As Cecilia showed a new ability, everyone realized that the light radiating from the girl was different. It was not transmitted from the IS body, but apparently belonged to Cecilia's own power.

"It's not a good thing to give her this kind of power. It's easy to be set as a target by countries all over the world. You don't want this child to become a guinea pig for other people's experiments, right?" With Erlang's legs in his arms, he sat down very gracefully with his arms in front of him.

"Whoever dares to touch me, I will destroy his country." Wuchen responded lightly, and Zhiban Qiandong was slightly startled, and then smiled helplessly: "You are still like this."

"It's not so much, I feel that you are a little strange. Cecilia has gained my power, and defeating Zhiban Yixia is a sure defeat. You don't seem to be worried at all." Ban Qiandong, too calm, doubted: "Don't you have any other trump cards?"

"No." Zhiban Qiandong replied calmly. After being silent for a while, he said slowly: "Maybe let Yi Xia suffer a little to recognize himself more clearly. Sometimes, people need some training."

"Your sister is really tired." After looking deeply at Oriban Chifuyu, Wuchen couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic. This woman seems to be living for her younger brother.

"The kind of power that Cecilia shows seems to be exactly the same as the one you used." Chifuyu Orizara suddenly changed the conversation, with a rare trace of resentment in her tone, "Why haven't I heard you mention it before, your ability is still there. give to someone?"

"Aren't you jealous?" Wuchen looked at Oriban Chifuyu in surprise, the resentful tone was fleeting, although it was not very obvious, but as an old fox, he still heard it in an instant. Women are blaming themselves.

"I've been with you for more than ten years." After Wuchen said this, Oriban Qiandong's dissatisfaction all exploded, and he complained: "Isn't it better than that child? Have you been together for a week? No!"

"Interesting." Wuchen smiled without saying a word, Orimara Chifu gave her the feeling that she was a very cold person, and being envious or even jealous of others was simply a miracle among miracles.

"I need a strong force to protect Oriban Yixia." Oriban Chifuyu said frankly and truthfully.

"Actually, I'm also surprised that this kid got the power of [Blinking Fruit]. Although I already have some eyebrows, I don't know if it's not that way." Wuchen didn't hide it, he really didn't know.

"Let's hear it." Zhiban Yixia turned to stare at Wuchen, the desire in her eyes was undisguised, she was willing to try.

"Hey...Are you serious?" Wuchen laughed strangely again, his expression unspeakably wretched.

"what happened."

Oriban Yixia, who was confronting Cecilia in the sky, shivered suddenly, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable, and subconsciously looked at Wuchen, and happened to see Zhiban Qiandong looking straight at Wuchen, His expression suddenly sank, and a wave of anger welled up in his heart.

"Come over with your ears, don't regret listening to it." Wuchen twitched his fingers at Zhiban Chifuyu, the latter hesitated, and then approached Wuchen's ear.

"I guess that's it..."

It took about [-] to [-] seconds for Wuchen to explain clearly to Zhiban Chifuyu. After the latter heard the words, her face flushed to the bottom of her ears, and she could not wait to find a crack to burrow in.

"Shameless, scum, scum!!!" Orimara Chifuyu suddenly stood up excitedly, and an angry roar spread throughout the simulation field.

She didn't expect Wuchen to be so inferior, even her own students, to actually do fake dramas, and it's still such a dirty method.

"What happened?"

It doesn't matter what Oriban Chifu roars, the eyes of the students are all attracted, and they all look at her strangely. Why is the always serious Oriban-sensei so rude?

"What are you looking at? Believe it or not, I'll fire you?!" Wuchen's face was stern, and one sentence scared everyone back.

"It's you who told me to say it." Seeing Chifuyu Oriza who wanted to beat her, Wuchen couldn't help laughing and crying, "Also, I didn't force Cecilia, she was completely convinced by my charm. already."

"A lot of nonsense."

Orimara Chifu snorted coldly, and then sat down indifferently, but her face was still hot, because the way Cecilia got the dust-free power was too dirty.

"Is it difficult to accept? It's no big deal, isn't it just eating my essence." Wuchen said casually: "She's still very young, she's just a student, I can't make her belly bigger, can we? It's a good choice to let her eat it if it's not at the point of having a baby."

"Besides, I also gained my power, which is like a big bargain." Wuchen complained bitterly, looking like he had suffered a big loss.

"How honest is this guy?" Seeing the indifferent look of Wuchen, Oriban Chifuyu immediately turned his head, doesn't this guy feel embarrassed?Such brazen words can be easily said, but still so calm and calm.

However, there is one thing that cannot be denied. It seems that Cecilia really made a profit. Chifuyu Orimara understands the horror of dust-free ability.

& #160; & #160;

Chapter 30 Train him well [first more]

"Hey, Xiao Qiandong, do you want to try it? The taste is quite good. I still remember the expression of Cecilia's little girl was very intoxicated at that time. I can't wait to come again." Wuchen suddenly faced Zhiban. Qiandong winked, and said in a hype-like tone, "Think about it, you can also gain my superhuman power."

"You are dreaming!"

Without thinking about it, Chiban immediately refused. Her face became even more red, and she could bleed. If it was something else, she could give it a try, but the dust-free thing should be forgotten.

"Hey, it's very beneficial." Wuchen still didn't give up, and continued to fudge: "That's a great tonic, once you take it, you can gain my strength, twice can strengthen your body, fly to the sky, and three times can... ."

"Hmph, go find Cecilia to eat by yourself, that's my student, you'd better not play bad." Orizara Chiyu left with a sullen face, really afraid that her ears would be insulted by this guy.

"I don't want such a big benefit, Cecilia is pestering me every day for it." Wuchen muttered with a sigh.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The sky suddenly became a large area of ​​golden light, and countless shining light bullets were thrown out by Cecilia, like a golden rainstorm, rushing towards Zhiban Yixia with an invincible trend of destroying the dead.

"It's like the [Bachi Qionggou Yu] that is my glittering fruit." Wuchen nodded slightly, watching Cecilia's gradual change, and his admiration was undisguised, "I haven't used this trick before, in other words, Did she develop it herself?"

"Bang bang bang..."

Zhiban Yixia's outer defensive barrier suddenly burst open, and the circular air cover has more messy holes, the size of a fist, everywhere.


With the sound of an explosion, a large number of cracks appeared on the iron barrel-like barrier, and Zhiban Yixia cried out in her heart when she saw this.

"Bang bang..."

After a few seconds, the barrier also reached its limit, burst open, and the defensive circle around Zhiban Yixia disappeared.

"go to hell!"

The cold and charming voice came from behind, and Zhiban Yixia hurriedly looked back. It was Lavra's stern cheek. He was not ready to fight back, and Charlotte and Cecilia were going from different directions. Come galloping.

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