The moment Wuchen's voice fell, Dongchengxun's whole body erupted with a terrifying momentum fluctuation. He released an emerald-colored light from his body, and an ancient howl came from the void, shocking people, as if it was a dragon roar from ancient times.

"That's it?" Seeing this, Wuchen grinned. Before, he treated Dongcheng News as a human being, but now he is directly split into a beast!

In a trance, he saw a dark dragon... No, it is more appropriate to say that it is a dark dragon.

"If you're looking for excitement, I'll do it for you!"

Wuchen squinted his eyes, and his body was raging with ferocious power. When he opened his eyes again, his left eye had turned into a terrifying reincarnation writing wheel.

These eyes are very mysterious, strange, and majestic... Being looked at by these eyes, for some reason, Dongcheng Xun, who has always been confident in his own strength, suddenly feels so insignificant.

"Get over here!" Wuchen suddenly shouted, and one of his hands suddenly grabbed Dongcheng News, a deep black hole appeared in the palm of his hand, "Vientiane Tianyin!"

In an instant, a huge gravitational force erupted, and the moment Dongcheng News, which was still standing firmly before, was touched by the gravitational force, like a kite with a broken string, and its body flew to Wuchen in an instant.

He was extremely horrified. This scene was unexpected, and he said to himself in surprise: "That kind of it a pupil technique? It's so strong."

Under the control of Samsara Shaker, Dongcheng News was manipulated like a puppet, he was completely powerless to resist, and the invincible God of War was like a bug at the moment.

Of course, it's not that his strength is too weak. In this world, Dongcheng News is one of the strongest at the top of the pyramid, but this guy is very unlucky. He met Wuchen from other dimensions, and he deserved to be hanged, not to mention this Reincarnation writing wheel eye.

"I want to see how different you are." Dongcheng Xun, who was sucked in, clenched his hands into fists and slammed into Wuchen's face.


His head was as fragile as a watermelon, and it was blown up on the spot, emitting a lot of light.

"What kind of creature is this kid?"

Dongcheng News is stunned, any creature's head is blown up, shouldn't it be blood that floats out?What the hell are these golden lights floating in the sky?

Wuchen's strangeness has never been seen before, beyond the cognition of Dongcheng News.


A large number of vortices suddenly floated in the void, looking at the sky, Dongcheng Xun felt inexplicably uneasy, not because he had never seen the world and was frightened by the enemy, but Wuchen was really strange and unpredictable.

Dongcheng News has a feeling that this kid is more difficult and difficult to deal with than any enemy he has encountered in the past.

Chapter 6 News from Dongcheng that was beaten [First Update]

Dongcheng News stared at Wuchen intently, but in fact he was extremely surprised.

Before seeing Wuchen, Dongcheng News always thought that this guy was just an ordinary human being, and he would definitely be cleaned up by Mio and Maria. Who would have guessed that this kid wouldn't say anything, and it was a shock.

It can be concluded that Wuchen is neither a demon, nor a god, nor a hero, nor any other race, but an ordinary human being, but in front of this frivolous young man, Dongcheng News is inexplicably false.

"I'm sorry..." Wuchen's eyes shot a cold cold light, and his mouth spit out cold air, "Will you please die?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The voice fell, and all kinds of magical weapons and weapons in the void fell from the sky, cut through the vast sky, and shot thousands of weapons at one time, crushing them like a torrential rain.


Dongcheng News, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the negotiation failed. He chose to go all out. Emerald light radiated from his body. His fists exuded majestic destructive power. With a punch, the emerald light turned into a tide of energy, forming a huge beam of light. Followed by.

"Boom boom, kaka kaka..."

Not to mention, Dongcheng News has two brushes. The dozens of magical weapons that came from the front were all annihilated by the bright green light, and they were smashed into pieces of slag, and they disappeared with the breeze. , drifting into the distance.

"Hmph, it's just too many, it's just not useful."

After successfully repelling a wave of incoming weapons, Dongchengxun is full of confidence, and it is much easier to deal with than expected. If this is the case, I really don’t know where Wuchen got the capital to compete with myself, it’s just courting death .

However, Wuchen was always silent, and he also noticed the change in Dongchengxun's demeanor, and he was cautious and turned into contempt.

"I don't know how high the sky is if I have a little strength. I have seen this kind of person a lot over the past thousand years." Wuchen shook his head slightly, and he waved his big hand suddenly, and the weapon entrenched in the void fell from the sky again.

"Still blow you up!"

Dongcheng Xun let out a long whistle, and he kicked the ground hard with both feet, and even flew to the sky, his tight right fist blasted a rough light, and smashed again at the falling weapon.


This ferocious punch hit all kinds of weapons, causing them to tremble fiercely, and some were directly blown away alive.

"It's fragile."

Dongchengxun, who landed on the ground, took a cigarette, and then spit out a mouthful of eye circles, and said disdainfully: "It's the same as before, but it was blown to pieces in the end...


It was at this time that a dangerous sound of breaking through the sky pierced the sky, very harsh, with a great vibration.

Dongcheng News also naturally paid attention. When he looked at the sky again, the vibration had disappeared. Instead, his abdomen felt inexplicably tingling, and his body seemed to be crushed.

Looking down subconsciously, Dongcheng News's pupils could not help shrinking.


A sharp golden spear pierced through his body, shattering Dongchengxun's internal organs, and there was a blood hole in his chest.

"How, how is this possible?!"

Dongcheng News was piercing the pain and sweating, these fragile pieces of copper and iron can actually penetrate his body?His eyes widened in disbelief.


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