"I said a few of you, did I make a mistake? Even if there is no limit to my blood, but you are so foolish, sooner or later, I will be drained."

Wuchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In his bed, there were three more girls' carcasses.

Fei Yingxian, Jiulan Yuki, and Zaoyuan Ruka entered the dust-free quilt without resorting to self-inviting, winking like silk, and each one's eyes were full of spring.

"Should I taste my own blood? Don't it really taste like aphrodisiacs!" Wuchen touched the bridge of his nose and muttered to himself, inexplicably speechless. People who sucked their own blood had a kind of morbidity towards him. dependency.

In the past, there was only Ruka Hayao, but now that I joined Yuki and Hiyori, Wuchen really felt that his blood was not enough, and if they sucked it like this, he would be sucked dry sooner or later.

"I don't suck the blood of Wuchen brother, I want to sleep with you tonight." Jiulan Yuji hugged Wuchen's arm and rubbed Wuchen's chest intimately.

"Yes, yes, but you are not allowed to mess around, and you are not allowed to sleep naked." Wuchen warned the girl by scratching her nose, but it didn't matter. Anyway, this is not the first time. Sleep naked.

"What about you two?" Wuchen looked at Zaoyuan Ruka and Fei Yingxian, Zaoyuan Rujia was understandable, but what was this Fei Yingxian doing so much fun?

"Hey hey hey... What do you mean by your indifferent tone?" Fei Yingxian was suddenly unhappy, her beautiful eyes flashed a strong displeased color, and she said with extreme dissatisfaction: "I drank your blood, too. Your servant, what's wrong with getting closer to the master? Don't say it's okay, I'm not leaving now."

After finishing speaking, Fei Yingxian covered her head with the quilt under Wuchen's gaze.

"This, what the fuck... what do you mean? What about your arrogance before? My blood is so toxic, and it has wiped out your original self-esteem? I'll just sell blood in the future." Seeing this strange scene , Wuchen is also drunk, this woman is rogue, and no one can compare.

"Forget it, I'll sleep in another place." Wuchen stood up in his pajamas, and at this moment, Yuuki suddenly jumped onto Wuchen's shoulders and hugged his head tightly.

"When will you grow up..."

Wuchen rubbed his head, and it's not surprising. In the past, Yuki was very dependent on herself. Since she sucked her own blood, she has become more dependent than before, and she is almost inseparable. This may be because vampires belong to blood. Get tethered.

"But since that's the case..."

Wuchen's words stopped abruptly when he reached his lips, and he suddenly frowned, smelling an incomparably evil smell, and the air was inexplicably suppressed.

"This evil smell... is definitely a pure-blood vampire!" Fei Yingxian suddenly emerged from the bed, her eyes shining with wisdom, and frowned at the same time: "And it's not that guy from Jiu Lanshu, strange, this smell is who?"

"This is..."

Wuchen pursed his lips and said with a smile: "You might as well admit it, Jiu Lanshu does have some abilities, and she can always find a group of chess pieces to help out. If I guessed correctly, it should be that guy from Jiulan Li Shi, it's really difficult for Jiulan. I've lost a lot of blood to revive Jiulan Li Shi, I'm really afraid that he will die after losing too much blood."

Under normal circumstances, Jiulan Li Shi would definitely not be able to be resurrected now. Eighty percent of the time, Jiu Lan Shu did a good job and gave his blood to Jiulan Li Shi on his own initiative.

So, this guy woke up from his slumber.

"Master Wuchen, leave this kind of garbage to me." Zaoyuan Ruka sorted her clothes, her beautiful eyes were beating with eagerness to try, and she sucked Wuchen's blood several times, her strength has long since changed from what it used to be. .

When encountering pure blood, Hayazon Ruka is not afraid at all, and even has absolute certainty to kill the opponent.

Unexpectedly, Wuchen just waved his hand and said confidently: "No need for Ruka, Jiulan Li Shi will come by himself. When he came to this school, that guy came for Yuki."

"Ah ah ah... It really smells like a tree."

The black-clothed man standing at the entrance of the Black Lord Academy smelled the special smell in the air, and his face was intoxicated, but in the eyes of others, he looked like a fool.

& #160;

Chapter 35

There is no doubt that Jiulan Li Shi's purpose is Yuji, but Wuchen doesn't have the slightest affection for this brain-dead pervert. It's fine if he doesn't come. Since he's here, he won't want to leave alive for a long time.

"Shuli, I... No, it's Yuki, I'm here..." Jiulan Li Shi showed a bloodthirsty smile on his face, since Jiulan Shuri died, then use Jiulan Yuji to make up for it All right.

For the next half an hour, Jiulan Li Shidu stood there in a daze, thinking back to the past and the little things in the Jiulan tree, sometimes giggling.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

At the same time, a flash of light suddenly appeared in the blue sky ahead. Jiulan Li Shi looked up and saw that the flash was getting closer and closer. The electric light and flint were only seen, it was infinitely close, and it fell on his face extremely arrogantly.


This heavy foot was extremely ferocious and showed no mercy. You could hear the sound of "kakaka" bones shattering, and the bridge of Jiulan Li Shi's nose was directly smashed to pieces.


Jiulan Li Shi was kicked out and vomited blood.

"Who did it?!"

Jiulan Li Shi, who stood up from the ground, grinned, his bones were about to fall apart.

Looking up, a handsome young man appeared in front of his eyes, with an air of unfathomable temperament, especially the pair of black eyes with agility and spirit, very clear, as if he could see through all the secrets.

But this is not the most important thing. What makes Jiulan Li Shihuo hot the most is that this person is actually holding a beautiful girl who looks like a flower and jade. Those blood-red eyes immediately remind Jiulan Li Shi of a dream lover. - In the nine orchid tree.

"Is she Yuki? It smells like blood in the tree... Also, I don't care who you are, I will immediately take your dirty hands off Yuki's shoulders." Jiulan Li Shi was about to explode with anger. He looked up at Wuchen, his eyes cracking.

"You want to kill me?" Wuchen remained unmoved, hugged Yuki tightly, and said with a look of contempt, "What are you, to be honest, I vomited when I smelled your disgusting blood.


Yuuki looked at Jiulan Li Shi with a disgusting expression, hid in Wuchen's arms, her previous memories were awakened, and the past about Jiulan Li Shi also came to mind.

Once, Jiulan Li Shi, a despicable and insidious bastard, used a hunter's weapon to hunt down Yuki's parents, such a villain, how could Yuki forget him?

"Before I kill you, scold you for your crimes..."

Wuchen's eyes focused on Jiulan Li Shi, and he said in a very domineering tone: "I waited for you for a long time, waiting for you to take the initiative to die. As a result, you idiot has been giggling, making me wait for you is really a sin that deserves death."

"Where did this kid come from as an idiot?" Jiulan Li Shi stared at Wuchen uncertainly. If it weren't for Ji Wuchen's strength, he would have slapped this bastard to death long ago.

"Second point..."

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