A cold light flashed out of Wuchen's eyes, and when he was about to make a move, the mutation protruded.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Outside this coffee shop, a sharp sound of breaking through the air fell, and waves of danger spread.

The harsh voice was heart-wrenching, and it sounded very ominous.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The coffee shop secretly built by the terrorists collapsed immediately and was blasted to the ground by the missile from the sky, a mess.

The blazing flames flew into the air, and the black wolf smoke could be clearly seen from a distance of a thousand meters. The coffee shop was directly bombed into a big pit, because the power was so powerful that even the steel was burned into liquid.

Nearby residents called the police immediately, and many people also called the ambulance.


In the burning sea of ​​fire, a quiet and peaceful voice came slowly.

When he said these words, it was like a command from God, and the flames burning around him subsided in an instant.

And Xiao Zhizhi was also held by Wuchen. The two of them were in the protection of substantial energy. From the outside, they looked like a huge skeleton. Can almost.

If it had been held by Wuchen in the past, Xiao Zhizhi would probably fight with him, but at this moment, Xiaozhizhi was hugging Wuchen's neck tightly, and the white neck was streaked with red marks, for fear of Wuchen. Throw her out.

At the moment when the accident happened just now, if Wuchen hadn't appeared by Xiao Zhizhi's side to protect her, I'm afraid this child would have become a scorched corpse.


Wuchen's neck resounded non-stop, he twisted a little, and urged Xiaozhizhi: "Can you loosen my neck first, it's about to break."


Xiao Zhizhi, who was still silent in the explosion, couldn't help being sluggish for a while, and then realized that Wuchen hugged himself tightly in a princess hug, quickly retracted his hands like lightning, and jumped off Wuchen. .

Xiao Zhizhi lowered her head, her chin was about to be buried in her career line, for fear of letting Wuchen see her embarrassed appearance, she never dared to look up, and she felt guilty of being a thief.

Just now, she felt infatuated for a moment, especially when danger was approaching, Wuchen, this nasty ghost, was very stable.

"It's all burnt."

The sound of Wuchen came, and Xiao Zhizhi also swept over. Next to Wuchen, there was a charred corpse, and the smell of human flesh was filled with it.

Wuchen was fine, but Xiao Zhizhi's face became pale and vomited. It was the first time I saw this kind of scary scene, and it was a little unacceptable for a while.

And this scorched corpse is probably her childhood sweetheart, Oriban Ichika.

"Yixia is really crazy, and she is so cruel to herself."

After taking a few deep breaths, Xiao Zhizhi covered his mouth and said slowly.


Wuchen looked at Xiaozhizhi and shook his head, and said plainly: "Who would risk their lives? It's just that he was abandoned. If you guessed correctly, this kid was abandoned by the terrorists of [National Machinery Industry]. I want to kill him and the two of us together."


Xiao Zhizhi's mouth shuddered, and then he fell silent again. This kind of crazy attack method really resembled the style of a terrorist.

"Deserving it."

Withdrawing his gaze from the charred corpse, Wuchen turned and left. If he had to say that his only regret was that he did not kill this kid himself.

"It can only be said that you are to blame."

With a complicated sigh, Xiao Zhizhi also withdrew his gaze and left with Wuchen's back.

Everyone was dead, and her complaints against Zhiban Yixia also disappeared. Is it necessary to get to know a dead person?

After returning to IS academy, when Orimara Chito understood what had happened, she collapsed on the spot.

The only relative passed away, can she not be hit?Especially after offending Zhiban Yixia's tragic end, she burst into tears.

If it were someone else, Wuchen wouldn't mind using the pupil power of Samsara Eye to resurrect. As for Zhiban Yixia, forget it...

The next day, when Orimoda Chidong woke up, he vowed to destroy all the "national machinery industry", which Wuchen also agreed with very much.

Sadly, in the vast sea of ​​people, it is really not easy to uproot this terrorist all over the world, and so far we have not gotten any clues.

Even the news that Shinobu no Bundle knows is fragmented, and the content is pitiful.

Chapter 52 Trap! 【Second Update】

The subjugation machine industry, the small amount of information obtained from the Shinoji Bundle shows that this is an organization established during the Second World War. It does not belong to any country, nor does it have any religious beliefs, even where it originated. Nobody understands.

As for the size of the organization, as well as the purpose, and the series of secrets of personnel, it is even less known.

Inside the IS Academy, Wuchen was sitting in his office, and there was a thick stack of documents on the table in front of him. This was already several batches of documents, almost all of which were reports on the subjugated machinery industry.

However, there is very little or no useful information. At present, only one thing is certain. This organization is very jealous of those ISs with advanced performance, and even wants to grab it for itself.

"The news from the police said that at the time of the autopsy, the IS on Oriban Kazuya's body was gone. I guess it was taken away by that organization."

Wuchen raised his head in a daze, and murmured: "That silly boy is naive, and Bai Shi is actually his umbrella, and Bai Shi has already got it. For terrorists, Zhiban Yixia has no use value. . . ."

So, if you kill it, you will kill it, no big deal.

"Zhen Wu, how is the preparation for what I told you to do?"

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