In this world, he is like the only giant panda in the world, enshrined by the world, no, even the treatment is higher than this, everyone is doing everything to get closer to him.

Most people don't have good intentions. For example, Qingjing Yuanwu, this fellow has used various methods to win over Wuchen, coercion, inducements, and beauties, but he decisively refused.

"It's better to build a reliable organization by yourself, and I don't know how the research of Scarlet Ohara is." Wuchen muttered to himself, his eyes were a little hesitant.


A fierce wind suddenly came from behind, and Wuchen's pupils shrank suddenly, and a ripple of power erupted in his body.

"The Eighty-One Breaks of the Dao."

In just a short moment of electric light flint, an energy barrier was formed behind Wuchen.


A black shadow whistled, and his fist smashed into the barrier, but there was no reaction at all.

"What is this, it's as hard as a rock, it hurts." The black shadow grinned in pain, his eyes were red, but he didn't expect that stealing chickens would not be able to turn off a handful of rice.

"It's the first time we've met. At least give me a reason to attack me." Wuchen said indifferently: "Although I have a good temper with the female students, it's a different matter for someone like you who deliberately seeks trouble."

"You can try it if you have one!" She, with short blue hair and a ponytail, snorted coldly: "You rascal, the scum who bullies the soft and fears the hard will die soon!"

"Rogue? A scum who bullies the soft and fears the hard? Did you admit the wrong person?" Hearing this, Wuchen frowned. The girl seemed to have a huge misunderstanding of herself.

"Remember my name, it's Lana Linqin!"

As soon as the voice fell, the girl bypassed the defense of the barrier, and attacked from the left side with extreme speed. The powerful fist smashed straight into the dust-free face.

As for Wuchen, it seems that it has not been reflected yet. What is a rogue, a scum who bullies the soft and fears the hard?Over the past few years, I have rarely done anything, and I am completely a good teacher.

"Hey, I got it!"

Lana Linqin laughed and smashed her fist into Wuchen's face.

Chapter 32 Stubborn Girl [First More]

A rather ferocious fist smashed through the dust-free face directly, and the fist sank deep into his head.

"It's miserable, shouldn't you kill someone?"

Seeing this scene, Lana Linqin suddenly felt a little regretful. He beat someone to death as soon as he arrived, and instantly turned from a student to a murderer.

"Little girl, I'm not afraid to hit you when I say it. It's still a hundred thousand years too early for your fragile fist to kill me." , a miraculous recovery.

"Excellent ability."

Lana Linqin looked at the intact dust-free, and couldn't help but be stunned, and then smiled overjoyedly: "It's great that you didn't get hurt, otherwise I'd have a big disaster."

"It's all said, you're still [-] years too early." Wuchen looked at Lana Linqin motionless, and asked bluntly: "Tell me, did you meet that stupid boy Aoi Kazuya, who instigated you Are you going to teach me a lesson?"

"I won't betray my friends." Lana Linqin shook her head like a rattle, and said stubbornly, "You are a pervert and punished for being a pervert. You molested a group of girls in broad daylight. You deserve to be beaten!"

After speaking, Lin Qin showed a cruel expression again.

"It looks like that kid." Wuchen said with great certainty.

"Why are you sure it's him, I just came to this school, no one knows me." Lana Linqin was full of doubts, but it was Aoi and Zai who instigated it, but how is this guy Wuchen so sure?

"Because in this school, he is the only one who doesn't like me." Wuchen said extremely narcissistically: "Except that kid, everyone wants to have a good relationship with me."


For this strange reason, Lana Linqin is really speechless. How can there be such a self-righteous person in the world?

"But then again." Wuchen's eyes focused on Lana Linqin's head, not knowing whether to praise her or sarcasm, and said, "No one can match your brain comprehension skills, I'm just chatting with my students. , but you said I molested them... Being a Pandora may not be suitable for you, but your wild thinking is quite suitable for writers."

"Look down on me?" Lana Linqin's eyes narrowed suddenly, shooting out a dangerous light, comparable to a beast.

"This little girl, hey... The ability to supplement the brain is really strong, where do you think I look down on you?" Seeing this, Wuchen covered her head speechlessly, she was so depressed, she really didn't mean to look down on her.

"But..." Immediately after the conversation, Wuchen twitched his fingers with a rebellious expression, and provocatively said: "If you understand that I look down on you, you can do it. If you want to challenge me, let me go. I will tell you. , that group of students treat me with respect every day, and I haven't fought for a long time, and my body is a little rusty."

When the words fell, Wuchen also raised his middle finger, like a rogue. If he was seen by some students, he would definitely be shocked. How did that gentle and elegant teacher Wuchen suddenly become like this?It's no different from a jerk.

"It's crazy!"

Seeing this, Lana Linqin couldn't help but turn into anger. This guy actually gave him the middle finger. What's the point of thinking that he is easy to bully?


Without further ado, Lana Linqin turned into a gust of wind, roared past, rushed to Wuchen like lightning, and blasted out her tightly clenched fist.

The strength is much stronger than before, and she has to teach Wuchen a good lesson.

"Bang." Wuchen just raised the palm of his hand, grabbed the attacking fist lightly, and said disdainfully: "The speed is barely enough, surpassing most people in the second grade, but ah, still not enough to see!"

Then, Wuchen suddenly grabbed Lana Linqin's little hand and threw it out like a stone.

"Boom boom boom!"

It seemed like a trivial blow, but the power was terrifying and terrifying. It threw Lana Linqin more than ten meters away, and the walls were smashed and cracked.

"Take more care in the future, don't just listen to what others say." Wuchen stood with his hands behind his back, glanced at the girl and turned away.

"Here, here, stop for me, do you think I'm so vulnerable? Kill me in one blow? Dream?" Lana Linqin stood up tremblingly, her feet shaking.

"Can you still stand up?" Wuchen turned his head to look, his face changed a little, and he looked a little surprised.

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