The voice of Wuchen came from behind, and Yu Qi turned his head to look, this guy was leaning in the corner in a daze, not saying a word.

Yu Qi was silent for a moment, and finally looked at Wuchen and said, "The Void Genome, that's for Ya."

The Void Genome that Yuqi stole was actually handed over to Jigshenya for use, but it was robbed halfway by Wuchen and shamelessly snatched it away.

"That was in the past, you only need to understand that it is mine now, even though the Void Genome is not useful, it is a dispensable thing, but I am just unreasonable and will never eat it. Spit out the meat in your mouth!" Wu Chen savagely announced.

Qi Qi was still looking at Wuchen, until at the end, her eyes were dim, "Ya, you must be very angry, right?"

"If Sangshenya treats you as a companion, you will definitely not be angry. If the role is limited to props, it is natural to be angry if you fail." Wuchen replied casually.

angry?Isn't that for sure? In the eyes of Tsukigami, Yuqi itself is just a prop.


At the same time, there was a lot of roaring engine sounds outside, and the overwhelming sound was deafening.

"Could it be reinforcements from that swarm of flies?"

The dust-free face showed a chilling meaning, and the ground on which his feet were froze was frozen. If he didn't give the group of guys a lesson they would never forget, they probably wouldn't know the pain.

"Muqi, Yuqi, Yuqi..."

A burst of anxious screams came from outside, and Yu Qi smiled immediately after hearing the words, "It's not the enemy, the comrades of the funeral club are here."

When he was surrounded before, Yuqi communicated his location to the funeral ceremony, and now the reinforcements have finally arrived.

"Your companions are really slow at work."

Wuchen complained in disapproval. It must be understood that an hour or two has passed during this period. If it wasn't for Yuqi's luck, he would have been captured by the GHQ who had been besieged before. & #160;

Chapter 3 Funeral Club [First Update]

Hearing the arrival of her companion, Yu Qi, who was sluggish and listless before, immediately regained her figure and forced a smile on her face. She gritted her teeth and stood up, dragging her tired body to walk slowly.

However, after taking a few steps, Lu Qi's steps stopped. The corners of her dry mouth trembled slightly, her expression was astonished, she looked at the burn on her calf, and her cute little cherry mouth opened instantly.

The scary scar from before has disappeared, and the skin on the calf is as smooth and tender as a newborn baby, white and red.

"Why did my injury recover after a sleep?" Yu Qi murmured incredulously, her beautiful eyes darkened and she fell into deep puzzlement.

Although it was said that the injury on the calf was only a skin injury, it was painful to move a little bit. Now it has been repaired inexplicably, and even the scar is not left, so Qi is naturally surprised.

"There seems to be no one else but him."

Qi Qi's eyes froze, and she couldn't help but re-examine Wuchen, the person in front of her was far more mysterious and different than she imagined.

Even if there is no so-called Wang Zhili, facing the group of GHQs, Wuchen has no fear at all.

"Ta Ta Ta Ta..."

All of a sudden, the sound of messy footsteps came, and when Yu Qi looked back, he was a member of the funeral club.

Wuchen said nothing, still folded his hands, hugged in front of him, and carefully observed several people with a pair of bright eyes.

Clear pupils swept over the members of the funeral ceremony one by one, and finally his eyes were fixed on a man with blond hair and long hair.

This person doesn't look very old, although his eyes are very vicissitudes, but according to Wuchen's estimation, he should be around seventeen or eighteen years old.

"He should be Zangshenya." Wuchen guessed secretly, and he could tell from the look in Lu Qi's eyes, he was very respectful.

"Don't move."

Just as Wuchen was secretly observing this group of people, a warning voice suddenly came.

A tall man with a dark muzzle aimed at Wuchen.

"I hate people pointing guns at me." Wuchen said annoyed: "By the way, are you also from the funeral agency? I'm the benefactor of Yuqi's people. Without me, she would have been captured by GHQ long ago. You are Is this an attitude?"

The man was burly, wearing a bulletproof vest, and aimed a submachine gun at Wuchen.

The name seems to be called Da Yun.

"Qi, you didn't get caught by those guys in GHQ. You performed very well. You have made great progress during this time!"

He has always maintained a poker face and seldom smiles, and praised him. Those who know him know that he has a cold personality and rarely smiles when he treats others.


Mei Qi raised her eyebrows with joy, and Zang Shen Ya seldom praised her, and her eyes were always cold.

"Have you got the Void Genome?"

As the conversation changed, Jigshen Ya looked forward to looking at Yu Qi, although he remained calm and his expression was uneventful, his voice was obviously hoarse, revealing infinite longing.

With the Void Genome, he will become a king!However, Chishen Ya is doomed to fail, and the Void Genome that Yuqi stole has been used by Wuchen.

Hearing this, Yu Qi's expression suddenly stiffened, and the smile on his face also subsided.

"Could it be that..."

Everyone looked at each other, no one was stupid, and everyone had good wisdom.

Jigshenya tightened his cheeks for the first time, and the joy on his face instantly vanished. He choked up, "Could it be... failed? You didn't get the Void Genome?"

"You're late, that thing has already been used by me."

Wuchen came lazily, and the big cloud had already been knocked unconscious by him.

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