In such a creepy tone, Wuchen said with a smile, Hayaoyuan Ruka trembled even more, this is an out-and-out devil.

"Unfortunately, you not only hurt yourself, but also hurt the people who really care about you. For a mere Jiulanshu, you not only offended me, but also hurt the people who really love you. It's extremely stupid."

Glancing at Zaoyuan Rujia, Wuchen closed her eyes, she really felt worthless for her, it was just boring unrequited love, and Jiu Lanshu always regarded her as a pawn, like a person like Jia Yuanxiao. Really hurt.

& #160;

Chapter 8 Trouble is coming again [First Update]

"As expected of my confidant, you can not only understand my thoughts, but also do the same as me, I really admire it." The black master Hui Yan looked at Wuchen with admiration, with a thick smirk on his face.

Zaoyuan Ruka was stunned, the black master Hui Yan not only did not mean to blame Wuchen, but instead winked, with an ambiguous smile on his face, and an exaggerated thumbs up, no doubt this was a compliment, and a pair of Everyone is like-minded people.

It is worth mentioning that the black master Hui Yan once also fell in love with a vampire, or a pure-blooded vampire called Jiulanshuli, which is Yuji's mother. It's just unrequited love, Jiulanshu. In the end, she married Jiu Lanyou.

"Headmaster, he raped me and should be arrested!"

Hayano Ruka gritted her teeth and reminded, what does this bastard mean?She planned to drive Wuchen out of the academy, but the black master Hui Yan obviously didn't have this idea.

As for Wuchen, he just watched all this silently, but he wanted to see how the black master Hui Yan dealt with it.

"Zaoyuan classmate, you just talk nonsense, you won't win sympathy, you can only make others look down on you." The black master Hui Yan stared at Zaoyuan Ruka, his face suddenly cold, he is not a fool, "If Wuchen wants Rape you, why are you here talking to me now?"

"Well, that's because I resisted with all my strength, and this guy didn't succeed." Hayaoyuan Ruka said after a moment's surprise, "After all, I'm also a vampire, and I'm a nobleman, so I'm definitely not weak."

"Is it?"

The black master Hui Yan was even more unconvinced when he said this, and after debunking her lies, he said unceremoniously: "Even the head of the dormitory of your night department, Jiu Lanshu, did not do it without dust, let alone you, Zaoyuan classmate, he If you really think about you, you have now been dragged away by Wuchen."

"I..." Zaoyuan Rujia moved her lips, her expression was very pale, she was speechless, thinking about it, if Wuchen really planned to rape her, she would not speak here, she must have already dragged into a room...


In the dust-free room, a black shadow suddenly flew out, wearing the uniform of the night department, looking up, it turned out to be Jiulanshu, with a blue nose and a swollen face, and fell to the ground without any image, his face was covered with mud.

The strangest thing was that another person Wuchen walked out of the room.

"Sure enough, it's the same as I guessed, you want to let Hayano Ruka hold me, and then find a chance to sneak in and suck Yuuki's blood, right?"

Wuchen looked at the embarrassed Jiu Lanshu with a sneer, pouted, and said disdainfully: "It's really vulgar and boring, bats are really bats, only you can do this kind of stupid thing, fortunately I stayed wisely. Hidden clone, or you might really succeed, remember, if you want to play next time, play a more advanced strategy."

Wuchen pointed at Zaoyuan Ruka and reminded: "Also, this woman's acting skills are too clumsy. From her unnatural and reluctant expression, I know that there is a conspiracy waiting for me."

After talking about Wuchen, he left directly, too lazy to care about Jiulan Shu, and at the same time glanced at Zaoyuan Ruka from the corner of his eye, and a cold voice invaded her mind.

"Wait for me at night. You can't forget about you falsely accusing me of raping me. I have clear grievances and grievances. Now the whole school treats me as a pervert and a scum, and waits for my revenge."

Zaoyuan Ruka's body trembled a little. To be honest, she was really afraid of Wuchen, especially now that she had offended this guy. Wuchen's reputation had been smeared by her, and she became a street rat and everyone shouted and beaten, so she would never Easily resolve this grievance.

"I'm sorry, Lord Shu, for disappointing you."

Zaoyuan Ruka looked at Jiu Lanshu apologetically, then lowered her head in shame, Jiu Lanshu gave her the order to drag Wuchen away, she even used the excuse of rape, and in the end the plan was still Failed.

"You have disappointed me too much. Maybe it was the biggest mistake to tell you to complete this matter." Jiu Lanshu just glanced at Zaoyuan Ruka lightly, then patted the dust on her body and left with an indifferent expression.

Zaoyuan Ruka stared at Jiulanshu who passed by, his eyes were even more sad, and his heart was full of despair.

"How stupid."

Wuchen, who was far away, turned her head and glanced, not knowing whether to say she was infatuated, or too stupid and naive, Jiu Lanshu himself once said that he just treated them as chess pieces, but a few people were still so persistent.

At this time, there were suddenly several figures in front of Wuchen, and they were all students of the night department.

"What do you mean, are you here to provoke?"

Wuchen looked around, and he was surrounded by people from the night department. Lan Tangying, Jia Yuanxiao, Ichiku Takuma, Zhikui Qianli, Toya Rima and others were all there, staring at him badly.

"You seem to be too arrogant, you dare to treat Lord Shu like that, this is a blasphemy to our king!" The first person to speak was Lan Tangying, who spoke in a very aggressive tone with flames in his eyes.

"That's your king, it's none of my business." Even though he was surrounded by people, Wuchen was accustomed to being indifferent, with a sneering smile on his face.

"Don't be ashamed, you bastard, think we really dare not touch you?"

Several vampires in the night department all clenched their fists, and the dust-free attitude made them angry, especially Lan Tangying, the most unfriendly, continued to warn: "Master Shu said, let us not trouble you, but you bastard I don't know much about fun at all, but I feel uncomfortable looking for Lord Shu. I really think we are afraid that you will fail? Mere humans, don't be too arrogant!"

Since ancient times, vampires have been arrogant and full of contempt for humans.

& #160;

Chapter 9 I am the true ancestor [Second more]

Listening to Lan Tangying and their understanding, it seems that I would like to thank Jiulanshu for his great kindness. The implication is to say that it was not Jiulanshu's order to clean up Wuchen.

"Listen to me, you stinky bats, I just look down on how Jiu Lanshu is, and if you refuse to accept you, come and teach me a lesson." Wuchen's attitude was rebellious, staring at Lan Tangying and said with contempt: "I didn't mean Jiu Lan Shu is rubbish, I mean, everyone present is scum."

"you wanna die."

Several vampires ran wild on the spot, everyone's eyes turned scarlet, their bodies trembled slightly, panting like a cow.

Pure blood vampires absolutely exist within vampires. Lan Tangying and others are also die-hard fans of Jiu Lanshu.

In particular, Lan Tangying has an unparalleled enthusiasm for Jiu Lan Shu.

"Freeze me."

Where Lan Tangying's eyes were focused, Wuchen was frozen alive from his head, his face was covered with thick ice cubes, and his head turned into a hockey puck in the blink of an eye.


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