"Hush world? Is that the guy who looks like a clown?"

Wuchen knew a little about the name, and said, "It's really a bit tricky, and it's because of his cunning that he won't tear up tickets casually, and will definitely use Lu Qi to threaten us."

"Are we going to wait and be threatened?!" Shinomiya Ayase patted the table excitedly, and said angrily: "It's not the style of our funeral ceremony to sit and wait for death. If we can't, we will forcefully attack GHQ to retake Luqi!"

"Yes, you must not abandon your companions!"

Shinomiya Ayase's words immediately made everyone respond, and everyone looked like jade and stone were burned.

"I am afraid that the other party has already set up a sky net waiting for us to get in." The quadrant, who is a military division, interjected.

"This plan doesn't work!"

Tsukigami Ya also rejected Shinomiya Ayase's proposal, his eyes flickered, and he was extremely troubled and helpless about this.

Unlike other people, Yu Qi can never be abandoned.

"Actually, there is another plan to try."

Just when everyone was at a loss, Wuchen suggested: "You can use that Sakura Manchatsu as a breakthrough, the other party has a hostage, and we also have a good hostage here, that guy's identity is not ordinary, it's still a stem. Doshuichiro's younger sister."

"Sister of Shuichiro Stemido?!"

Everyone's eyes were gleaming. Looking at it like this, Yingman Chunxia really had a good status and status within GHQ, and maybe they could exchange Yuqi back.

It must be understood that the creator of the void genome is Shuichiro Keido. He shot and killed Sakura Manji's father, took away Sakura Man Xuanzhou's information, and created three void genomes based on this.

And Sakura Manchatsu is his younger sister, and that Huojie is still a subordinate of Shuichiro Stemido, and there is a high possibility of exchanging hostages.


The others agreed, but Zang Shenya was the only one with a fluctuating expression and unusual entanglement.

He tried his best to capture Yingman Chunxia just for the sake of other Void Genomes. Could he just hand her over to Yuqi now?

Chapter 9 Who is Sad [First More]

Jishenya is extremely entangled. At present, he is in a dilemma, stepping into an unprecedented situation of embarrassment, not only what to do.

"Come on, let me think about it!"

Tsukigami waved his hand and left with a look of irritability.


After this short meeting, Wuchen also returned to his residence.

Unexpectedly, someone followed.

"It turned out to be Miss Ayase."

Wuchen was a little puzzled in his heart. He met this woman only a handful of times, and said very few words.

Suddenly came to find myself, really a little puzzled.

"You have the power of the king, with your ability and everyone's help, there is nothing wrong with rescuing Qi Qi?" Shinomiya Ayase stared at Wuchen with great dissatisfaction, "Escape from one's own responsibility is a cowardly act. "

"A coward? Maybe so."

Wuchen did not argue when he heard the words. This may be a cowardly act, but he is not a bad person. He is not related to Yu Qi, so why should he save her?He's not the kind of person who has nothing to do when he's full.

Even in the previous accident, Wuchen saved Yuqi once, and the kindness of Void Genome was paid off.

Another point is that Yuqi was brainwashed by Jiang Shenya, and he obeyed his words, and Wuchen didn't have much trouble with Jiang Shenya, so it was the best of benevolence and righteousness to make plans at the meeting just now.

"It's very sad for you to live selfishly like this." Shinomiya Ayase's voice was magnetic and pleasant to the ear, and Xiaozhi moved her with reason and emotion, and persuaded: "People in this world, if they only see themselves in their eyes, it's too sad. "

"Sadness?" Wuchen looked at Shinomiya Ayase strangely, "Is selfishness equal to sadness? I really can't compliment this, do you say that living for the so-called companions makes your life colorful? "

"And the most important point, the comrade in your mouth is Chi Shenya, right? Does that guy really treat you as a comrade?"

Wuchen sighed, and his voice became extremely vicissitudes: "Ayase, I have lived longer than any of you, and I have more knowledge. Over the years, I have seen all kinds of people, then Those who keep saying that they are for the sake of their companions are the saddest!"

"This kind of person, who thinks about others wholeheartedly, is born as if he owes others, is it really interesting to live... Take you as an example, you have paid so much for the life of the gods, are you truly happy? I don't know, because the person you like just ignores your emotions."

"You know this yourself, right? Even though you are very sad, you always force a smile in front of everyone, aren't you tired of living? To be honest, I really don't understand what a person like you is thinking!"

Wuchen looked down at Shinomiya Ayase, who was sitting in a wheelchair, and the words revealed in her words seemed to be full of magic, and the girl's eyes suddenly became hesitant.

If you think about Wuchen's words carefully, it doesn't make sense.

"Just because you still want to play tricks with me, it's still too far!" Looking at the speechless Shinomiya Ayase, Wuchen felt heartbroken, and continued to talk nonsense in a serious manner: "It is undeniable, He is indeed an excellent leader, with clear thinking and admirable strategies, but he hesitated and retreated in this incident, don't you think it's strange?"

"What are you trying to say?!" Shinomiya Ayase's heart trembled, and she could not help grasping the armrest of the wheelchair. In fact, she had long felt that something was wrong, but she had not figured out the reason why Tsugami was hesitant.

At the meeting just now, whoever was the leader of the funeral agency would decide to exchange it with Ying Manchsumu and Yuqi. Although they were terrorists, everyone felt that their companions were the most important, but they were still in trouble. When you think about it, it's really puzzling.

"That's because Yingman Chunxia is in control of the whereabouts of the other two Void Genomes, so Chishen Ya doesn't want to exchange hostages. Once Yingman Chunxia is handed over, you may not get the Void Genomes... You know that too... Well, that guy really wants to be the king, but the Void Genome that Yu Qi stole has already been used by me, so Chiggin Ya can only target Yingman Chunxia."

Wuchen's simple words seemed to have caused [-] critical hits to Shinomiya Ayase. Her face was pale and her body was shaking slightly. If it wasn't for being in a wheelchair, she might have fainted.

"Actually, the idea of ​​exchanging hostages is just to test the character of that kid on purpose." Wuchen's eyes flashed, and he sneered: "Although there were some twists and turns during the period, I still guessed the character of that kid. The essence is that A hungry wolf wearing a mask and advocating power!"

"Do you have any evidence?" After a long silence, Shinomiya Ayase asked in a soft voice.

"Are you still planning to deceive yourself?" Wuchen's voice was low, and she couldn't help looking at Shinomiya Ayase with pity, "Are you planning to deceive yourself now? How pathetic you are!"

Wuchen didn't say much, turned around and left, not only Yu Qi, but this woman also seemed to have been brainwashed, and the facts in front of her still wanted evidence, funny!

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