The sturdy body stared at Wuchen indefinitely. The killing intent of the fourth generation of Raikage was undisguised. It was precisely because Wuchen forcibly extracted the tail beast of his righteous brother Kirabi, and Kirabi died because of it.

This is Raikage's eternal pain, an irreparable pain, almost living in the shadow of hatred day and night.

"Of course I know this, I don't need you to say more!"

Tsunade also chose to be cold-hearted. She and Raikage are both characters of the same level, and there is no distinction between everyone. If you have to talk about seniority, Tsunade is still four generations older than Raikage. Now this kid is still With the meaning of scolding, Tsunade can't show weakness whether he is standing on his own position or Konoha's position.

The complex expressions were all restrained, and Tsunade stared at Wuchen with murderous intent.

Onogi and Gaara stared at Wuchen with gritted teeth, and the grievances between them were as deep as the sea, and there was no room for them to turn around.

Instead, Terumi Mei was smiling, and her eyes were full of brilliance and a strange luster beating.

"Lord Mizukage, now is the time for the five major ninja villages to fight the enemy together, please also pay attention to your position!"

Tsukage Onogi's old face collapsed, and Terumi Mei's smiling appearance made him extremely depressed. Now is the time to fight the enemy together, not a marriage agency that chooses your husband and wife for you.

Both Lei Ying and Feng Ying Gaara frowned. These two women used to be inextricably linked with Wuchen, but they were unreliable and only God knew.

"Resolve this Uchiha clean guy first... His existence is the fundamental source of the turmoil in the world. After he gets rid of him, the so-called 'Xiao' will also collapse."

The red-haired boy Gaara said that he also has a deep hatred with Wuchen, even if it is only indirectly, killing Wuchen is not enough to calm the anger in his heart.

"Wuchen, this is the last time I ask you..."

Taking a deep breath, Tsunade's eyes were fixed on Wuchen, his voice was heavy and hoarse, and he asked, "As long as you can't do anything..."


He glanced at Tsunade lightly, and Wuchen ignored her directly. The golden light from his fingertips surged and converged into circular light bullets. The dazzling light made people unable to open their eyes. swarmed out.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The golden bullets enough to penetrate the mountain came head on, and there were countless flashes of sharpness. Only passive defense, even a speed madman like Raikage was choked up.

A flash of despair flashed in Tsunade's eyes, and her bright and dazzling eyes dimmed, not because of the light in front of her, she was not afraid of death, but Wuchen rejected her kindness mercilessly.

"This ruthless be so cruel, my mother misunderstood him!"

Terumi Mei's mouth twitched fiercely, and she cursed Wuchen thousands of times. The two clearly had a cooperative relationship. Now Wuchen's appearance is obviously not showing the slightest mercy.

Even acting is too real!

"Don't underestimate the power of shadows!"

With a sudden lift of both hands, the giant sand-shaped solid rises from the ground, condenses and shrinks, and turns into a solid defense, which is several tens of meters long, separating the five shadows and the oncoming light bombs on both sides.

"Bang bang bang..."

Without exception, the galloping golden light bullets all hit the sand-made defensive wall, leaving countless small circular pits, but the walls were unable to do so.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, the strength of this kid has risen."

Seeing this, Wuchen grinned, blowing cold air from his mouth, with a strange look, the chakra all over his body began to spew, and when he planned to give the enemy a fatal blow, the ground he stepped on was deeply sunk.


The ground on which he was stepping was eerily sunk to a depth of more than ten meters, the surrounding soil was sealed, and there was only one opening at the top.

"Wow wow wow..."

The sound of the surging water flow suddenly came. Judging from the flow of the water, it was quite turbulent. Looking up, it was the turbulent waves that went down, almost instantly filling the square deep pit and turning into a vast ocean.

"It's quite cooperative."

Seeing this scene, Wuchen nodded slightly, showing a description of great interest, quite looking forward to the next actions of the five shadows.

The square deep pit has limited the range of space for movement, and a large number of water sources pour in. Any creature in the pit will be affected by the resistance of the water flow, and there will be flaws in the speed of dust-free.

At least the five shadows think so.


Ask for a reward and ask for flowers automatically! ! !

Chapter 324 Perfect Match [Second]

In the wide deep pit, the blink of an eye was filled by the ocean.

"The speed of light bastard should be restricted now?!"

The eyes blinked, very agile, Terumi Mei looked down at Wuchen, who was not moving and unavoidable in the ocean, frowned slightly, and immediately licked her thin lips slightly, revealing a suspicious look, but she was curious about Wuchen. How to avoid the joint attack of the Five Shadows.

The situation that comes into view is quite strange. There are rapid water sources all around, and it is impossible to get close to Wuchen from the beginning to the end. With him as the center, a vacuum zone is formed that isolates everything.

In particular, Wuchen's expression was particularly hateful, and the mocking look in anticipation of the clown's performance, even Terumi Mei, a quasi-ally, couldn't help but get angry.

No matter how you despise others, you must have a "degree"!

"Master Fengying!"

The grumpy Raikage couldn't hold back his temper and urged Gaara, his words revealing the monstrous killing intent that he wanted to smash Wuchen into tens of thousands of pieces.

Kirabi is in the hands of Wuchen, and he wants blood to pay for it!

"no problem!"

The eyes shot out endless chills, Gaara did not hesitate at all, the boundless chakra in the body began to erupt, and the dead sand around seemed to be summoned by the wind god, rushing over from all directions.

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