Looking down at the tiny black spot on the ground, Cecilia smiled like a flower, "How can you defeat me without IS? No, don't say defeat me, can you touch me?"

"Although he is a bit arrogant, he is very smart. He knows how to learn from each other's strengths and make use of his own advantages."

Wuchen raised his head slightly, looked at Cecilia hovering in the sky, and nodded lightly.

Frankly speaking, once Cecilia attacks from the sky, unless an IS user, a male instructor like Wuchen will undoubtedly be without a doubt. Except for Zhiban Yixia, there is no male in the world who can control IS.

"Why don't we make a bet?"

Looking down at the dust-free ground, Cecilia seemed to feel that the outcome was decided, and the clear and arrogant voice spread throughout the simulation field.

"Whoever loses will be the slave of the other party forever? No matter what the requirements are, they must be obeyed unconditionally."

Having suffered an unprecedented humiliation today, how could Cecilia bypass Wuchen, not only to defeat this guy, but also to make him a slave and a maid for life.

"Are you serious? It just so happens that my back is sore recently." Wuchen smiled and looked at Cecilia flying high in the sky, her eyes narrowed into crescents, like a cunning fox, hehe smiled: "Every day when I get off work , it would be better if there was a maid to serve personally."

Chapter 3 Unknown Secrets [Second]

"Make me a maid?"

Hearing this, Cecilia trembled with anger, and her delicate body even trembled while flying high in the sky, shaky and seemed to fall off at any time.

"Be careful, I won't be responsible for falling down." Wuchen's face was full of schadenfreude smiles.

"Look at Miss Ben smashing your hateful face!"

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Just after speaking, the four mobile artillery turrets occupying the sky fired at the same time, and the bullets that were as dense as torrential rain slanted down.

"Boom boom boom!"

The ground of the simulation field burst open again, and the dust was flying. You could see a deep pit of four or five meters on the ground, which was exactly where the dust-free stood.

I have to say that although this woman is a little arrogant, her strength is not bad. She is worthy of being a representative candidate of the country of Ying. Almost every attack hits Wuchen, and she can be called a sharpshooter.

"Where did you run to?"

Cecilia opened her eyes wide and looked down at the entire simulation field from a high altitude, but she didn't think that the dust was just hanging up.

"Up there, idiot."

There was an indifferent voice from the higher sky, and Cecilia couldn't help but startled. Isn't this voice the same hateful guy?

The girl raised her head abruptly, her pupils could not help swaying with stormy waves, and the dust-free floating in the sky without any external force.

"Why can you fly without IS?" Cecilia's pretty face suddenly changed.

"Because I can do things you can't understand, that's why I'm the strongest."

Wuchen smiled lightly, looked at Cecilia jokingly, and asked, "Are you admitting defeat or I'll do it?"

"It's far from over!" Cecilia snorted softly, as a nobleman, how could she admit defeat?


Cecilia snapped her fingers lightly, and the four floating bullets aimed at the ground immediately changed the attack trajectory and locked the dust-free again.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The explosion swept the sky, and the four flying suspension bullets suddenly burst into black smoke, burst, and the fire devoured them, and then fell to the ground like scrap copper and iron.

"Cecilia, your attack is too monotonous." Wuchen looked at Cecilia and taught: "The four mobile turrets are destroyed, what else can you rely on to fight?"

"As it is now..."

Wuchen stepped out, and the surrounding light flickered, and I saw a light whistling out, and his figure disappeared from his sight instantly.

"So fast!"

Cecilia exclaimed, looking at the dust-free close at hand, this guy is already standing in front of her, is this a power possessed by a human being?

"You are only suitable for long-range attacks. Once you are brought close by me, there is only one fate - sure defeat."

Wuchen announced indifferently, with a triumphant tone, and smiled: "You maid, it seems that I am about to accept it."

"That's not necessarily true, Master Instructor."

A sly smile suddenly appeared on Cecilia's face, and she smiled brightly: "Don't think that you will win."

The voice fell, and Cecilia's body actually sprang out two more barrels, aiming at Wuchen's head.

"There really is a set." Wuchen opened his mouth wide, and was indeed a little surprised.

"The outcome is decided, bang bang bang!"

The two gun barrels fired at the same time, and all the dense bullets fell on the dust-free body that was close at hand.

Because the distance is too close, there is no time to dodge, and the moment the bullet swept out of the barrel, it has already slammed into Wuchen.

"Boom boom boom!"

Wuchen ignited a fire all over his body, and his whole body turned into a straight flame.

"Should that instructor be killed?"

Some of the students watching the game in the simulation field showed a look of consternation. When they looked up, there was a fire man burning in the sky. Who else was there besides dust-free?

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