"That's good."

Wuchen didn't talk nonsense when he heard the words. He opened his eyes and used the power of the pupil technique to swallow the girls into the different space. Then a shocking black hole appeared behind him, like a door through the world. Wuchen got up and stepped into it. Say goodbye to this world.

Guilty Crown

Chapter 1 Pray [First Update]

The moonlight is like a disk, hanging high in the sky, illuminating the vast darkness.

Looking up at the void, the stars all over the sky are glowing with bright light, and the moonlight tonight is extraordinarily bright and splendid. It is clear that at midnight, the blurred figures on the ground can be seen through the moonlight.

"Boom boom... boom boom... boom boom..."

The artillery fire lingered unscrupulously in the night sky for a long time, and there were countless scorched black craters on the ground, one after another, like the surface of the moon, full of craters.

Lots of helicopters flying in mid-air, the humming of the propellers irritating, seemingly tracking criminals, firing missiles all the time.

In a nearby abandoned factory, the dead space suddenly swayed with ripples, like the surface of the water swept by the breeze, and the ripples were visible to the naked eye.


After a long time, the space was suddenly torn apart, and a black hole the size of a head emerged, and bursts of power fluctuations floated from the black hole, and then the hole rapidly enlarged.

In a few seconds, it has become a door...

"This time the crossing was unexpectedly smooth."

An unexpected sound came from the black hole, and a few seconds later, a young man with short black hair stepped out of it.

The man was thin, dressed in white casual clothes, with a black and white scarf wrapped around his neck, which was quite fashionable.

"When I crossed before, I either fell from a height of tens of thousands of meters, appeared in the abyss, or simply raced with sharks in the deep sea." Wuchen remembered his past life, and this time the unscrupulous system turned out.

Although the surrounding environment is not satisfactory, it is much better than before.

"But what is this sound?" Wuchen frowned and raised his head subconsciously. The sound outside the warehouse was very messy. As an old fox, he immediately recognized that it was a helicopter, and there were more than one.

"The target shouldn't be me, I'm just a first-timer, I haven't offended anyone yet." Wuchen thought so.

But the next second an accident happened.

"Boom boom boom!"

With a loud bang, the warehouse trembled suddenly, and a desolate cold wind swept in from above.

Looking up, the thick steel above the head has been blasted out of a big hole, the cold wind rushed in frantically, and more than a dozen rays of light shone down.

Unbiased, the light just fell on Wuchen.

"Surrender the terrorists inside, you've been surrounded!" The character on the helicopter shouted to Wuchen.


Wuchen felt inexplicable from the bottom of his heart, opened his mouth, and just when he was about to explain, the helicopters hovering in the void all took out their machine guns and aimed their dark muzzles at him.

"You have been surrounded, there is no escape!"

No matter who has been wronged, even if a gun is aimed at the head, they will be furious.

What's more, he still has a bad temper.

"It seems that every time I cross, it's not peaceful." Wuchen's face cooled down, this is not his fault.

"Hide away."

The soft sound of the weak mosquitoes and flies suddenly invaded the ears, and Wuchen was slightly startled. Just now, he had been focusing on the outside, and he had not paid attention to the surrounding situation.

Turning his eyes, he followed the source of the sound, and in the dark corner, a pale girl was looming.

This person is completely integrated into the darkness, if it wasn't for her deliberately speaking out, she wouldn't be able to see her at all...

This child seems to be injured, his body is motionless against the wall, his messy light pink hair is casually drooping, covered with dirt, and casually sprinkled on his shoulders

There were even beads of sweat on her forehead, and her complexion was slightly distorted. Looking closely, there were some burn marks on her fair calf, and her skin was black...

"It looks like it's that Lu Qi, no wonder I'm considered a terrorist. I think I'm her comrade. It seems that this black pot can't be shaken off." Looking at the helicopter hovering overhead, Wuchen didn't bother to explain. .

Explanation is useless. If this group of people listens to their own explanation, there is no need to point guns at him.

At the same time, Wuchen also understands where she is in the world - Guilty Crown, the injured girl curled up in the corner is Yuqi, she is a serious terrorist, like a member of some funeral society.

It is estimated that the helicopters outside were the ones who arrested her, and it happened that Wuchen also appeared here, and it is estimated that they were identified as a group.

"Come here." A feeble voice came slowly, and Qi Qi said to Wuchen with a request.

Wuchen heard the words and walked over slowly, looking at the scars on Yuqi's calf, it wasn't really fatal, but because of the relationship between the legs, the speed had dropped seriously, and she couldn't run at all, otherwise she wouldn't be huddled here. Hide in the factory.

"Sorry, I've implicated you as an outsider. The group of people outside is actually coming for me. I will try my best to give you an opportunity to escape later." Yu Qi handed a catheter to Wuchen and said seriously: "Please hand this over to the mortuary company's jishenya."

"Surprisingly chatty." Wuchen took the catheter in Yuqi's hand, and immediately looked at the girl with interest, remembering that she was very seldom, and she was a taciturn type of character, and she said this to herself now Duo, could it be a dying last word?

Listening to Yu Qi's tone, it seems that he is going to sacrifice himself to cover Wuchen.

"There's no problem with handing it over to that jigshenya, but..."

Wuchen is not a good person, he can't rub the sand in his eyes, "I have become a terrorist's accomplice inexplicably, you must give me some compensation, right?"

"This thing seems to be good. Seeing that you are a girl and you are injured, I will pity you, give you a discount, and use this thing to make up for me!"

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