"Bang bang bang..."

The [-]-meter-high poisonous miasma giant suddenly trembled. Ophelia looked up and saw that the wood had already wrapped the poisonous miasma giant tightly, and it was hard to move.

"Don't think this is over, it's still early!" When Ophelia was about to explode with all her strength, an unimaginable scene was staged again.

"Look, that monster has gotten smaller!"

An audience exclaimed, and countless pairs of eyes suddenly looked over, only to see the poisonous miasma giant entrenched on Ophelia shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

20 meters, 18 meters, 15 meters... 10 meters, 8 meters, the tall giant condensed by the poisonous miasma is still getting smaller and smaller. In less than a minute, the giant has shrunk by more than half of its height.

"Damn it!" Ophelia twitched the corners of her mouth, as if she was really angry, and cursed angrily.

If it was just like that, what made her speechless was that the vines that locked the poisonous miasma giant kept getting bigger and stronger, obviously taking the poisonous miasma as nourishment and absorbing it all.

Ophelia was depressed and vomited blood. Not only did her tactics not damage the enemy, but instead, she enhanced Wuchen's attack. Looking at the thick vine branches, the girl felt inexplicably tangled.

It's not that her strength is too weak, but that Wuchen is too cunning. Those Mu Dun are her natural enemies, completely restraining Ophelia's ability.

Chapter 67 The end of the game [Second Update]

The battle situation has developed to this point, the outcome is already obvious, the eyes of the crowd are sharp, Ophelia, one of the strongest witches in history, was sweating profusely, her eyes even turned blood red, panting like a cow, obviously to the limit.

On the other hand, there is no dust, from the beginning to the end, it is light.

"Don't admit defeat yet?"

Staring at Ophelia who still insisted, Wuchen reminded: "If you continue to drag on, it will endanger your life, and your heart will be corroded."

Through Tensei Eye's pupil power observation, Wuchen clearly saw that the poisonous miasma had eroded Ophelia's internal organs, and even her own face had turned purple.

"Don't think about it!"

Ophelia was stubborn, and her expression remained firm and unshakable.

"Boom boom boom..."

A large number of suppressed miasma struck again, and the air above Wuchen's head was filled with miasma, which then condensed into giant purple fists and fell from the sky.

"Bang bang bang..."

The place where Wuchen was located was immediately bombarded with smog, and the trees under his feet were immediately smashed to pieces. He was also covered by gunfire and his body was swallowed by poisonous miasma fists.

"Will it work?"

The audience was eager to see through their eyes, staring at Wuchen, who was swallowed by the purple fist.

"Looks like the outcome has been decided."

Claudia and others had smiles on their faces. They could understand that Wuchen could ignore physical attacks, and it was said that it was called elementalization.

"It seems that you have a lot of confidence in him."

A pleasant and light voice suddenly came from their ears, and Claudia and the others turned their heads to look. Although the girl in front of her had changed her appearance through disguise, they had an impression of the voice, so they recognized the girl in front of them at a glance.

"Miss Sylvia?"

Claudia's beautiful eyes revealed a hint of surprise, and she didn't expect that Silvia would come to watch the dust-free match in person.

She suddenly became alert, this is a rhythm with one leg!

"Can you help me hand this to Wuchen?" Sylvia handed Claudia an envelope.

"Isn't it a love letter?" Claudia looked at Sylvia suspiciously, and wanted to open it and take a look.

"It's not what you think!" Sylvia didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and explained seriously: "I have collected a lot of information about Mathias these days, and I have made a detailed record, hoping to help him."

"I see."

Claudia was relieved, and then asked in a strange tone: "In fact, this kind of thing can be done by others. Sylvia is a busy person, so there is no need to rush over in person, right?"

Sylvia: "......"

When asked by Claudia, she was really speechless and didn't know how to answer.

"Keep watching the game."

Sylvia said calmly, but her eyes were erratic and absent-minded.

At this moment on the field, this duel has also come to an end.


Ophelia fell to the ground exhausted, gasping for breath, and using large-scale killing tactics one after another, she was indeed exhausted, her body was soft, and it was extremely difficult to stand up.

"You should be finished now, right?" Looking at the dust in front of her, Ophelia murmured something.


In the dust, there was a burst of disdainful ridicule.

"From the beginning to the end, you didn't hit me in the body. How dare you say that I'm finished? It's a shame."

A golden flash swept out of the dust, and Wuchen stepped out of it step by step, and he appeared in everyone's eyes intact.

"It doesn't seem like he was hit at all. How did he do it? Is his body air?"

The audience was shocked by it, this year's "Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival" refreshed everyone's cognition, and a monster like Wuchen appeared.

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