Lana Linqin stared at Wuchen with great interest. It was really a surprise. When I fought with him before, I felt very indifferent, but now it looks completely different. It is much easier to deal with than that kind of iceberg man. .

And because the appearance of Wuchen saved himself, Lana Linqin's favor for him also doubled, and there was rarely a happy smile on his face, and the previous haze was swept away.

"You, you, you... bastards, I can't figure it out. Didn't this guy beat you up before? Are you flirting with this kid now? As long as you stand by my side, I promise to be able to clean up the dust. Get out of this school." Aoi Kazuya was shocked and angry, not sure where the special charm of Wuchen came from, and he beat Lana Linqin before, it stands to reason that the two sides should not die forever, what is it now? Are you wearing a pair of pants?

"There are some things that you can't understand for the rest of your life." Lana Linqin glanced at Kazuya Aoi with disdain.

"As long as you stand by my side, I can give you countless benefits." Kazuya Aoi can only use soft means, "My grandfather is Gengo Aoi, the person in charge of the Pandora project, you should understand the benefits of relying on me. Right? It can make you as powerful as my sister!"

However, in the face of such a huge temptation, Lana Linqin just looked blank, and immediately asked a little embarrassedly: "Well, who is Qingjing Yuanwu?"


Being stimulated like this, Aoi Kazuya vomited blood again, and his head was dizzy.

"What about an interesting girl?"

Wuchen couldn't help but look at Lana Linqin more, then walked to Qingjing Kazuya, slapped him with a slap, stepped on this guy's head, and asked casually, "You jumped out of the window yourself, Or shall I kick you down?"


Hearing this, Qingjing and Zai suddenly screamed and said angrily: "Are you crazy? Do you understand how many floors this is? You have already abolished me, and you still want to kill me? My grandfather will never bypass yours."

"Is it?"

Wuchen's tone was still lazy, and he said in every possible way: "To tell the truth, my current life is really boring, if you die, if your grandfather can take revenge on me, that's just right, right should pass the boring time. already."

After finishing speaking, Wuchen was not wordy, grabbed Aoi Kazuya like a chicken, and walked slowly to the window.

"Stop, you have something to say!"

Falling to the side of the window, Qingjing and Zai looked down, slapped his whole body smartly, and begged for mercy to Wuchen: "You let me go, how about writing off the previous grievances?"

"Will I believe your nonsense?" Wuchen looked at Kazuya Aoi with a sneer, then grabbed his hand and opened it suddenly.

"I will never let you go."

The moment it fell, Kazuya Aoi looked at Wuchen with resentment and roared loudly, and then fell to the ground with a "bang", attracting the attention of many students.

"By the way, you have one more crime - invading the girls' dormitory!" Wuchen said loudly to the downstairs with a bad look on his face, really wanting to play the kid Aoi Kazuya.

"You didn't mean to kill him at all, did you." Lana Linqin walked to Wuchen and looked down. The distance was not very far, and it wasn't enough to kill Kazuya Aoi. After all, he was also trained. How could it be possible? Just die.

"You saw it." Wuchen didn't deny it, and explained: "Anyway, even if this kid is like a fly, which is disgusting, but his sister Qingjing and Ye are also my students, and their private relationship is also different. It's not bad, I'm also a teacher and a friend."

"But you will drive him crazy sooner or later." Lana Linqin said sympathetically, really feeling that Aoi Kazuya might as well die.

"That's none of my business." Wuchen shrugged extremely as a bachelor, with an expression that had nothing to do with me.

"By the way, you should pay more attention in the future. That kid likes to play yin, so I will teach it this time. Don't be trapped by that kid again." .

"What an interesting person." Lana Linqin walked out of the door and glanced at Wuchen, a strange color flashed in her eyes.


Margaret's Principal's Office.

"Really, hey..."

Margaret hung up the phone with a tired face, rubbed her temples with a headache, and said to Wuchen on the sofa, "Did you hear the call just now? Hey, can't you give me peace of mind? "

Aoi Gengo learned the news that Aoi Kazuya was beaten. This time, he learned smart, and he didn't dare to bring people to the school to make trouble, but he called and scolded Wuchen to Principal Margaret.

"What's this, that old boy didn't take any practical action, it just happened that I was bored to death recently." Wuchen looked at the ceiling indifferently, his eyes were full of loss, why didn't he come and ask for trouble?

"You..." Hearing this, Principal Margaret couldn't help laughing and laughing. In the past few years, she knew that Wuchen was like this.

"But this is the end of the matter." Principal Margaret said, "Since Aoi Gengo didn't come to make trouble, it would be best. To be honest, I'm tired of his face."

"No, no, no... It's definitely not as simple as you think. The old man only knew that Aoi and Zai were beaten, but he didn't know anything else. After he understood the truth, he would definitely bring someone to kill him." Wuchen shook his head and said.

"What the hell did you do?" Principal Margaret asked with wide eyes.

"It's okay, just abolish that kid, he won't be a man in the future, and the Qingjing family will be the last."

Wuchen explained casually, but Principal Margaret stood up instantly, and the whole person was petrified.


Chapter 36 Narcissism [First More]

Principal Margaret opened her small mouth, enough to squeeze a fist. She was stunned, staring at Wuchen without blinking. How crazy is this bastard?

"What's so surprising?"

Seeing her stunned look, Wuchen said calmly: "There's no need to be so rude, you are the principal of this school anyway, you just abolished that kid, isn't it just to make the Qingjing family end? When it comes to big things, you can do whatever you need to do, no matter what time you are, you must be calm, understand? Otherwise, you will be laughed at."

"Isn't this a big deal, so can you tell me what counts as a big deal? Is it a big deal to smash the sky?" Principal Margaret's eyelids jumped, and Aoi Yuango would definitely explode when he found out.

Wuchen suddenly said again: "That's just a small matter, yes, and..."

"Don't say it! I'm afraid that I will be scared to death by you, please stop in moderation and let me live for two more years?"

Principal Margaret stared at Wuchen and said with disgust: "You should leave quickly, I'm afraid you will make me mad. You stabbed the big basket at your own risk."


Hearing that, Wuchen just shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and then left without slowness. Really, it's obviously just a big little thing. Do you need to make such a big deal, and not kill that kid.

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