Seeing Hinata, Shion, and Honglian staring at him in astonishment, Wuchen said with a stern face, pretending to be unhappy, and actually vomiting blood in depression.

Especially Shion's smug little face was particularly disgusting.

"It's really a cocoon."

With a wry smile, he casually threw three rings of different colors to the three girls, and without looking at their reactions, Wuchen said softly, "Now the 'Xiao' has been broken into pieces, and it won't be long before everyone will be killed in battle. …”

After speaking, Wuchen's voice stopped, looking at the three girls, just as he was about to speak, the voice of Honglian rang.

"Master Wuchen means that we will form a new 'Xiao'?!"

Honglian is also a smart person, a dazzling light flashed in her eyes, she immediately guessed Wuchen's intention, looked at him in disbelief, and her pretty face was full of stunned.

The "Xiao" organization is all composed of S-rank rebels and ninjas, and it is composed of several super powers including Wuchen, and their strengths are all shocking.

"Is Lord Wuchen joking?!"

Taking a deep breath, she touched the ring unique to the members of the "Xiao" organization in her hand. Red Lotus asked flattered, seeing Wuchen like this, she wanted to re-establish the "Xiao" organization.

Including Hinata and Shion, they looked at Wuchen in disbelief.

"In the end, those guys are all outsiders, including Itachi, who are untrustworthy. When it's critical, they can betray at any time."

Wuchen said sternly, indicating that he was not joking. Looking at the world, the world is full of enemies, and it is difficult to support alone. It is necessary to give these most trusted people absolute power.

Among the three women, only Hinata is the most powerful. Otsutsuki Yuluo has implanted his own Otsutsuki bloodline into Hinata's body, and it is only a matter of time before he awakens Tenseisen.

After all, Wuchen, a member of the Uchiha family, can open Tenseisen, and Hinata has no reason not to be able to open Tenseisen, especially since his white eyes are extremely concentrated, and his future pupil power will definitely not be worse than Wuchen.

Red Lotus is next, followed by Zi Yuan. As a witch, her strength is also quite good, but this little girl is too playful, and Yu Luo is usually very fond of her, and her strength is slightly inferior.

But even so, facing the shadow-level powerhouse, the three girls have at least a [-]% chance of winning, not to mention crushing each other.

The three women looked at each other with a warm current in their hearts. Over the years, even though Wuchen was usually very good to them, this was the first time to admit that they were the most trusted people.

"You don't have to be humble, you deserve it."

Squeezing out a kind smile, Wuchen encouraged the slightly timid three girls: "Some people in the organization may not be as good as you, maybe you think the progress over the years is insignificant, but your achievements are inaccessible to others. ."

Wuchen said eloquently, the members of "Xiao" are only based on the shadow level, and the three little girls who are like flowers and jade in front of them are completely competent.

The most important thing is that, compared to those sanctimonious members of the organization, the three girls who get along with each other day and night are more worthy of trust, even for Hinata. The former Naruto Uzumaki has become an insignificant passer-by in her long life.

Time is the best medicine.

"The dawn of dawn spreads all over the world, and darkness cannot hide... The newly born 'Dawn' will be an invincible existence, like a dazzling morning sun covering the whole world, and the darkness that tries to resist will be wiped out..."


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Chapter 313 Jiraiya Invasion [First Update]

Wuchen always believes that it is impossible to make mistakes by taking precautions. Uchiha Madara's intact resurrection means everything, and a good plan can absolutely change everything.

"Absolutely, is the game of children playing the house over..."

He raised his eyelids, looked at Yin-Yang Renjue expressionlessly, asked Wuchen indifferently, his light voice could not hear emotions, as if his emotions were taken away, without any emotion.

"It's not over yet, but that guy from Deidara doesn't seem to be Sasuke's opponent and is at a disadvantage." A flash of surprise flashed in Bai Jue's eyes, and he said truthfully.


Hei Jue's voice was also not calm, obviously he did not expect that Deidara, who is also an S-rank rebel, was so casually suppressed, especially the teenagers.

"Sasuke is his natural enemy, and Deidara's art was eaten to death by him."

After being silent for a moment, Bai Jue explained softly, this is an innate advantage, like water can fire, completely in a passive mode.

"But the mere three-gou jade can suppress Deidara... That kid also has two brushes."

Wuchen smiled and was not surprised that Sasuke was able to suppress Deidara. After all, he killed Deidara in the original book, and used his own Chidori to suppress Deidara almost all the way.

Finally, Deidara was forced to blew himself up to end his life.

"Master Wuchen, is it time to come..."

Staring at Wuchen's face, Hei Jue's eyes filled with fiery color, and he said hoarsely: "I should encourage Payne to attack Konoha immediately, collect the positive chakra of the other half of the Nine Tails, and drain his last use. value."

The actual resurrection of the ten-tails only requires a small amount of chakra from the nine-tails, but there are also flaws, so the ten-tails resurrected in such a hasty manner are not complete.

Just like the resurrection in the original book, the reincarnation eye of ten tails and six hook jade lacking nine-tailed chakra...

"This old boy seems to be impatient to wait..."

Out of the corner of his eyes, he stared at Hei Jue without a trace, and Wu Chen thought to himself, most of the tailed beasts have already gathered, and the last two are just short of it. This old boy is anxious in his eyes.

The plan for thousands of years is about to succeed, and he is not in a hurry when he is always in a hurry.

"But it's time to attack Konoha..."

Nodding lightly, a flash of determination flashed in Wuchen's eyes, just as Hei Jue said, Uzumaki Nagato's body was gradually close to collapse, and he had to drain his last use value.

A while ago, Bai Jue also reported that Naruto Uzumaki was missing, and there was no trace of him in the Konoha Ninja Village. According to Wuchen's guess, the kid should have gone to Miaomu Mountain to learn the magic...

"But this matter can be handed over to Obito. I don't need to go to join the cooperation."

There was a hint of obscurity in his eyes, and his words were dust-free and cold. It was more appropriate for Obito to be abducted, and he had other things to deal with at the same time.

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