

"I will kill you completely now!"

He laughed grimly, and Susanohu's arm that was pulling the bowstring suddenly loosened, and the powerful force directly sent the black arrows condensed from the Daoyu Jade flying out...

The place where the target is locked is the heart of Obito...

For people like Uchiha Obito, Wuchen will never show mercy. No matter the current one in the system or the outside Uchiha Obito, as long as there is a chance or when he is not of use value, he will take action. This kind of will not be firm, and it is easy to be killed by people who "mouth escape" to collapse.

Simply compared to the enemy, sometimes the teammates who pit teammates are often much more threatening than the enemy!

Especially Obito's good friend, Nohara Lin, was wiped out by Wuchen. Once he learns the truth, you don't have to think about it and know that this kid will not take revenge on Wuchen at all costs.


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Chapter 285 Ending [First More]

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