Yumenyuan is not stupid, her pretty face is slightly condensed, staring at Wuchen in disbelief: "Are you planning to use us to destroy monsters?"

"That's it."

Wuchen nodded lightly, "The monsters and Onmyoji must maintain a certain number. It is best for both parties to have a delicate balance. No one can suppress the other. The number will decrease sharply, and the monsters will be unstoppable at that time, and it will definitely be a disaster for human society at that time.”


The corners of Yumenyuan's mouth moved in knots, and her face was blank. To be honest, she really didn't understand Wuchen's thoughts. What was this guy thinking?As a monster, you have to control the number of monsters.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, some things are not something you can get involved in." Wuchen turned into a puff of blue smoke and left.

He went to other parts of the Yumenyuan family alone, and the families of all dynasties were attacked by Wuchen.

To control the number of monsters, it is natural to control the number of onmyoji.


About a day later, Nuragumi soared in a spaceship over Kyoto.

"Are you leaving?"

After hearing that Wuchen was leaving, Niugui and the others were stunned. Now that they have killed Nue, it was the peak period of the Nuliang group, and Wuchen was leaving suddenly. For the Nuliang group, it was like a cloud fell to hell.

"Yeah, the trivial matters that need to be dealt with have been completed, and there is nothing worth lingering on."

Wuchen looked down at the Kyoto below. After the Nue was killed, the capital was also in ruins, and now people are busy rebuilding.

"Niu Gui..." Wuchen suddenly turned his head to look at Niu Gui and said, "From now on, you will be the next leader of the Nuliang Group."

"You must be joking!"

Niu Guitou shook his head like a rattle, and said stubbornly, "I'm already old, and I'm not suitable for the position of the general general of the Nuliang group. The general general must be Lord Wuchen."

"I said that you are suitable, so you are suitable." Wuchen reprimanded with a stern face, and Niugui shut up wisely, and if he continued to quibble, Wuchen would go crazy.



Infinite Stratos

Chapter 1 The Demon Instructor of the Is Academy [First Update]

Under the blue sky, there are a large number of students in uniforms. Today is the annual opening day of the school, and many new students set out to IS Academy with dreams.

It is not easy to join this school. You need to go through strict screening, and there are instructors who check and assess at every level. Those who do not meet the standards will not be able to join IS academy.

"This is terrible. That devil instructor died terribly. Every year, a large number of new students are defeated by him, and then sent back to China. It's a shame to die... I hope I'll have better luck and don't run into that male instructor."

There are many freshmen who come here because they are very uneasy, because over the years, IS Academy has brought in an extremely powerful man as an instructor. Although he cannot control IS, he has unparalleled strength. Even students who control IS cannot defeat it. He, the losers, were sent home in the end.

Inside a mock field within the IS Academy.

"It's really vulnerable."

Looking at the girl who was panting on the ground, the young man said bored in every possible way: "Is this not enough, you, unqualified!"

"Wow wow wow..."

Hearing this, the sweaty girl on the ground suddenly sobbed, and tears fell from her face one after another. She knew that she had no chance to join IS Academy.

"Are you being too strict? When dealing with people like you, let alone a teenage girl, even I am powerless."

A woman with a very marked figure can't stand it anymore. She walked with graceful steps. This person is young, about twenty years old, with a dignified and beautiful appearance, with long black hair casually draped, although a little messy, But it will not affect her beauty, and even has a free and easy feeling.

This woman is Zhiban Qiandong, one of the teachers of IS Academy.

"Wuchen, you've been an IS academy instructor for all these years, and you've swept out a lot of geniuses!"

Those who can’t beat Wuchen will be eliminated, not to mention those freshmen, even Orimoka Chifuyu. Therefore, many people complained to IS Academy about Wuchen, but it was of no use at all.

"Xiao Qiandong, you must understand that luck is also a part of strength, and you can only blame those freshmen who met me for being unlucky." Wuchen shrugged, and then smiled maliciously: "By the way, I heard that your brother is enrolled. Right? If that kid meets me, he will be eliminated too!"

"I'm really embarrassed." Oriban Chifu had a faint smile on her face, and she looked at Wuchen proudly, "You mean Yixia? He's already passed the test, and now he's a first-year student at IS Academy, help him take the exam. It's me."

Hearing this, Wuchen pouted and complained rather unhappily: "There are people in Chaoli who are good officials, so that's what they mean? Forget it... Are there any new students today? If not, don't delay my rest time."

"There is another one, I heard that he is a representative candidate from the country of Ying. His name seems to be Cecilia Alcatel. He has such an achievement at a young age, which is incredible."

Oriban Qiandong first praised a few times, and then he was full of sympathy and sympathy, but unfortunately he met the broom star Wuchen, and he was destined to be eliminated.

Oriza Chifuyu knew that no matter how brilliant a genius, in front of Wuchen, he was as vulnerable as a rotten tree.


However, Wuchen's eyes lit up. He was very familiar with the name, and a blond, blue-eyed, fair-skinned white girl suddenly appeared in his mind.

"That's interesting." A faint smile swept across the dust-free face. Isn't Cecilia one of the harems of Zhiban Yixia?

"Your Excellency is that male Yaksha, right?"

Just when Wuchen was thinking about it, a pleasant and polite voice came slowly, but after Wuchen listened, the old face instantly darkened.

Male Yaksha! ?

He has been in this world for many years. In the past few years as an instructor at IS Academy, a large number of freshmen have been eliminated, and many students have given him the nickname - Male Yasha!

However, because he knew the horror of Wuchen, no one dared to mention it in front of him, and now someone has proposed it without knowing how to live, which is simply playing with fire and setting himself on fire.

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