To this day, Terumi Mei has not received the news of the two tails.

"It shouldn't be, he wouldn't be so reckless."

Shaking her head, Terumi Mei resolutely denied her inner thoughts, her eyes firmed again, Wuchen and her had no conflict of interest, no contradiction, and even had a common purpose in some respects.

The decadence was swept away, and his eyes were staring at the golden giant of dozens of meters. Quan Dang was testing his stamina this time.

Under everyone's astonished gaze, Susanoo's arm was raised high, and so was the sword of light in his hand, aiming in the direction of Terumi Mei and others, and swept away.


There was a ripple in the air, and the golden energy shot out, swept out like a hurricane, looked up and swept away, only to see a huge golden slash that covered the sky and swept straight towards Terumi Mei and other "five shadows". past.

"Boom boom boom..."

The golden rays of light passing along the way are like the incarnation of the law of destruction, annihilating all the matter in contact, regardless of whether there is life or not.

It disappeared in an instant, and there was no trace of their existence on the front, and the end was terrible.

Looking around, the devastated ground suddenly pulled out a long and narrow crack, boundless, with almost no end in sight.

"Is it over... it's really boring."

He pouted, and Wuchen sighed regretfully, with a look of loneliness and disappointment on his face. He originally thought that "Five Shadows" would make him take it seriously once, but he didn't expect it to be so vulnerable.

No wonder Madara Uchiha could easily kill them in seconds!

"It's over? They all say don't underestimate the power of 'Shadow' too much, and it's okay to get carried away."

Suddenly, a steady and powerful violent shout resounded through the sky, accompanied by strong chakra fluctuations, the ground began to sag, especially the ground that Wuchen Susanoo stepped on collapsed in an instant and fell into the deep pit.

"Is it Tudun again... This little old man is really difficult to deal with."

Wuchen in the deep pit stared at the blue sky, frowning involuntarily, and where the focus of his eyes was, he could clearly see a looming black spot.

It is Tsuchikage Onogi.

This time, Ohnogi obviously used all the strength of his whole body, aiming his hands in the direction of dust-free, and the quiet Chakra in his body began to move turbulently.

"The technique of removing the boundaries of dust escape!"

A white halo shone between his hands, and as Onogi's voice fell, Susanoh was immediately closed by this transparent white barrier.

"Onogi, this old man is really hardworking and full of energy."

Looking around, he took this tenacious barrier into his eyes, Wuchen uncharacteristically showed a playful smile, and he didn't care that Susanoo had been eroded by "dust escape", and his expression was natural and leisurely.

"But what's the use of it..."

A contemptuous smile swept the corner of his mouth, his scarlet eyes spurted out evil pupil power, the pupil power in the eye socket began to run wild, the boundless pupil power seemed to be able to distort time and space, and the space rippled faintly...

The "Dust Escape" made for Susanohue actually began to show tiny white cracks!

"how can that be?!"

Floating in the sky, the tired and panting Ohnogi's eyes widened, his eyes locked on the transparent "Dust Escape", and he seemed to hear the cracking sound of "Kakaka".

"Are you kidding me, is he going to get bigger?!"

Rao is also horrified by the qualitative nature of Onogi. As the saying goes, everything has a limit. The golden giant in front of him has no limit. As long as he has enough chakra, it seems that he can grow unlimitedly.

"Bang bang bang..."

Sure enough, Susanoo, who was assisted by Wuchen Chakra, grew bigger again, and the unbreakable Chen Dun instantly collapsed, shattering like a mirror, and it was extremely fragile.

"Boom boom boom..."

With another slash, the deep pit that Susanoo had buried was torn apart, and the dust in the sky scattered like raindrops.

The stalwart body is inevitably exposed to the air.


The choked voice sounded, and the "Five Shadows" including Oh Yemu looked at the huge golden giant in amazement, and looked at the scarlet eyes as big as Tongling, with fear from the depths of their souls.

It actually violated the conventional length and height and increased by tens of meters!

"It seems that Bao is betting right!"

The corner of Terumi Mei's mouth showed a delighted smile, and she was fortunate to have reached an agreement with Wuchen ahead of time. In this way, the safety of Wuyin Village was also guaranteed.

Otherwise, Terumi Mei's current complexion coincides with that of the other "Four Shadows", and her face is also ashen.

"This unusual pupil strength is comparable to Madara Uchiha back then..." Onogi's face was heavy, and his hunched back seemed to be carrying a [-]-pound rock, which made him breathless.

Throughout the world, Ohnogi is the only person who has experienced the horror of Uchiha Madara.

"But it's not without a chance..."

Onogi's eyes flashed a strange color, and in his heart, he put Wuchen and the former Uchiha Madara on the same level. As long as all the forces of the five major countries are gathered, it should not be difficult to defeat Wuchen...

The number reaches a certain level and can change the whole world!

"Several, the current situation is urgent. The five countries should set up a ninja coalition to fight the bandit army together!"

Onogi's body fell to the ground, and suggested to the other four shadows that since the quality is not good, they can only rely on the number of people to use the sea tactics to consume the opponent.

The bandit army that Ohnogi mentioned was naturally Wuchen and the "Xiao" organization.

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