Nue's face was full of depression, and he stammered when he spoke. Then his eyes lit up and he said, "My mother has nine tails, but your Excellency has ten tails. Maybe the adults are the ancestors of our line!"

As soon as the voice fell, Nue bowed to Wuchen, bowing at a standard [-] degrees, and looked at Wuchen with great respect.

"Am I your ancestor?"

Wuchen was stunned for a while. He didn't expect that Nue could say such shameless words. When he was about to kill him just now, why didn't this guy say that he was his ancestor?

And... this kid seems to have forgotten that Yu Yihu was killed by him.

"Don't say that I'm not your ancestor, and I have nothing to do with you. Even if I really are your ancestor, what's the use of your deceiving your ancestors?"

"Boom boom boom..."

The invincible momentum erupted from the huge body of the ten tails, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared in the void, spreading rapidly with the dust-free as the center.

"Bang bang bang..."

The monsters affected by this power could not bear the power of Wuchen, their bodies burst, and they all exploded into blood mist, without any resistance, it was a one-sided slaughter.


Although Nue in the sky was not as embarrassed as other monsters, his heart was shaking and blood spurting out of his mouth was unstoppable.

"So strong!"

Nue looked at Wuchen in panic, this guy is too scary, he almost dropped him in seconds just by taking a breath.

Thinking of this, Nue was completely discouraged. He had just been resurrected, and he was about to be swept into the dust of history just after his resurrection?Absolutely not!

"Lord Ancestor, calm down. I was blind to everything before. I hope you can forgive the younger generation."

This guy Nue is really shameless, and Wuchen has denied this descendant. Who would have thought that this kid is still in a rut.

"Smelly shameless thing."

Wuchen was full of contempt, even if this kid knelt in front of him and confessed his mistake, it was absolutely impossible to forgive him.


Wuchen was too lazy to talk nonsense, raised a big hand directly at Nue in the void, the sky instantly darkened, this hand was too big, covering the sky and the sun.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 69 How Long Have You Been Brushing Your Teeth? 【First Update】


In the direction where Wuchen's big hand fell, a golden magic circle appeared in the sky, almost filling his huge palm.

Nue's pupils condensed, and he shouted, "Break!"

"Boom boom boom..."

In an instant, many magic circles released strong explosions, and Wuchen's big hands were instantly swallowed by boundless flames.

"Even if I can't kill you, at least one hand must be abolished." Nue clenched his fist, fighting intent sternly.

"Confidence is good, but... although Xinghuo can start a prairie fire, you chose the wrong enemy this time."

The giant arm passed through the sea of ​​fire and landed on top of Nue's head, exuding a deadly sense of oppression.


Nue's face was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at the big hand that fell, his confidence was severely hit - the gap between strengths was too great, and a full-strength blow did not respond to Wuchen at all.

"Boom boom boom..."

When the big hand landed, the ground shook and the ground was easily torn like a piece of paper, especially where it was hit by Wuchen, a huge palm print appeared, just like the legendary Tathagata Palm.

After a while, when Wuchen retracted the palm print, Nue was already lying half-dead under the palm print, all his bones were broken, and his body became a pile of mud.

Wuchen also lifted the state of Juwei, and walked lazily to Nue's side.

"Is the monster that ruled Kyoto so vulnerable a thousand years ago?" Wuchen looked down at Nue's painful cheeks, this guy's whole body was shattered, he didn't have the strength to speak, he just looked at himself bitterly.

Just resurrected, the long-cherished wish was destroyed by Wuchen before it was completed, and the resentment in Nue's heart can be imagined.

"Farewell, beg Daoyu."

The pure black sphere was thrown onto Nue's body, his body was blown into nothingness, and the master of a generation of monsters fell.

"Run, Lord Nu has been killed again!!!"


After witnessing the fall of Nue, some lingering monsters fled in all directions, their beliefs collapsed, and they naturally gave up.

However, Wuchen had no intention of letting go of these monsters.

"Woodun Tree World is coming."

The earth cracked open, and the huge capital suddenly turned into a sea of ​​forests. Groups of trees swept out from the depths of the ground and invaded the entire capital unscrupulously.


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