Chapter 44 Phantom Mode [First Update]


Satilesa couldn't help choking, her beautiful eyes seemed to be imprisoned, staying on her dust-free body forever.

If Lucy's strength is enough to shock her, then Wuchen's strength is beyond the scope of cognition. With a single slap, she can slap Lucy, who is ten times or even dozens of times stronger than herself, which really refreshed her. cognition.

"It's all monsters..."

Satilesa clenched her fists, quite unwilling, she didn't expect the gap with Wuchen to be so big, it was a world of difference.

"So strong..."

Not to mention Satylessa, even Lucy, who is a legendary Pandora, changed her face slightly at this moment, and was extremely jealous of Wuchen's unfathomable strength.

"Aren't you going to release the Lightning Weapon to deal with me?" Wuchen stopped and said lightly, "Just now, it's just a warm-up, and then I'll be serious."

A haze suddenly appeared on the dust-free face, "If you are careless, you may die."

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The moment the voice fell, there was a sharp air breaking sound from Wuchen's back, and I saw a black shadow holding a sharp blade and flashing at an extremely fast speed.

"Behind, dust-free!"

Satilesa reminded loudly that she couldn't help but feel stage fright if she wanted to help. Whether it was the legendary Pandora Lucy or the black shadow who suddenly attacked the dust-free, they seemed to be far stronger than herself.


The black shadow roared coldly, and the moment it was close to Wuchen, it rose into the air, and then the falling power, the sharp weapon in his hand slashed at Wuchen.

Wuchen still stared at Lucy without even turning his eyes, completely ignoring the mysterious shadow.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

In the next second, the super repulsive force suddenly erupted, forming a perfect defense around the dust-free surroundings.


This black shadow, obviously did not expect Wuchen to have such an ability, he snorted in pain, suffered a lot of damage, and after spitting out a large mouthful of blood, his body was blasted out.

"My memory doesn't improve at all. What's the point of following that old man, Miss Isuna." Wuchen's tone was full of regret, a little girl who was like a flower like jade, but she was obsessed with Qingjing Yuanwu, the charm of the old man Is it that big?

"And so are you."

Focusing on Lucy's head again, Wuchen turned on the mouth escape mode, "Your name is Lucy, right? We can see the difference in strength between us, why don't you rely on me? I can let your strength Take it to the next level."

"You think I'll believe your nonsense?" Lucy still had a cold face, as cold as ice.

"What a beautiful girl, but she always has a straight face, as if I owe you money." Wuchen couldn't help shaking his head, then said calmly: "We also fought once, you can also feel it, let Trying to do everything is not my opponent."


Lucy was silent, and frankly, the strength Wuchen showed just now really shocked her, almost overwhelming, just like she had crushed Satilaza before, without any resistance.

Finding that the girl was still unmoved, Wuchen continued to fool and said: "Actually, it is only because you have talent that you can attract you. As for your other sisters, they all have personality flaws, and they are ignorant about everything. You're much better, at least you don't have to worry about your IQ."

"You humiliated my sisters?" Lucy's eyes froze, murderous intent awe-inspiring.

"Cut... it's obviously a clone, do you need to be so human?" Wuchen pouted, and Lucy's sturdy eyes had the illusion of being stared at by death.


Lucy's body suddenly released a large piece of blue light, the color like the ocean, extremely dreamy, almost instantaneously, the light spread to a distance of hundreds of meters.

Any creature under this light has a restricted body and cannot move easily.

"This is a field of ice and cleanness that only the controller can release." Wuchen was naturally limited by this field, and said with emotion: "The legendary Pandora is really perfect."

"Whoosh whoosh."

At the same time, a few rays of light erupted from Lucy's back, and the shape of her body also changed. There were lines on her face, and her eyes became more indifferent. Before, there were some humanistic meanings, but after the shape changed, as a Human emotions are completely wiped out.

"Is this entering Pandora mode?"

Wuchen touched her chin and looked at Lucy with great interest. The moment her posture changed, Wuchen felt that she was several times stronger than before and showed her full strength.


Lucy's body suddenly swept out a large white light, and then, her whole person seemed to have plunged into the void, and she staged a dramatic scene from Wuchen's eyes.

The surrounding void, for some unknown reason, bursts of light, flickering and disappearing, quickly approaching Wuchen, you can see the vague outline of the body, it is estimated to be Lucy, but if you grab it, you will be surprised to find There is no entity.

"This is... Phantom Mode?"

Wuchen guessed in a low voice that this skill is quite against the sky, claiming that it is impossible to be captured by vision, only his eyesight is against the sky, can he find these countless flickering white lights, and others can't see anything.

Phantom mode, you can freely shuttle between the major parallel dimensions, choose the most suitable self from the countless existing dimensions, use it to replace the self that exists in the current dimension, and only transmit the consciousness of the current self to the multi-dimensional self, Dimension moves his own existence. Such a sky-defying skill is also extremely harsh to use. Only legendary Pandora and Xifeng can use it.


A loud noise suddenly fell, Wuchen looked down slightly, and found that his abdomen was sunken. Looking more closely, it turned out to be the mark of a fist.

Needless to say, at the moment just now, Wuchen was attacked by Lucy, but he didn't see anyone.

"Sure enough, it's a defiant skill, and it's ridiculously fast."

There was a faint charming smile on the corner of his mouth. Instead of being afraid, Wuchen showed a very interested smile, and said to himself: "I have the most sleazy skills, you can use them, I'm welcome. .."

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