"Could it be that you did something to your elder sister? For example, modifying the memory." At this moment, Hasegawa's eyes exuded fierce hostility, she looked at Wuchen, her eyes were like a god who came out of the sheath. sword.

"Damn, it's none of my business!" Hearing this, Wuchen rolled his eyes, but he didn't do anything to this woman. He didn't know why Rafaelin suddenly had such thoughts.

"The real biological mother of Tojo Basara is not me, but the sister of Demon King Wilbert, Sephia. At that time, the demons and the brave clan were at war, and Sephia transferred the child in her stomach to me because of her identity. In my body... Later, because of this incident, I returned to the heaven and suffered severe punishment, and even nearly died a few times, I have been in Dongcheng News that man came to save me, but this is as ridiculous as a dream!"

At the end of the day, Rafaelin looked like she was gnashing her teeth. Seeing her disheveled and bleak expression made people feel pity. As a god, she was supposed to keep her youth forever, but there were some wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, obviously suffering from inhuman treatment.

"This woman is really unreasonable!"

Hearing this, Wuchen was speechless. Why didn't Dongcheng News save Rafa Irene?Certainly not alone and happy. Although Dongcheng News is powerful, it is not enough to rescue Rafa Irene from the gods in the heavens.

Not everyone has the same power to destroy the world as Wuchen.

"Then what are you going to do with Tojo Basara?"

Wuchen asked curiously, no matter what, Tojo Basara fell out of Rafaelin's stomach.

Sure enough, when it came to this sensitive topic, Rafa Irene was silent for a while, and she didn't know how to answer for a while. Maybe the answer would make Wuchen dissatisfied and fall on the spot.

Chapter 29 Raphaelin's Choice [First Update]

Sweat slowly fell from Rafaelin's forehead, and her face was full of embarrassment. Although Dongcheng Basin was not the one who committed suicide, there is no doubt that the kid definitely fell out of her stomach.

"Sister Sister..." Looking at the embarrassed Rafa Irene, Hasegawa was quite annoyed. In her opinion, Wuchen was difficult for a strong man.

"If we meet, I'll kill him!" After a moment of contemplation, Rafa Irene spoke astonishingly, and one sentence made Hasegawa stunned.

"It's not like lying." Wuchen stared at Rafa Irene for a few times, the cold light in his eyes was quite deep and could stab a person's skin.

"hope so."

Wuchen nodded lightly, in fact, he said casually that the next time he encounters that kid from Dongcheng Basara, he will destroy him without hesitation.

"If possible, I would like to stay with you temporarily." Looking at Wuchen's indifferent cheeks, Rafaelin blushed and said embarrassedly.

"You can choose a bodyguard." Wuchen took a deep look at Rafa Ai Lin, she did not like herself, when she killed the gods in the heavens before, there were still many fish that slipped through the net, Rafa Ai Lin has been tortured a lot, and her strength has not recovered yet, and she needs dust-free protection.

"Yes, but..." Looking at Rafa Irene's enchanting body, Wuchen said righteously: "You can live here if you want, but you also need to pay some rent. I know you don't have much money, why don't you? So, just…”

"Sign the master-servant contract." Glancing at Rafa Irene, Wuchen said seriously.

"Master-servant contract?!"

The corners of Rafa Irene's mouth twitched wildly. As a god in the heavens, she naturally understands what this contract means. Isn't it the same as selling herself to Wuchen?

"Boom boom boom..."

Hasegawa's whole body erupted with dazzling light, and a supreme momentum rushed towards Wuchen like the top of Mount Tai.

"Don't go too far, you pervert!" Hasegawa glared at him. This bastard was simply insane. He signed a master-servant contract with himself before, and now he is harassing her most respected sister. It is really unforgivable!

"Whatever you want, I don't care." Wuchen shrugged in disapproval and said lightly, "Maria, let's go, that little girl from Jester has gone back."

"Thank you, master."

Hearing this, Maria bowed to Wuchen extremely respectfully. If Wuchen hadn't helped, she might never have rescued her mother in her life.

"I don't know what's wrong... It's a blessing for the two of you to be seen by the master." Glancing at Hasegawa and Rafa Irene, Maria pouted in disdain.

In this world where the weak eats the strong, the strong can dominate the weak at will, and there is no problem that cannot be solved by fists. In Maria's view, it is very lucky to be valued by the strong with absolute power like Wuchen. Where are you going? They will be feared by others, but some people still maintain the so-called reserved, which is too ridiculous.

"I didn't force you to do it yourself. Anyway, there is no pie falling in vain from the sky. If you want to get my shelter, you must pay a certain price."

Wuchen shrugged, and immediately jumped out of the window with Maria, leaving only Hasegawa with a displeased face and Rafa Irene with a contemplative face.

"Sister, don't listen to that guy, I'll tell you, he's an out-and-out pervert. Forcing you to sign a master-servant contract is what he wants to do..." At the end, Hasegawa couldn't say anything, his face flushed red .

"I think he has some truth in what he said." The beautiful face outlined a breathtaking smile, and Rafaelin said softly: "Don't you think what he said is right? There is no free lunch in the world, and I have lost a lot of money. It is normal for some forces to seek a shelter and pay some price."

"That guy is cheap..." Hasegawa sighed faintly, and reluctantly compromised. There are several gods who ran out of the heavens. In case of seeking revenge on Rafa Irene, frankly speaking, it is impossible to rely on her power alone. I can't stop it, I can only seek dust-free shelter.

"That woman really didn't know what to do, and she refused the master's conditions." On the sparsely populated street, Maria and Wuchen walked side by side, and through the Chakra left on Jester, she sensed that she had returned to Zoki Er's lair.

"Some hesitation is normal. After all, the other party is a serious god. Even an ordinary person should think about signing a master-servant contract. This is equivalent to selling himself."

Wuchen said eloquently, but he could understand Rafa Irene, who would hesitate when such a thing falls on anyone.


At the same time, another location, in the gloomy castle, was empty, deadly depressing, and there was a smell of decay everywhere.

"Lord Zokiel..."

In a quiet secret room, Jester knelt on one knee, and on the throne in front of her, the old and strong Zokiel sat comfortably, he hugged from left to right, and caressed the beauties on both sides.

"Did you fail Jeste?" Zokiel looked at the beauty in his arms with a wicked smile, as if speaking to the air.

"I'm sorry, Lord Zokiel, the information is wrong, that guy Wuchen didn't leave, I'm not his opponent, and it's that guy's carelessness to be able to escape." Jester said ashamed, and never dared to look up.

"Hmph, that damn little brat, ruining my plan over and over again, and falling into my hands to make his life worse than death." Zokiel's turbid old eyes were filled with astonishing malice, and the space became cold.

"The old guy said it nicely, but he would actually hide the dog's barking. I'm upset, why don't you dare to find me in person?"

There was a ripple in the void, and Wuchen and Maria suddenly appeared like ghosts. Seeing this, Jester and Zokiel were both dumbfounded. How did this guy appear?

Chapter 30 Miserable Fate [First Update]

Wuchen suddenly came, still in such a strange way, as if the ghost suddenly materialized. Both Jester and Zokyr frowned, as if they had seen a ghost, and they were shocked.

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