"The ninjas of the five countries have gathered, and their 'Five Shadows' are holding meetings intensively. The content is naturally to deal with us. I am afraid that they will launch an attack soon..."

Closing his eyes, a strange color flashed in Wuchen's eyes, and then said calmly.

"That woman should fulfill the covenant... He should know the price of betraying me."

Silently closed his eyes, Wuchen secretly said in his heart that Terumi Mei had a covenant with him, the content of which was naturally to find the two-tailed man Zhuli Yuki, and the condition of Wuchen was not to harm the ninjas in the foggy village.

Of course, it just doesn't hurt, and drawing their chakra is no longer part of this agreement!

"It's unbelievable. I didn't expect that the five major countries would abandon each other's grievances and come together one day."

The ghost shark said to himself with a strange face, Oyegi was once the father of the fourth generation of Raikage, the third generation of Raikage, the second generation of Muye Village's Hokage once again died in Yunyin Village, Sandyin Village is also the same as Yanyin Village. There is an inextricable feud with Konoha Village.

"Not only the five major countries, but other small countries are also involved, and even small cats and dogs like the Snow Country and Tie Zhiguo are also involved."

Xiaonan said coldly, these unknown small countries want to fight the autumn wind, the idea is too ridiculous, as long as everything is done, there is a price to pay.

"A cat and a dog..."

Hearing this, Wuchen glanced at Xiaonan, dumbfounded, even if the power gathered by those small countries should not be underestimated, not to mention changing the situation of the war, it can also easily change the situation in a small area.

"Don't worry about those little things, the main goal is the two-tailed man Zhuli Yumu, just grab her, and then the whole world will be our enemy and there is no need to fear them."

With a look of contempt in his eyes, Obito said confidently.

"At that time, not only the ninjas of the five major countries, including you, will all be in my pocket."

The corner of the masked man's eyes spread out, passing over Xiao Nan and Gui Sha, and sneered to himself, these so-called companions will become the sad nourishment under the "Infinite Moon Reading", his purpose is very simple, that is After reviving the Ten Tails, he transformed himself into a brand-new Ten-Tailed Human Zhuli, and immediately used the majestic Chakra to perform the strongest illusion in the world - Infinite Moon Reading.

At that time, the so-called companions will naturally fall into a permanent dream world.

"I will become a brand-new god of creation, meet Lin in the dream world again, and live a happy life that is indistinguishable from the world!"

The boundless longing in the masked man's eyes seems to have seen the moment when he transformed into the Ten-Tailed Man's Pillar Force, gained the power of the Six Path Immortals, and created a whole new world of dreams...


Suddenly, I felt a pair of cold and playful eyes secretly peeping at me, the masked man in the madness brightened his eyes, and subconsciously looked to the right.

"This guy……"

Turning his head, what caught his eye was Wuchen, or his weird face.

I saw Wuchen Mouth~ The corners of his lips were raised high, and his eyes were squinted, or simply closed, because he couldn't see where his eyeballs were at all.

A haze flashed in the masked man's eyes, and in the moment just now, he seemed to have become a big fat sheep!


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Chapter 336 Hei Jue is in Action

A veiled killing intent flashed across the masked man's eyes, and this feeling made him quite unhappy. Whether it was an illusion or the truth, he had a killing intent towards Wuchen.

There is no other reason, he instinctively felt a fatal threat from Wuchen.

"Let's let you hang on for a while, wait for your use value to be drained, and then completely erase it, forever and forever remove the garbage that blocks peace in this world..."

Looking back, the masked man pretended not to have seen anything, but in his heart he swore that as long as he became Zhuri Jutsu, the first object to be erased would be the Uchiha Wuchen in front of him.

In the dark, Wuchen always gave him an extremely powerful sense of oppression, even more so than Madara Uchiha!

In any case, Uchiha Madara has disappeared, and the new "Uchiha Madara", Wuchen, is rising rapidly, and the masked man has realized that it is enough to threaten him.

"Ambitious... It's a pity that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel."

Wuchen was unmoved, thinking about himself in his heart, no one would willingly hope that he would be reduced to a chess piece, and the resistance of the masked man was something he expected.


In the dimly lit secret room, many experimental subjects can be clearly seen, most of them are immersed in unknown solution, and there are sutured incisions on their bodies.

Most of the experimental subjects are human, with their eyes closed, their expressions pale and helpless, with fear, as if they were tortured by fear before.

A man covered in a dark red robe with scales all over his body carefully shook the solution in his hand.

"Failed again...Bang!"

Disappointment flashed through the eyes of the snake, and immediately smashed the test tube in his hand without hesitation, the uncontrollable eruption of anger, gloomy eyes spread out, looking at the human being soaked in the container, his face showed a frenzy.

"I will surpass Master Orochimaru to become the first person to turn a snake into a dragon, and I will say goodbye to the inferior existence of human beings 'bound' by time!"

The arrogant and arrogant voice carries endless yearning. For the dragon, a creature that lives in mythology, Orochimaru's pursuit is naturally an unprecedented level of madness and morbidity. This is where his way lies.

Everyone aspires to become a legendary fairy and roam the sky.

"The five major countries are all ready to fight, it seems that it is time for me to act..."

There was a stern look in his eyes, and Orochimaru secretly said in a deep voice, just as he was about to leave, a strange figure seemed to have emerged from the void and appeared in front of Orochimaru out of thin air.

"It's you?"

Suddenly startled, the surging murderous aura subsided, and the person who came into view was dressed in black, only revealing a dark face, those empty eyes were extremely weird, just white holes.

The feeling of this person is extremely contradictory, or that he can't be regarded as a human at all, it is completely composed of black liquid~body. At the moment of appearance, even those who are now stronger than the "Five Shadows" did not notice it.

Come and go without a trace, appear in the most bizarre and inconceivable way, and leave in the most incomprehensible way.

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