The cold voice came suddenly, and the burly man and the little girl were stunned for a moment. They looked towards the place where the voice came from. The dust-free face came slowly, and the wind and snow took the initiative to avoid it. Inserted in his trouser pocket, he actively greeted him, very leisurely, giving the illusion of a walk after dinner.


Wuchen walked to the side of the little girl and raised his palm to say hello.

"Please help me." The frightened little girl threw herself into Wuchen's arms subconsciously, tears in her eyes, and her cold little hands hugged his neck tightly. This was the only life-saving straw.

"Mind your own business, let's die together!" The burly man roared, rushing towards him in anger.

"Amaterasu!" Wuchen's eyes blinked slightly, and the black fire suddenly fell on the person's body, instantly evaporating him, and the body did not fall.

"The bad guy has disappeared, what's your name?" Wuchen rubbed the girl's head, it was so boring in the mountains that no one even spoke, and then asked boredly: "Also, you don't seem to be a normal human being. ."

Wuchen lowered her head and pondered, the little girl in front of her was very similar to a person, and her experience was almost the same - Jiulan Yuki!


Chapter 1 Jiulanshu [fifth more]

Moreover, not only the experience is similar, but Wuchen also discovered that the little girl is not a pure human being. After the right eye became a blue and white Tenseigan, the structure of the little girl's body was completely exposed to Wuchen's eyes.

Being observed by Tenseisen, the little girl shrank her neck suddenly, and was stared at by Wuchen motionless, with the illusion that all her secrets were exposed.

"Sure enough, it's a vampire, but her power and bloodline are sealed by some kind of power. It must be her mother's masterpiece." Wuchen instantly saw where the little girl came from, and under Tensei's observation, any secrets were unobstructed.

Even if the blood of the vampire was sealed, Wuchen also saw the clue.

"Now that you're here, come out, what's the point of hiding?" Wuchen said abruptly to the dense forest on the left, and under the thickest tree stood a dark shadow.

Because of the snow and the strong wind blowing, the visibility was very low, and it was basically impossible to see the other party's face clearly, but his blood-red eyes were particularly terrifying.

"Don't, don't come here!"

The little girl screamed in fright, her body shrank into a ball, and she hugged Wuchen even tighter. The eyes of this mysterious figure were the same as those of the demon who wanted to suck her blood just now, even more purely evil.

After being discovered, the mysterious man was no longer covering up. Luoluo walked over generously and glanced at the little girl for a moment. Then he introduced himself very politely: "Hello, this is the first time we meet, my name is Jiulanshu."

"Sure enough, it's this guy." The doubts in Wuchen's heart suddenly came to light, and Jiu Lanshu looked at the little girl's eyes with warmth, and it was certain that this was his sister Jiulan Yuji.

"Can you give me the child you're holding?" Jiu Lanshu stared at Jiulan Yuji, hardly caring about Wuchen's opinion. No matter what, she would take the little girl away. This is his sister, and it is impossible to give it to her. stranger.

Hearing this, Wuchen's face was slightly cold, and he was a little unhappy in his heart. This guy spoke to him with a hint of order, does he belong to the arrogance of a pure-blood vampire?It's really frustrating.

But it is understandable that Jiulanshu wants to take Jiulan Yuji away. After all, this is his sister, and Wuchen has no right to stop it.

"No, you have the same eyes as that monster, or even worse!" Jiulan Yuki shook her head wildly, her head was almost buried in the dust-free clothes, and her hands were tightly grasping the dust-free neck, even because she was too nervous The relationship, there are blue veins on her hands.

"You heard it too, Mr. Monster, please go ahead." Wuchen issued an expulsion order indifferently, not paying any attention to Jiu Lanshu, who had an ugly face.

"Your Excellency likes to meddle too much, I'm Yuuki's brother." Jiu Lanshu frowned, and put Jiulan Yuji in Wuchen, he was also worried, even if Wuchen saved Yuji just now Can't be careless either.

"This is her own choice." Wuchen looked at Jiu Lanshu quietly, and said slowly: "Even if you are her brother, you must respect your sister's own choice, not to mention the current you, in her eyes, only Just a simple monster..."

Wuchen's remarks were merciless, like a thorn, stabbed into Jiu Lanshu's heart, and his fists were clenched subconsciously.


Jiu Lanshu sighed heavily, suddenly stood in front of Wuchen, and said with a bad face: "No matter what, Yuki is my sister, even if she treats me as a monster, I will not let strangers Take her away!"

Seeing this, Wuchen laughed abruptly, stared at Jiulanshu and blinked, smiling as if he had found a fun toy, and asked with interest: "Can I understand this, if I refuse to cooperate with your order, Are you going to grab it?"

"In any case, Your Excellency is Yuuki's savior. This is an undeniable fact. I am very grateful for this, and I will definitely thank you in the future." Jiu Lanshu said solemnly, and then the conversation changed, "However, even if Your Excellency She is my biological sister, Yuki, do you think I'll give him to a stranger?"

"Little devil, you are too naive." Wuchen scrutinized Jiu Lanshu's scarlet eyes and sneered: "Eyes are the windows to the soul, I only see the possessiveness in your eyes. If you really love yourself Sister, you should respect her will, vampires have left a serious shadow in Yuuki's heart, and she will only live in fear if you leave her, and live like a year."


Jiu Lanshu blinked, the gravel behind Wuchen was suddenly pierced and turned into a piece of debris, his eyes focused on the cold light, "The weather is getting colder and colder, if Yuki gets frostbite here, You don't deserve to die."

"Boy, you have a disease in your head, hurry back to the treatment." Wuchen was even more speechless, obviously he was going to leave, this guy is blocking the road, why is it now turning back?

In fact, Jiulanshu has always misunderstood, and Wuchen has no plans to take Jiulan Yuji away, but Jiulanshu's attitude makes him very uncomfortable and uncomfortable, as if he had eaten gunpowder, although the relationship between humans and vampires There is hatred between them, but Wuchen doesn't owe this kid anything, so he deliberately didn't hand Yuki to this kid.

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vampire knight

Chapter 2 You should be grateful that you are her brother [first more]

Jiu Lanshu's eyes focused on Wuchen. Originally, he didn't want to cause trouble. Because he hurt Wuchen, Yuki would definitely hate him in the future, so he didn't do it for a long time. Who would have thought that she was so stubborn, not cooperating at all, and instead spoke very aggressively, and did not pay attention to Jiu Lanshu at all.

"Although you killed the vampire just now, it's only the lowest level among vampires." Jiu Lanshu's scarlet eyes twitched, carrying a huge deterrent power. If it was an ordinary vampire, he would instantly surrender to him.

"Really, what do you want to express, emphasizing the superiority of being a pure-blood vampire?" Wuchen competed against each other, and suddenly realized that this kid was too arrogant. Maybe a pure-blood vampire is powerful, but it is vulnerable to himself.

"With your strength, as long as I want to..." Jiu Lanshu's eyes widened, bloodshot, and said loudly: "You don't even have the courage to fight in front of me!"


The moment these words fell, the ground around Wuchen collapsed instantly, like a messy spider web, and even the stones were inexplicably shattered, all shattered by Jiu Lanshu's will, and Wuchen also felt that there was a pressure on his head. Mountain.

It is undeniable that Jiulanshu is really different and powerful. It is not only as simple as a pure-blood vampire, but also the ancestor and founder of the Jiulan family. He is ten times older than Wuchen, and his strength is stronger than ordinary pure-blood vampires. many times stronger.

"You...are you too calm?" Jiu Lanshu's eyes froze, facing the deterrence of his own momentum, Wuchen stood motionless in front of him with a calm expression.

"What did you do?" Seeing that Jiu Lanshu looked at herself in surprise, Wuchen couldn't help asking.


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