"Uh..." Wan Liya was stunned for a moment, but Wuchen guessed it at once, and then smiled evilly: "As long as you use a drop, you will..."

"Very good, feed this bottle of medicine to Yuxi." Wuchen pointed at Yuxi with a wicked smile, and one sentence made her face pale.

Now she is in extreme pain, and her body is about to be burned. If she is fed this bottle of medicine...

"Never!" Thinking of the terrible consequences, Yuxi was completely afraid.

However, it was useless at all, Wuchen glanced at Maria, who nodded immediately and parted Yuxi's lips.

"Don't hurt my sister, she was just deceived by that Dongcheng Basara." Hu Tao stood up to plead, and Shui Lingling's eyes were full of fear.

She was also tortured and scared. She was cursed to lose her temper. If she challenged Wuchen a little, she would end up like Yuki.

"I just told your sister to forget about that kid." Wuchen said flatly, then glanced at Maria again, and she decisively poured all the medicine into Yuxi's mouth.

"Ah ah ah..."

A few seconds later, Yuxi screamed again, sounding very excited, but her facial expression looked tormented, her voice was soft, her skin was dark red, she lay on the ground uncontrollably, and rolled herself. The clothes were all shredded, and the perfect carcass was exposed to dust-free eyes.

Not only that, Yuxi took the initiative to approach Wuchen, picked up Wuchen's arm and placed it on her career line, with a flattering expression on her face, the meaning was obvious, she hoped that Wuchen would touch her to reduce the impact of the curse. .

However, from the beginning to the end, Wuchen is the appearance of an old monk who has entered the meditation. He didn't even look at Youxi, and only the unforgettable lessons can make this little girl have a little memory. The more torture, the slower Forget about that kid.

Although this method is shameless and even maddening, Wuchen never cares about the opinions of others. All he cares about is the result, the process is not important, and the winner is king.

Chapter 25 Take down Yuki Nonaka [Second More]

Looking closely, Yuxi was rolling over and over on the ground, her body was burning red, and she looked extremely uncomfortable. No matter how much she pleaded for Wuchen, she was ignored and ignored.

"I'm really about to be broken." Yuxi knelt down in front of Shang Wuchen, her voice flattering, "I really don't dare next time."

"Do you think I will believe it?" Wuchen asked calmly as a breeze, a hundred people didn't believe it.

Tojo Basara is her childhood sweetheart, how could it be so easy to forget?

Therefore, Wuchen still let it go, and let Yuxi be tortured by the curse.

However, Yu Xike, who was being forced, really went crazy. She jumped directly on the sofa. Those thin lips would block Wuchen's dry lips, and the tip of her tongue would invade Wuchen's mouth.

More directly, she directly picked up the dust-free big hand and stuffed it into the fat times.

"Sister, you..."

Seeing this scene, Hu Tao couldn't help but be dumbfounded. The older sister in my memory has always been very reserved. When did she start taking such initiative.

"What am I supposed to do?"

And Hu Tao's heart is also quite complicated, because she hates Wuchen, forcing her sisters to sign a master-servant contract, but she also admits it. Being killed is already considered lucky.

At this time, Hu Tao was very contradictory. She knew that the old sister had been secretly in love with Tojo Basara. For this guy, Hu Tao was even more disgusted than Wu Chen.

"So comfortable..."

Yuxi's pleasant voice suddenly came, and when Wuchen's hands touched her body, she felt that she was floating on the clouds, extremely comfortable, with a look of enjoyment on her face.

"Let's go out, Maria." Mio, who couldn't stand the shouting, blushed with shame and dragged Maria away.

The latter was unwilling, and she was anxious to take pictures and videos.

As for Hu Tao, she left with a blushing face. Hearing her sister's soft cry, she was also inexplicably hot, like a chain reaction. After listening for a long time, she was afraid that she would not be normal.

"Really... I hope you didn't lie to me, or I really don't care about you next time."

Wuchen, who was pushed down on the sofa by Yuxi, suddenly turned over and overwhelmed him in turn.

It didn't take long for a thought-provoking crash to be heard.


After about a few hours, the war between Wuchen and Yuxi finally stopped, and the sofa had to be replaced because there was a bright red that was visible to the naked eye.

After recovering, Yuxi looked complicated, and her eyes were full of contradictions when she looked at Wuchen. Naturally, she hated this guy, but what should not have happened happened.

"Come on."

Wuchen got dressed, looked out the window, and then drank a cup of hot coffee comfortably, "Who made me better than you?"

A simple sentence interprets the essence of this world, the world of the weak, where the strong can dominate the fate of the weak. This is an eternal truth.

"Ta Ta Ta Ta..."

The sound of messy footsteps suddenly came from outside the room, and Yuxi was startled. When she was about to get dressed, the door was already opened.

"Master, this woman said she wants to see you."

Maria brought Hasegawa in, and the naked Yuki was clearly seen by the two of them, and the space still exuded a lewd smell that had not yet dissipated.

"sit down."

Compared to Yuxi, whose face was flushed, dust-free was much more normal, and it was outrageous to be calm.

"It sure is a pervert."

Glancing at Yin Hong on the sofa, Hasegawa snorted coldly, then sniffed the smell of sweat mixed with men and women, and his expression was also extremely unnatural.

As for Maria, this little girl gave Wuchen a thumbs up with an expression of admiration on her face. She knew that she would have installed a camera in this house!

Yuxi quickly put on her clothes and fled away like a frightened bird.

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