It was because Zolkir caught Maria's mother that the girl had to bow her head.

"Pay attention to your attitude Maria, I represent Lord Zokiel." Jester snorted coldly, in this world, there is nothing despicable that is not despicable, and the trick that can make people bow their heads is a masterpiece.

Maria gritted her teeth in anger, tears were rolling in her beautiful eyes, she didn't want to lose face in front of the enemy, so she never cried.

"It's impossible to kill Wuchen, I don't have that certainty..." Maria was silent for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said, "I can bring Mio-sama to Zokiel on condition that he let my mother go."

Hearing this, Jester was silent for a while, and then said in a deep voice: "I can't decide this matter, wait for the order of Lord Zokyr."

After speaking, Jester left silently, leaving only Maria, who was in a state of despair. Her heart was aching like a knife. Although she was Zokiel's undercover agent, Maria had always treated Mio with sincerity and sincerity. .

Chapter 27 The Barb Released [First More]

"Where do you want to go?"

Just as Jester came out of the coffee shop, she was stopped by a light voice. At first, she thought it was someone else, because she had no acquaintance here at all.

Jest stopped and moved again, and she wanted to report the situation here to Zokiel.

But not long after, the voice came again.

"How dare you ignore me, that little girl named Jester."

Jester was stunned for a moment, then turned back instantly, staring at the black-haired young man with a flash of astonishment.

"No dust!?" Jester's heart was full of waves, didn't this guy leave?

"Don't be so shocked."

Wuchen smiled lightly, and there was a contempt on the corner of his mouth, "Take care of those gods, my clone is enough."

"Master Wuchen!"

At the same time, Maria, who came out of the coffee shop, also found Wuchen, her eyes widened to the extreme.

"Maria, you're not too timid, even I dare to lie." Wuchen glanced at Maria, his tone was neither salty nor light, unable to hear joy or anger.

"I'm sorry master, I was also forced to be helpless."

Maria knelt down suddenly, her voice choked, her nose sour, and tears welled up from her eyes, "My mother was caught by Zokiel, they threatened me to kill you, or they would kill my mother, So, so I... ask your forgiveness."

"You bastard!"

Jester's face was ashen. He didn't expect that Maria would betray Zokiel in his own face.

"Of course I know this." Wuchen responded. As a traveler, he naturally understood Maria's difficulties. "Otherwise, I would have killed you long ago!"

Hearing this, Maria shivered suddenly. Hearing the strong killing intent in Wuchen's tone, she didn't dare to have the slightest suspicion.

"Xuuuuuu!" Suddenly, countless magic light bullets were shot in the face, rushing towards the dust-free cheeks.

And the person who launched the attack was Jester.

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of explosions occurred spontaneously, and Wuchen's head was blown to pieces, instantly becoming a headless corpse, and golden photons floated out from the bursting skull.

"Hmph, crazy guy, you are too careless." Jester's face showed a winner's smile, very bright, naively thinking that he had killed Wuchen.

It's ridiculous to have a stupid and ignorant idea!

"How dare you betray Lord Zokiel..."

After eliminating Wuchen, Jester's gaze instantly became extremely cruel, staring into Maria's eyes, his murderous intent undisguised.

"Your master is also dead, it seems that guy is just a vain name." Jester glanced at Wuchen disdainfully, pointed to his corpse and said, "A little bit of strength is arrogant, how can such a person be with Zoji. Sir..."

"Can you stop comparing me to that trash?"

Ripples suddenly swept across the void, and Wuchen's cold voice came again, lingering in Jester's heart for a long time.

"This guy is really haunted." Jester spat in a low voice, with endless confusion and surprise in his words.

They've been beaten to the point where they're out of shape, but they can still be restored to their former self. Dare to be a little more shameless?

"Go on."

Wuchen wiggled his fingers, with a deep contempt at the corner of his mouth, "Let me see how high-level Zokiel's idiot's subordinates really are."

"Pay attention to your tone..." Hearing that Wuchen humiliated Zokiel, Jest's delicate cheeks showed anger.

To others, Zokiel is a despicable person, but to Jest, she is a god-like existence, her everything. Her own god has been insulted. As the most devout believer, she will naturally fight back. .

However, Jester never dared to act rashly, clenched his silver teeth tightly, and looked at Wuchen with resentment.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Suddenly, a dazzling light flashed from Jester's hand, a lavender magic circle suddenly flashed, and a large number of light bullets were fired.

It is worth mentioning that these magic light bombs are not aimed at Wuchen, but blasted at Maria who was caught off guard.

"Boom boom boom!"

Maria was engulfed by huge flames. She was caught off guard and did not expect that Jest would sneak up on her. Maria was burned by the fire, and she could even hear a slight scream.

Seeing this, Wuchen just frowned, this kind of attack is difficult to kill Maria, it can only cause simple skin trauma, it's okay to make this little girl suffer a little bit, in fact, if she takes the initiative to say it, Wuchen doesn't mind helping her. once.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

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