
Seeing this, Zokyr's face was ferocious, and he scolded and roared: "You bitch, what are you still doing in a daze? Kill him for me!"

Zokyel glared at Jester and yelled, his hoarse voice hysterical.


Wuchen grinned, sneering without concealment, and said with contempt: "Smelly old man, how did you climb to this position? You are useless, and you can vent your anger on a woman's head?"

When Jester heard the words, his beautiful eyes were dull, as if covered with a layer of dirt, and his heart was extremely desperate, and he was completely disappointed with Zokiel.

"A boy with sharp teeth and a sharp mouth." Zokyer hummed angrily, and then said with a sinister smile: "Jie Jie...Very good, you have successfully provoked the old man, feel the anger of the old man."

After speaking, Zokiel's body lost its texture and disappeared from the dust-free sight.

Wuchen raised his brows and said lightly, "I will still be invisible. It seems to be very good. I hope it will be more interesting."

"Hahahaha... Just pretend to be calm, you stinky brat, and I'll make you cry later!" There were ripples in the space, Zokyr's crazy tone resounded in all directions, unable to determine the specific location, there seemed to be countless Zokyrs Talk at the same time.

"Jie Jie... Let's start with this guy first."

The invisible Zokiel was ferocious, and he approached like a ghost, but the target was not Wuchen and Maria, but the wandering Jest.

Perhaps in his opinion, Jest, who is a traitor, is even more hateful and must be executed.


Zokiel, holding a large knife, approached Jester. The knife was like a demon knife that slashed iron like mud, exuding bursts of powerful power fluctuations, covered with a layer of cold light.


The blade swept towards Jester and fell from the sky, Zokiel wanted to split the girl's head.

"You think I am the air?"

The cold voice suddenly came, Zokiel suddenly stagnates, and the cold wind blows from behind, he subconsciously retracts his arms, turns his head to look at the moment of Wuchen, his eyes suddenly shrink, "You...can you see me? ?"

Zokiel's heart made waves, it was incredible!


There was a sneer on Wuchen's face, and he said contemptuously: "Even if your body disappears, there is no way to hide your breath, understand?"

In this air, there is still the smell of Zokiel, and there is no need to use it even if it is clean and domineering.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Wuchen turned into a light and shadow and flashed out in front of Zokiel at a lightning speed. The old guy didn't even have the time to react, and a stinky foot greeted him on his cheek.

"Bang, kakakaka!"

Zokyr was kicked flying on the spot, his face was sunken, blood was flowing, and the bridge of his nose was directly kicked alive.

"Boom boom boom..."

His body smashed several walls, and the old guy screamed and fell in a pool of blood.

"This old man is very strong." Wuchen muttered, "It's a pity that he didn't blow his head with one kick."

"Why are you still here in a daze?" Wuchen looked at Maria and said in a low voice, "Now is a good opportunity to save your mother."

Hearing this, Wan Liya's beautiful eyes showed a gleam of gratitude, "Thank you, Master."

After speaking, Maria disappeared, searching around for her mother's whereabouts.

"As for you..."

Wuchen lowered her head and stared at Jester, capturing the despair in her eyes, as if she no longer had any nostalgia for the world.

"Are you planning to commit suicide? It's not worth it for that kind of person." Wuchen shook his head gently, Zokiel, just a simple scum, while Jester is a loyal person.

"It's not worth being buried with this kind of person." Wuchen reminded with kindness, "He doesn't have that qualification, you can get revenge on him better."


When Wuchen said this, Jester was stunned, and then fell silent again. She couldn't talk about hatred for Zokiel, after all, Jester was created by him.

"Don't get me wrong..."

Wuchen glanced at Jester and said calmly, "When I say revenge on him, I don't mean to let you kill him. I will decide the old man's life!"

Immediately afterwards, Wuchen's words suddenly turned and he said slowly: "There are many ways to get revenge on a person. If he wants you to die, the more you have to live, and it will be more exciting than before!"

"Damn it, damn it, damn it..."

Suddenly, the hysterical roar of the beast exploded. Wuchen squinted his eyes and looked over. Zokiel, who was covered in blood, appeared in his eyes. Even though his bones were broken, this guy was still staring at himself angrily, wishing he could die together.


He waved his big hand again, and a large number of magic light bombs roared.

"Boom boom boom..."

The light slammed into the dust-free explosion, but he didn't even blink his brows. He advanced in the face of the hail of bullets. Even if the magic light bomb hit him, it couldn't stop his pace.

Drizzle, not worth paying attention to!

Chapter 32 Kill Zokiel [First Update]

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