"This is the best." Hearing this, Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid that Wuchen would turn her face and not recognize anyone.

"Then, that, can you give me some of the magic medicine you mentioned earlier?" Charlotte asked tentatively, her big eyes full of anticipation, and then she said solemnly, "Our Denoah Company can pay any price! "

"Are you sure you want it?" Wuchen's face became weird, "Actually, I also want to continue to try it, I'm afraid you know what the magic medicine is, and I'm afraid you won't be able to eat it."

"Just take it out, I'll eat it in front of you now!" Charlotte said a little angrily, feeling that she was being despised by Wuchen.

"Well, I hope you don't regret it." Hearing this, Wuchen didn't talk nonsense, stood up and took off his pants quickly.

"You, what are you doing?!" Charlotte was taken aback, because Dustless took off her pants too fast, leaving shorts in an instant.

And looking at his appearance, it seems that he has to take off his shorts!

"Didn't you say you want magic medicine?" Wuchen asked silently.

"But I didn't let me take off my pants." Charlotte looked at Wuchen angrily. Could this bastard do it on purpose?

"Cecilia, explain to Charlotte what the so-called magic medicine is." Wuchen glanced at Cecilia, who blushed, but obeyed Wuchen's order and walked to Charlotte told the truth.

"You, you, you are just a super pervert, a ruffian, a stinky hooligan!!!"

After hearing the truth, Charlotte couldn't wait to find a crack to get in, her fair face was like a red apple, and she stared at Wuchen with shame and anger.

At the same time, she couldn't help admiring Cecilia. Isn't this guy a nobleman who can even eat that kind of thing?Where has the modesty of the nobility gone?Could it be that the things from the Ying country are too unpalatable, and they are not as good as the dust-free ones! ?

"Damn, how come I've become a pervert again? You asked for it yourself." Wuchen felt aggrieved. It was the little girl Charlotte who wanted to eat, but he didn't force it.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 33 Is there a big problem with anger? 【First Update】

It was completely Charlotte's self-defeating look, and Wuchen couldn't stop it. Looking at Charlotte's resentment now, it seemed that she had put all the blame on him.

"If you don't want to, tell me earlier." Wuchen had to pick up his pants and put them on again, but he was stopped by Cecilia before they could put them on.

"Master Wuchen, I will." Cecilia's eyes were filled with expectations and surprises, but she didn't feel embarrassed.

"No, you can really eat that kind of thing?" Charlotte suddenly felt that her head was not enough, Cecilia probably forgot her aristocratic status.

"That's my honor." Cecilia said quite frankly without being as squeamish as Charlotte.

"Cough cough... That Miss Charlotte, did you hear that too? You are not suitable for a girl to watch that kind of thing, so you should go out." Wuchen looked at Charlotte seriously, as if for you thoughtful tone.

"If you want to go out, you should go out, okay, this is my dormitory!" Charlotte stomped her feet, complained a bit, and left wisely.

Wuchen did that kind of thing with Cecilia in front of her, and she felt chills just thinking about it.

"Remember to close the door, and remember to knock on the door when someone comes." Wuchen reminded by looking at Charlotte's back.

"Did you make a mistake, forget about the two of you cheating, and let me take care of you? What do you take me for?!" Charlotte finally broke out, turning her head and scolding: "You better give me... .Stinking rogue!"

When the words came to an abrupt end, Charlotte ran away in a hurry, because Cecilia had already taken off her clothes, and she also took the initiative to help Wuchen undress. affection.

"That guy is really amazing, he took down the noble Cecilia in just a few days."

Charlotte, who was standing outside the door, couldn't help admiring. No matter what method Wuchen used, she could see Cecilia's affectionate appearance, but it didn't seem like she was being forced.


At the same time, something very big happened in another place.

IS College has a complete set of facilities, as well as a hospital for students, which brings together excellent doctors from all over the world.

In a certain ward, the top doctors of the IS Academy gathered, including Shino no Kou, Huang Lingyin, and Oriza Chifuyu.

At this moment, the three women had worried expressions on their faces. I thought that Zhiban Yixia was just dizzy. It wasn't a big problem. It would be fine after a little rest, but what was puzzling was that this kid fell down inexplicably. , I couldn't wake up even if I called, and even when some professor-level doctors were called over for treatment, no major problems were found.

The current Zhiban Yixia is like a vegetative person, all the functions of the body are normal, but he just can't scream.

"Sister Qiandong, what should I do?" Xiao Zhizhi looked at Zhiban Qiandong worriedly, and her small face was also frowning. In her heart, Zhiban Yixia was more important than anyone else.

"It's all my fault." Huang Lingyin spoke with a weeping tone, and her whole body was listless.

"Don't worry, it's alright, just take a little more rest and you'll be fine." A consoling smile appeared on Orimara Chifu's face, indicating that Huang Lingyin and Xiao Zhizhi didn't need to worry.

Although Orimoda Chifu tried her best to keep calm, her eyes were slack and her spirit was extremely lethargic. Even the smile just now seemed very reluctant, obviously she was forced to pretend.

The current Zhiban Yixia is indeed strange. Many doctors have not found anything wrong, but this kid is in a coma, and it seems that Huang Lingyin really has a big problem.

"You all go back, have a good rest, and I will take care of Yixia here." Zhiban Qiandong took a deep breath and said righteously, "After all, I am Yixia's elder sister, and it is my responsibility to take care of my younger brother. ."

When these words fell, Zhiban Yixia, who looked like a corpse, moved his face slightly, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised on both sides, looking like he was smiling.

It just disappeared in an instant, and no one noticed. The three of Xiao Zhizhi, Huang Lingyin, and Orimara Chifuyu were all silent and lost, and they didn't notice this insignificant movement at all.

"I caused the disaster, so let me solve it." Huang Lingyin seemed to have found a way to save Oriban Iika, and the eyes of the godless brightened again.


Time flies for a few hours, night falls quietly, the cold wind swept the entire IS Academy, and the bright moon hung high in the night sky.

There will be class tomorrow. Most of the students have rested early, and Wuchen is no exception. Although he is not a student, he is more busy as an instructor.

"Is this really appropriate for you? Don't ignore me, okay?"

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