"I found it, but..."

The two looked at each other and said softly, "But he's dead?"


Hearing this, Wuchen opened the corners of his mouth and was dumbfounded for more than ten seconds. He really felt incomprehensible. This is really unexpected. According to the development in the original work, Yingmanji is not a long-lived boy, but he can definitely live to adulthood. In the end, the food has stopped before anything has started!

After being in a trance for a moment, Wuchen asked, "Who killed it?"

"I don't know."

Both of them shook their heads, no one could tell clearly, when they went to see Ying Manji, it was a corpse, or a charred corpse, almost out of shape.

"Maybe it was an accident." Shinomiya Ayase tilted her head and said.

Thrush also nodded in agreement. There are too many people who die unexpectedly due to various disasters every year, and it is impossible to count them. Maybe Ying Manji is just one of the unlucky ghosts.

"Perhaps so."

Hearing this, Wuchen didn't think much about it, anyway, whether Yingmanji is dead or alive has nothing to do with him, just asking for nothing just now.

"As for what's next..."

Wuchen stretched his waist, and the bones of his whole body rang out in coordination, crackling like a pleasant musical note, and he looked indescribably enjoying it.

"Right now, we don't seem to have any clues. Instead of looking around like a headless fly, let's just bask in the sun."


At noon the next day, the sun hangs high above the blue sky, and the relentless scorching sun bakes the earth. In this vast summer, the whole world is ablaze.

On the seaside of a certain sea area, people are playing happily, galloping freely in the cool sea water, laughing and laughing.

Wuchen and Shinomiya Ayase and Thrush also naturally mixed in, and the three found a beach with fewer people to bask in the sun.

"Just you will enjoy!"

Thrush pouted, she was wearing a swimsuit with a suspender, her small body was fully exposed, and she knelt on the ground with her knees, grumbling sullenly.

She held the sunscreen in both hands and rubbed the sunscreen on the dust-free lying in front of her. Every time her little hand slipped over the dust-free skin, it would leave a striking red mark.

"I'm not dead yet, be a little bit stronger." Wuchen complained in floral pants and sunglasses.

"Is this any different from your nanny?" Thrush was still complaining, saying that he was on vacation, but in fact, Wuchen was calling her all the way.

"You know shit."

Wuchen scolded angrily, looked at her flat career line, and explained inexplicably: "Young children need to exercise more, understand?"

"The more you exercise, the more your body develops."

Sensing that Wuchen's tone was yin and yang, and the track of his eyes was still fixed on his career line, his little face like mutton fat suddenly turned red, and he was shocked and angry, "You pervert!"

"Thrush, pay attention to your tone."

Without waiting for Wuchen to speak, Shinomiya Ayase was the first to speak out, and emphasized with a serious expression: "This is Lord Wuchen, our master!"


Hearing this, Wuchen's cheeks froze. Why does this name sound weird?Although he understood what Shinomiya Ayase meant, he always felt very strange in his heart.

But one thing is certain, since witnessing her own strength, Shinomiya Ayase has convinced her a lot.

At any time, strength is still important.


Shinomiya Ayase paused at the corner of her mouth, rationalized her thoughts and said, "I believe that Mr. Wuchen will not do inexplicable things. There must be other intentions for bringing us here... Maybe..."

The girl's two pearl-like eyes shone brightly, "Maybe Ya... No, maybe that guy from Zangshenya is hiding in it."

"Really?!" Thrush's eyes flashed a dazzling divine light in an instant, and her small fists were clenched involuntarily. After the last incident, she was full of malice towards Zangshenya and wanted to pry open his head to see See why you should betray.

However, although the thrush is young and easy to be fooled, he is not stupid. He glanced at the surrounding environment, it was obviously a resort, and he couldn't help asking suspiciously: "Zhang Shenya is very thoughtful, it's too late to hide from us. , why would you come to such a place for vacation?"

"This seems to be a bit wrong." Shinomiya Ayase also hesitated for a while, then her eyes suddenly lit up, "Isn't there a saying that the most dangerous place is the safest place?"


The thrush quickly patted his forehead, and naturally looked at Wuchen with anticipation, and said with admiration: "As expected of Mr. Wuchen."

Wuchen: "………………"

The corners of his mouth moved, and he hesitated to say anything. People should enjoy themselves when they were alive. In fact, he was here on vacation, which was far less complicated than the two women imagined.

& #160;

Chapter 16 Enshrined Courtyard Arisa [First Update]

Seeing the two people talking to themselves, Wuchen closed his mouth awkwardly. At this time, it was more appropriate for him to be silent.

People should enjoy in time when they are alive. It is said that living in the present moment will only make it more and more painful, so he will be lazy when he has the opportunity... As for what the two of them just talked about, it is just their wishful thinking. .

"Yes, I just brought you to investigate!" Wuchen said shamelessly.

When a person should be shameless, he must be shameless...

"As expected of Mr. Wuchen!"

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