Taking a sip of the cold air, Jiu Lanshu's mood stabilized a lot. The corner of his mouth outlines a successful conspiracy smile. His ability to play tricks and tricks is also flawless. Lan Li Shi.


& #160;

Chapter 5 Help me take a bath [fourth more]

The Black Lord Academy is hidden in the barren mountains and mountains, and no one cares about it. It is inaccessible and isolated from the world. Because it is a school where vampires and humans coexist, it must not be built in a prosperous city. Ordinary humans do not know the existence of vampires.

Wuchen and Yuji also followed the black master Hui Yan to the school and lived in, and Jiu Lanshu also became the student and dormitory head of the night department.

The black master, Hui Yan, also arranged a wonderful position for Wuchen—the disciplinary committee member, responsible for managing and maintaining school law and order, especially the vampires in the night department.

Although Jiu Lanshu promised that the black master Hui Yan would restrain vampires, no matter what, Jiu Lanshu is a vampire, and as a human being Wuchen is more likely to be trusted.

"Can't you take a bath yourself?"

In the bathroom, Wuchen was helping Yuki to undress. She looked clumsy. Taking off a piece of clothing can waste a few minutes. It's not her fault. He is good at undressing adult girls. touched.

"No." Yuji nodded innocently, full of strangeness to everything, her past memories were sealed, and now she only has memories of Wuchen.

"Really, why did you choose me to bathe you, the black master Hui Yan rushed to give you a bath, but you rejected him, I'm really not good at this kind of drudgery." Wuchen filled the bathtub with hot water, excellent Ji was standing beside him with all his nakedness.

Since Wuchen told the black master Hui Yan that Yuji's surname was temporarily changed to the black master, the guy was overjoyed and found a bunch of candy to tempt Yuji to call him Dad, but the latter ignored it completely.

"The way he looks at me is weird." Yuki whispered, and then asked nervously: "He still has a good relationship with the vampire named Jiulanshu, is the funny uncle also a vampire?"

After speaking, Yuki also showed a frightened expression, harbouring a deep fear of vampires.

"Funny uncle? It's unexpectedly appropriate." Wuchen really didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This nickname is really suitable for the black master Hui Yan.

"But he has no malice towards you, and the black master Hui Yan is not a complete human being. He lived for hundreds of years and is nicknamed the legendary hunter. In fact, you don't have to worry, vampires are not as you imagined. It's terrifying, including Jiu Lanshu, he didn't mean to hurt you, but cared about you very much."

Wuchen put Yuki in the bathtub, picked up the shower gel and rubbed it on her body, and said slowly: "Also, you may be surprised when you know some truths, remember not to look at anyone with tinted glasses. "

Yuki herself is a pure-blood vampire, and Jiu Lanshu is her brother. This is an undeniable fact. In addition, Wuchen intends to find a suitable opportunity to confess all secrets to Yuki, but now is not the right time. Yuuki hates vampires very much, and when she knows she is a vampire, she will inevitably do stupid things.

"Anyway, that guy really hates it to death. He has a straight face all day long. Is he tired? Also, no matter who he looks at, he has a cold face, and he has a superior arrogance in his bones. It's messy like a chicken coop." Youji stuck out her tongue mischievously, and rudely complained about Jiu Lanshu's hairstyle, showing a very obvious rejection of Jiu Lanshu.

"Chicken coop?"

Hearing this, Wuchen couldn't help but stunned for a moment, thinking carefully that Jiulanshu's hair is indeed a little messy. Of course, everyone's aesthetics are different, at least there is a group of Jiulanshu's brain-dead fans in the black master school.

As for the arrogance in his bones, Wuchen does not deny this, because that is the essence of pure blood vampires. Every noble vampire is very proud, not to mention the pure blood Jiulanshu.

"The world is impermanent." Wuchen sighed with emotion. Yuki in the original book didn't hate Jiulanshu, and even was very attached to that guy.

"It seems that because I stole that guy's script, his personal trajectory has been seriously derailed." In the original book, the hero who saved the beauty was Jiu Lanshu, but now the script is completely different. Yuki, who is in danger, destroys the vampire who attacked her.

In fact, all of this should have been done by Jiulanshu, but it was solved by Wuchen, and the relationship between Jiulanshu and Youji was cut off, so he was afraid of vampires, including Jiulanshu.

"It can only be said that it was destined." Everything is so coincidental. Just when Yuuki was in danger, Wuchen appeared and rescued her, which can only show that she and Jiu Lanshu have no relationship.


"What? That bastard is helping my sister bathe? Absolutely not."

In the office of the black master, Hui Yan, Jiu Lanshu's angry roar came. He had always been quiet, and the refined and elegant person was actually angry, and he had an extremely exaggerated black face.

Think about it too, can Jiulanshu not be depressed, his fiancee is bathed by Wuchen, a quasi-enemy, I ask, is there such a fool?It's time to wear a green hat!

"This is Yuji's request, and I can't do anything about it." The black master Hui Yan shrugged helplessly. He wanted to bathe Yuji, but was rejected.


Jiu Lanshu smashed the wall with a punch, and the anger and flames in his heart were raging. He had lived for nearly ten thousand years. A layman, at this moment, I wish I could kill Wuchen to vent my hatred, and I can't even control my emotions. When I heard that Wuchen helped Yuji take a bath, I felt a kind of pain like a knife, and my whole body was burning.

"You must wake up Yuuki's memory as soon as possible, and you can't let that guy continue to take advantage of it." Jiu Lanshu's eyes were penetrating and wise, and if she wanted to wake up Yuuki's memory, it was enough to suck her blood, but the girl was attached to the dust-free almost every day. , so that Jiu Lanshu had no chance to start at all.

& #160;

Chapter 6 I'm the Devil and God [First More]

"There is."

A flash of inspiration flashed across his mind, and a faint smile appeared on Jiu Lanshu's handsome face, and then he left after a few words with the black master Hui Yan.

In his heart, he already had a plan to awaken Yuuki's memory. Although there would be some price to pay, Jiu Lanshu didn't care about it, and it was normal to pay for it.


The next morning, Wuchen was going to patrol the night department, and when he was sick and disgusting at Jiulanshu, an uninvited guest suddenly came to the door.

"Shawnen Ruka?"

As soon as Wuchen opened the door of his house, the beautiful blond girl came to the door. She was still a vampire in the night department and a die-hard fan of Jiu Lanshu.

"Are you here to assassinate me?" After watching the girl for a while, Wuchen said directly: "If so, you are too weak, get out of here, if not, please get out of my house, I don't have time. deal with you."

Hearing this, Zaoyuan Rujia clenched her silver teeth tightly, what is the attitude of this bastard?Being so arrogant in the early morning, could it be that he was kicked up when he was sleeping yesterday?

"Calm down, calm down, calm down... to complete the task given to me by Lord Shu." Hayaoyuan Ruka bit her tongue, the stinging pain made her head clear, and smiled sweetly: "Are you free today?"

"It's strange." Wuchen looked up at the sky, the sun was rising, the weather was warm, and he bowed his head in surprise and said to himself: "The sun didn't rise from the south, why did this tigress smile at me? Could it be that God has revealed a spirit? Which god is so powerful, I must burn some incense sticks for it."


Zaoyuan Ruka's pretty face was covered with a layer of frost, this guy is too presumptuous, obviously this is the first time we meet, do you need to be so hostile and hate yourself?

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