Xiao Nan looked at the sudden appearance of the young man in surprise, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, this handsome young man, even she hadn't found a trace just now.


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Chapter 333 Sasuke's Kaleidoscope [First More]

The slightly messy broken hair fluttered in the wind, and the thin and thin body swayed in the hurricane.

The long knife attached to his waist gave the boy a little domineering, and his eyes were as bright as stars, giving the impression that the stars above the nine heavens could only be touched.

That awe-inspiring temperament is sharp-edged, which is the exact opposite of the casual and gentle dust-free.

The person who came is the brother of the two pillars - Sasuke Uchiha!

Staring at Wuchen coldly, Sasuke stared at Wuchen with scarlet eyes, gloomy expression, pale face, and there was a faint morbidity in that awe-inspiring aura.

Under Wuchen's astonished gaze, Sasuke's pupils began to rotate sharply, surging pupil power spurted out, and the autumn wind swept away leaves, causing the air flowing around him to stagnate.

"This kind of writing wheel eye is obviously not an ordinary writing wheel eye. It is a special pattern that has never been seen before. It seems to be the same kaleidoscope as Wuchen and Itachi... The people of the Uchiha family are indeed favored by the heavens."

Dai eyebrows wrinkled without a trace, Xiao Nan said cautiously, Uchiha's writing wheel eye is mysterious and unpredictable, both offensive and defensive, the world's understanding of Uchiha is one-sided, blindly thinking that it is just an illusion, but it has actually evolved into a kaleidoscope. After writing Wheel Eye, it is no exaggeration to say that the invincible physical attack can kill God.

The scene was suppressed, Sasuke's six-pointed star kaleidoscope stared at Wuchen, and his body was enveloped with looming hostility. The grass pheasant sword at his waist had not yet unsheathed, and it had already shot out the sharpness that cut off everything.

"Yo, my stupid brother..."

The stern atmosphere was broken by this inexplicable and sudden voice. Both Xiao Nan and Sasuke looked stagnant, and the corners of their mouths twitched indistinctly.

All eyes looked at Wuchen, who was smiling all over his face, and he was the one who caused it.

The cold eyes stared at Wuchen, Sasuke was even more murderous, and the majestic killing intent roared out, imprisoning Wuchen like a cage.

The suppressed murderous aura makes people feel wandering hallucinations.

"How can the little tricks of carving insects disturb my heart? It's still naive as always, but since you opened the kaleidoscope, it means that Itachi has been killed by you, and even your own brother can be killed. You are really cold-blooded and ruthless."

With a random wave of his hand, the strong murderous aura that filled Wuchen's side instantly disintegrated, and it collapsed like a mist. Although the result of the decisive battle between Itachi and Sasuke, Wuchen, must have been deliberately lost by Itachi.

"Turn on the kaleidoscope writing wheel to show that you have learned the truth about Itachi..."

Looking at Sasuke's eyes with a smile, Wuchen said softly, the way to open the kaleidoscope is extremely extreme, you must witness the death of your relatives and friends before you can open the kaleidoscope.

Sasuke has a lot of hatred for Itachi (before knowing the truth), obviously it is impossible to open his eyes. Now that he is showing his kaleidoscope, he also knows the truth of the demise of the Uchiha family.

"Looks like you've successfully killed Itachi..."

Looking at Sasuke thoughtfully, Wuchen sneered: "How does it feel, to kill my favorite brother in the past, this kind of alternative feeling can only be enjoyed by you in the world!"

Wuchen's remarks immediately reminded Sasuke of killing Itachi a few days ago, and his expression turned pale.

"You really know the truth about Itachi... bastard, why are you bastards hiding everything from me?!"

Angrily glaring at Wuchen, Sasuke asked resentfully, his eyes locked on Wuchen, and the killing intent in his words could not wait to see Wuchen peeling to the bone.

"It seems that the masked man has already been told the truth by Itachi, which is why he made you turn on the kaleidoscope... He is really cunning."

His brows were deeply frozen together, and Wuchen frowned, saying, this can be regarded as the relationship between the masked man and Sasuke invisibly.

Not only can it bring closer the relationship with Sasuke, but it can also arouse his hatred for Wuchen. From now on, the most important thing is to help Sasuke open the kaleidoscope.

"What a pretentious and arrogant guy, do you think he is the reincarnation of a god? It's ridiculous... Do you think that you are a gift from someone, including your kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and your current strength? …”

He sneered and looked at Sasuke with contempt, Wuchen rolled his eyes, his face was cold and ruthless: "I'm sorry to tell you that itachi gave you all this, if it wasn't for him, you would still be living in that brother world. It's just a beam jumping clown!"

"If Itachi didn't try to make it up for you, you wouldn't even be a fart now!"

Wuchen made a final decision and defined this annoying third brother. He is just a shadow living in Itachi's world. Without Uchiha Itachi as a leader, his achievements cannot be praised.

Staring at Sasuke, Wuchen sneered again and again, and didn't expect a mouth cannon attack to defeat him. After all, this kid's perseverance is really huge.

"You have a lot of nonsense. I just want to ask you, is what the masked man said true?!"

Sasuke asked hoarsely. In the end, his tone was completely commanding. The six-pointed star in his eyes revolved sharply. The focus of his eyes was Wuchen, and there was a faint black irregular flame in his eyes. , or answer him perfunctorily, and he will directly kill Wuchen.

"It's very arrogant."

His lips and lips were squirming, and a wicked smile flashed across Wuchen's eyes. He was about to teach this kid a lesson, but a flash of light flashed in his mind. With a plan, he suddenly realized that he could take advantage of Sasuke. Fan.

Wuchen looked at Sasuke with burning eyes, and replied solemnly, and at the same time shamelessly added himself.

"As you think, Itachi died in the tragedy of Konoha... Just like myself, I was deceived by the guys from Konoha Ninja Village!"


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Chapter 334 The Great Flickering Technique [Second More]

Xiaonan's clean face became unnatural, and his eyes subconsciously looked at Wuchen. When he was about to speak, he was stared back by Wuchen's murderous eyes, and he shut his mouth and wanted to open his red lips.

"What does it have to do with you? Defection from Konoha seems to be your personal factor. They didn't force you to do dark things back then!"

Raising his brows, Sasuke asked in a puzzled way that he was not someone to be fooled. Some unknown secret Itachi had already told him that they were naturally referring to the high-ranking Konoha.

"You are so naive, what you see and understand is only the surface of things!"

Hearing this, Wuchen's face "swiped" coldly, and he said righteously: "You don't need me to tell you the boundaries of the blood of the Uchiha family. You should understand that the reason why it is called the No. [-] family of Konoha is because of writing. Because of the wheel eye... Konoha's peaceful and stable development for decades has a lot to do with Uchiha."

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