Staring at Wuchen lightly, Itachi's performance was bland, and Gujing Wubo's pupils remained unchanged. He didn't believe that Wuchen didn't notice his existence.

"It doesn't matter, looking at you like this..."

His eyes narrowed and he looked at Itachi carefully. A complexion flashed in Wuchen's eyes, and he said softly, "Is that kid really worth your effort..."

With a complicated sigh, Itachi's life has come to an end, and it won't be long before the light of extinction will flash...

"In my life, I don't ask about the past or the next life, but I ask for a clear conscience."

Looking at Wuchen's eyes, Itachi replied softly, his tone was full of unprecedented determination, and he would use his last remaining strength to light up the light of hope for Sasuke.

Itachi has a resolute face, a majestic aura all over his body, and his eyes are extraordinarily determined. The path is his own choice, and he has never regretted it.

When Wuchen heard the words, he just stared at Itachi's face lightly, and he was also very melancholy for a while. Sasuke's achievements can be said to be obtained by stepping on Itachi's body.

"You are different from me."

Just when Wuchen was about to persuade Itachi to think twice before acting, his indifferent, philosophical voice sounded first, and the content was Wuchen and he was dazed.

"Maybe you think I'm stupid... I actually think so sometimes."

The deep eyes were replaced by a dazed look, and Itachi said in confusion: "My whole life, I have lived in fear like a puppet.

"Because you have been living in the script of dust-free design."

Hei Jue and Bai Jue both laughed secretly, but they understood Itachi's feelings. Living without emotion like a puppet is indeed better than dying, and it is completely better to die.

"But I saw hope in that little devil called Naruto Uzumaki... As he said, where the leaves are flying, the fire is bound to fire, the fire will illuminate the village, and the leaves will sprout again."

Itachi said, it was from Naruto's unyielding figure that he saw that a spark can start a prairie fire, and even the faintest fire can light up the world...

Therefore, Itachi decided to ignite a bright spark with his own life and let Sasuke's light shine through the whole world.

"Are you really so naive now, Itachi, be honest, there is no communication between people."

Seeing that Itachi was still so naive, holding out hope for the concept of human nature, Wuchen sneered: "Maybe you will think that this is my personal extreme opinion, of course, it is actually my own idea... But thousands of years. The time tells everything, it is impossible for people to communicate without gaps.”

Itachi just listened quietly, speechless, Wuchen glanced at him, and continued: "It is indeed as you said, the will of fire may exist, but it also leaves a sin..."

"Where the leaves are flying, the flame will burn, and the fire will shine again to light up people's hearts... But it is precisely because of this that the seeds of hatred are left, because the flame that burns and illuminates others is stepping on other people's corpses. …”

Wuchen sneered and scoffed at the so-called will of fire. Every time a hero is born, it means that someone dies. Take Naruto Uzumaki, who became the hero of Konoha Village after the battle with Uzumaki Nagato. noodle.

However, this was all built on the corpse of Uzumaki Nagato, and it was precisely because of the tragedy of Uzumaki Nagato that Naruto's heroic name was cast, and karma was buried because of this.

"Rather than saying that the 'will of fire' is the beacon of light in the dark, I think it is the beginning of the opening of causality... All things arise due to karma, and they also die due to karma. The moment the bond begins, it means access to causality. The curse of believe this stupid joke, I have misread you for so many years, Itachi!"

Wuchen scolded coldly. To be honest, he really did not expect such a result. After living in a dark organization like "Xiao" for several years, Itachi has such naive thoughts.

"You are so clever, your heart has been eroded by darkness, and there is no such thing as human morality."

Turning a deaf ear to Wuchen's crazy words, Itachi also retorted, even though Wuchen's words left him speechless, he would not think Wuchen was right.

"Human morality? It's a joke, the person who killed father and mother actually said that I have no human morality, don't you think your words and deeds are too ridiculous, Itachi... Why do I always have the absurd feeling that you haven't grown up, yes Delusion?!"

Wuchen sneered. Although he was ruthless, he was not at the level of murdering his father and mother, and he also secretly used the "Heavenly Reincarnation" to resurrect Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Fuyue.

To achieve such a state, Wuchen also prides himself on having a clear conscience.

In the final analysis, in this world where ninjas are rampant, human emotions are weak and sparse, and people like Itachi who take pictures of their younger brothers everywhere are indeed different.

"This world is inherently illusory. I will act on behalf of the heavens, pulling thousands of sentient beings into the world of infinite dreams, and letting them live in a world of fantasy... Isn't it beautiful?"


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Chapter 311 The shackles of disappearing [second more]

Itachi frowned slightly. At the moment, Wuchen's face was indifferent, which made people feel very strange and indifferent, as if an invader from another world. Existence is the existence that tramples down on this rotten world and establishes a new order.

The pupils squinted, Itachi's eyes were wise and bright, and he tried to spy on Wuchen again.

However, the sight that caught his eye made him sluggish, and the space began to change shape strangely, pulling him into the unknown world.

The depths of the dark universe are dotted with countless planets of different colors. Each planet is surrounded by a strong gravitational force. If it looks the same at random, it will be swallowed up and lost.

And Wuchen is the planet with the strongest gravitational force. Itachi's reason is deeply immersed in it in the blink of an eye, unable to extricate himself.

"Forget it, I'm nosy enough."

The corners of his mouth raised a self-deprecating smile, and Wuchen mocked himself with relief: "Maybe you are right, everyone has their own way, and others have no right to interfere with criticism..."

With a sigh, Wuchen found that he was meddling with his own business. He didn't expect to talk so much in an instant. It has nothing to do with himself whether itachi died or not, he was just a pawn anyway.

The dazed look turned into clarity, Wuchen looked indifferent, and walked straight forward, like a breeze blowing lightly, passing by Itachi's side.

"I hope you don't regret... They live well, and you don't have to blame yourself."

The short and plain six words resounded in the void, and although the words were short, itachi's heart was aroused by monstrous ripples. Over the years, the same scene had invaded the dream every day, tormenting him worse than death.

"Stop, I never told you to go!"

Turning his head, Itachi looked slightly cold, stared at Wuchen's back, released his killing intent, and said coldly: "As the price of listening to your long talk, you must answer my question."

Wuchen gave Itachi too many doubts. He didn't expect anything else, but only longed for Wuchen to answer his questions truthfully.

"Ah ah ah... Don't release such an oppressive killing intent, I thought you were going to challenge me."

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