Kakashi glared angrily, his eyes were scarlet, and he burst out with unprecedented murderous aura. In the face of this situation, even his wise ninja was provoked.

In an instant, Kakashi turned into a murderous beast, staring at Wuchen, killing intent high.

"Ah ah ah... You are so cruel, Kakashi, you are just a few innocuous pawns. You and I are both people who came out of the war years, and you even sympathize with them. If I were you, It’s better to think about your own situation.”

Turning a deaf ear to Kakashi's surging murderous aura, Wuchen smiled and said nothing, as if nothing had happened, and he was extraordinarily calm and indifferent.

Seeing Wuchen look like this, without the slightest remorse, Kakashi's pupils are even colder.

"You have completely lost your conscience and fell into a crooked way!"

Labeling Wuchen as a must-kill, Kakashi's indifferent way, some people can turn around even if they fall into the evil way, but some people are on the contrary, Wuchen is a deeply rooted person who has no chance of reining in the precipice.

"Tsk tsk... You people always like to put yourself on the moral high ground and criticize others at will."

Smacking his tongue ~ head, Wuchen also looked at Kakashi with a hopeless look, and said contemptuously: "Evil sect? I feel like the god of creation, giving them new life..."

Looking at Kakashi's eyes, Wuchen said sternly: "Since your Konoha Ninja Village is so good at bewitching people, I might as well serve you this time..."

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, Wuchen raised his eyelids, looked at Kakashi with pity, and said lightly: "The essence of this world is that the weak eat the strong, and the weak are destined to be plundered by the strong on the food chain."

Moreover, the ninja industry makes full use of the principle of feeding the weak, and it is the most common thing to use people's money to eliminate disasters for others.

"Just kill the ants, you don't need to worry about it, Kakashi."

Thinking of the few people who died before, Wuchen has a clear conscience.However, these words suddenly caused Kakashi's violent rebound, staring at Wuchen like a knife, just as he was about to go forward and fight Wuchen, the sudden words made Kakashi's body movements all stagnant. Down, that leaked murderous aura also disappeared.

"I remember that when they died just now, they all looked relieved..."

The redness in his eyes swept away, Kakashi recalled the relief on several people's faces before, and his expression became dazed and fell into contemplation.

Kakashi is not a fool. He is good at expressing emotions about others, and then finds the enemy's flaws. He can see all the changes in the expressions of Shikamaru and the other three.

Just as Wuchen said, Shikamaru and the other three really hated Wuchen in the face of Wuchen, but it was mixed with relief, and Kakashi couldn't understand what it meant.

"Don't understand, Kakashi."

Seeing Kakashi showing confusion, Wuchen said softly: "Your father, Hatake Sakumo, who is known as 'Konoha White Fang', have you forgotten his death... It's miserable enough."

Hatake Sakumo is a tragic hero, cherishing his companions, thinking of others at all times, even willing to sacrifice his life for his companions, and is highly respected by the world, including Wuchen.

However, it is such a well-known hero who has been criticized for failing the mission because of saving his companions, but the method of death is extremely helpless and forced to commit suicide, which is the greatest irony.

Is Konoha White Fang wrong?No, obviously not!

"Humans have stolen chakra and gained god-like abilities... But as the saying goes, there is a cause and an effect, and it is precisely because of stealing the chakra that God should have, humans themselves are caught in the infinite loop made by chakra, and they hate each other. killing."

Wuchen spoke, his voice was particularly vicissitudes, and sarcastically said: "Ninjas are originally deformed products, when the energy of chakra is extracted, it means that the curse begins... Your father did nothing wrong, wrong. It's not him, but this world deeply corrupted and cursed by chakra!"

When Kakashi heard the words, he just kept silent, listened quietly, and tried his best to keep his calm. He knew that the dust-free at the moment was bewitching the crowd.

However, Wuchen still saw Kakashi's mouth twitching slightly, and fleeting hatred flashed in his eyes from time to time. Obviously, he was also angry with his father's death.

Remembering that he is still a ninja of Konoha, but he gritted his teeth and persevered.

"It's useless to continue to hide my inner emotions, Kakashi."

Seeing that Kakashi suppressed the hatred in his heart, Wuchen just smiled indifferently, and said sternly: "Actually, you should also be aware that if there is no more Chakra's power one day, the world will be completely stable. Come down, there will no longer be such a thing as a ninja war..."

The eyes that were as calm as water suddenly swept into the sky with red light, the corners of Wuchen's mouth suddenly raised a sinister smile, and the ambition was flaming, staring at Kakashi's face, and the icy and arrogant voice lingered for a long time.

"I, Uchiha Wuchen, will extract chakra from the whole world, integrate it into my body, let myself inherit all evil, cut off the cycle of karma... Free the world from the chakra cycle curse, what is the crime? !"

"I am not only innocent, but I am the founder of the world's happiness, the strongest savior who destroyed the old world and established a new system!"


Ask for a reward and ask for an automatic full order... At least five changes a day! ! !Naruto has ended recently. Where do you want to vote in the next world? If there is no world, you can leave a message in the comment area and tell me, and I may write in the future!

Chapter 301 Killing Kakashi (Part [-]) [Second]

The eyes reveal the ambition of scarlet enough to devour all things, and the enthusiasm of the dust-free face. If you can obtain the Chakra of the whole world, and at the same time be a savior, this is really the best, even if it is just a false name.

People live, not just to stand out.

Although it is said that Wuchen has obtained countless chakras in the past training, especially after defeating Obito, he obtained the ten-tailed chakra contained in his body, and the content has reached an unprecedented peak~peak level.

But as the saying goes, human beings are greedy ~ greedy, so is the dust-free nature, it would be better if there are more heads and ten tails in the body.

"You, you are arrogant!"

After a while, Kakashi recovered from his trance, and quibble with red-faced ears, even if he agreed with Wuchen's remarks in his heart, he still had to hold on to his position.

After all, it is a state of hostility now, and there is no way that such a hard thing will happen!

"This is an undeniable fact, Kakashi, let me tell you that the so-called chakra is the source of human evil. Since the energy of chakra appeared in this world, the people who survived in the world have survived. Under Chakra's cage, kept in Chakra's cage..."

This is the fact, Wuchen has no false words. Ever since Kaguya got her hands on the Divine Tree, the curse has begun, covering the whole world like a nightmare.

And the initiator is Kaguya's son, Otsutsuki Yui, who is the legendary Six Path Immortal. If he hadn't unlocked the true meaning of chakra and taught it to ordinary humans, simple humans would not necessarily fall into the shackles of human nature. middle.

People are greedy and greedy. When they have power, they will inevitably think about it and go astray. If they are not satisfied with the status quo, they will have evil thoughts. Once they have evil thoughts, they will inevitably reach out to others to satisfy their own material and physical needs. spiritual needs...

In this way, human beings will be caught in an infinite entanglement of cause and effect, and evil will naturally arise.

"Liu Dao Xianren must have heard his mythical stories, but I regret to tell you that Liu Dao Xianren actually survived thousands of years ago, that is, he taught the essence of chakra to the world, and some people think that he It's a super existence like the God of Creation, but I don't think so..."

Ignoring Kakashi's shock, Wuchen's brows suddenly became cold, and he sneered: "Six Path Immortals hoped that Chakra could communicate with everything and become a bridge between each other's hearts, thousands of years of war and smoke but silent explanation. Together, what the Six Path Immortal did was wrong!"

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