Jiu Lanshu asked politely, poured a glass of red wine for Egret with a calm demeanor, and then bewitched: "That guy Wuchen is strong and should be invincible in a heads-up battle, but Miss Egret has also heard a sentence— - Ants kill elephants."


Hearing this, the egret suddenly smiled, and the smile was alluring, and everything paled. He blinked his seductive eyes, "Shu, what do you mean by that, we are all ants?"

"In front of that man, we are indeed indistinguishable from ants. I don't want to admit that, but there is no doubt that this is a true fact." Jiu Lanshu said seriously, and there was a touch of thickness in his words. Deeply unwilling.

The dignified pure-blooded vampire is also the ancestor of the Jiulan family. Compared with Wuchen, he is as insignificant as an ant and vulnerable to a single blow.

"Let me think."

The egret opened her lips even thinner, shook the red wine in the goblet, and then took a sip. For Wuchen, she is also determined to win. The bloodline of a vampire surpasses that of pure blood vampires. She really wants the taste of blood. Give it a try.

But there is one thing she is very scruples - Wuchen's strength, even if she doesn't know each other and has never fought before, but it can make old foxes like Jiu Lanshu defeat again and again, and it can be seen that The overwhelming strength of Wuchen.

"Master Shu, the big thing is bad, something big!" Yi Ma Yuan ran in in a panic, and then apologized: "I didn't mean to disturb the two adults, but something really bad happened."

"Let's talk." Jiu Lanshu glanced at Egret Geng, the girl looked calm, she was not angry, and she didn't need to care.

"President of the Hunter's Association, that idiot even challenged Wuchen without my permission, and in less than ten minutes, including himself and hundreds of LovelE's were all beheaded."

Yi Ma Yuan gritted his teeth in anger. In fact, he did not order the president of the Hunter Association to attack Wuchen. It was the guy who couldn't restrain his greed and did it himself. As a result, the whole army was wiped out. !

"Less than ten minutes? Isn't this speed too fast?" Bailu's more beautiful eyes touched a little, and said in surprise, "I'm getting more and more curious about that Wuchen, and I've only seen his photos before. What will happen to his deity, we will wait and see."

"It's a very terrifying man." Jiu Lanshu's face became heavy, and Wuchen's cynical smile suddenly appeared in his mind, his whole body was inexplicably depressed, and his breathing was uncomfortable.

"What do you think, Miss Egret?" Jiu Lanshu looked at Egret Geng again and explained, "If you want to fight Wuchen by yourself, then your wish is doomed to fail."

"Of course I won't be so stupid, after all, you are the lesson for the past." Bailu glanced at Jiu Lanshu with a smile, not knowing whether it was a deliberate sarcasm or an unintentional mistake.

Hearing this, Jiu Lanshu's eyes flashed a gleam of light, he is not an idiot, he can naturally hear the meaning of these words, the corner of his mouth immediately swept a slight arc, and smiled lightly: "It will be a pleasure to cooperate in the future."

"Pleasant to work with."

Egret also smiled, but the viciousness in the depths of his eyes flashed away, and he smiled in his heart: "Jiulanshu, Jiulanshu, you want to use me to deal with Wuchen, right? In fact, our goals are the same, I I also want to use you to deal with that guy, after drinking the blood of Wuchen, I will kill you likewise."

Egret wants to be a unique queen, and Wuchen is a stumbling block, so why not Jiulanshu?All in all, both of them are in their own hands.

Chapter 41 The Great War Will Begin [First Update]

Since the three decided to join forces, although everyone has other goals and ambitions, and they are full of contradictions with each other, but since they want to temporarily join forces to deal with Wuchen, they all try their best to let go of the past, and try to forget the previous unpleasantness, and kill Wuchen. Don't worry about the civil war in the future.

"Master Shu, when will you take action against that guy Wuchen?" Ichigo Mayuan asked respectfully with his head down.

Hearing this, Jiu Lanshu's eyes shot out a bleak cold light, "The sooner the better, after you're ready, you will attack Wuchen and hit that guy by surprise."


At noon three days later, Wuchen's side naturally didn't know their plan. Anyway, there is some conspiracy to come. The soldiers will block the water and cover it with soil.

"What? You're not from this world?"

Wuchen called a few girls over, Fei Yingxian, Jiulan Yuki, Zaoyuan Ruka and others were all there, and they all showed shock when they heard that they were not from this world.

"of course."

Wuchen nodded and admitted, calmly said: "Didn't you also notice that my strength is far greater than that of pure-blooded vampires, in fact, pure-blooded invincibility itself is not wrong, the existence standing at the top of the pyramid... Of course, this is me If the previous rules did not appear, after I appeared, the iron-like rules would naturally not apply."

"Where does the hometown of Mr. Wuchen come from?" Zaoyuan Ruka blinked her eyes, her face was full of smiles, and her small smile made people feel like the Buddha's face in the spring breeze, very comfortable.

After being nourished by Wuchen several times, she became more and more charming, but Fei Yingxian was quite dissatisfied, and the corners of her mouth were still muttering, "Don't be careless, don't be careless, be a little careless, some people will steal it from me. ."

And Jiulan Yuki nodded thoughtfully, but she didn't understand what Fei Yingxian meant at all.

"Cough cough cough..."

Hayaoyuan Ruka coughed awkwardly, and lowered her head a little shyly.What a joke, I am not a little girl, and the thickness of my face is already comparable to a planet.

"My hometown... This question is really difficult to answer." Wuchen sighed, looking confused.

"Could it be that Lord Wuchen has forgotten his hometown?" Zaoyuan Ruka continued to ask curiously, Shui Ling's beautiful eyes filled with anticipation.

"Forgot? Forget the fart, I destroyed it myself." Wuchen complained in his heart that his hometown was the ninja world, and he was buried by himself.

With a slight turn of his eyes, the dust-free plan came to his heart, and he said righteously: "Once upon a time, in my hometown, I had the power of a god, and one day, a bad girl named Kaguya Otsutsuki suddenly rose up. Now, trying to rule the world in vain, at this time I stepped forward to defeat her and save all mankind... The world worshipped me to the extreme, built various temples to worship me, and was sung as a saint every day, and then I got used to it. After this boring life, I traveled the whole universe alone..."

Wuchen said that the sky is full of pomp and spit, and the stars are flying all over the sky, but Fei Yingxian pouted in disdain, and snorted coldly in her heart: "Who are you lying, there are many flaws, who will believe who is..."

Looking at Jiulan Yuki and Zaoyuan Ruka, Fei Yingxian was speechless. The two of them looked at Wuchen with admiration at the moment, completely revered as gods. They obviously thought Wuchen's words were true. real.

"Brain powder." Fei Yingxian couldn't help laughing at this, even if Wuchen was talking nonsense, the two of them believed it.

After a while, the two women finally recovered from the shock, Zaoyuan Ruka looked at Wuchen with anticipation, and respectfully asked: "Master Wuchen, can you take us with you when you leave? "

Jiulan Yuki was also looking forward to it. Her parents had died, and she planned to follow Wuchen in the future.

"I really can't do anything about you guys. It's very troublesome, but for the sake of your loyalty, I'll agree to it." .

"Boom boom boom."

Suddenly, a violent explosion resounded in the sky, and the quiet Black Lord Academy was broken in an instant. Wuchen and others also walked to the window and looked away. A large number of vampires rushed into the Black Lord Academy. Amazing, and they are not so-called LovelE, but serious vampires, and some are even noble.

"It's finally here." Seeing this, the cold light in Wuchen's eyes flashed away, and you don't have to think about it to know that Jiu Lanshu's bastard brought his friends and friends to ask for trouble.

"It's her."

Wuchen's right eye suddenly turned into a beautiful blue and white eye. Under Tensei's insight, he could see the scene dozens of kilometers away at a glance. In the farthest black car, he clearly saw a sight. A blond beauty and Jiu Lanshu stood together.

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