"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

The harsh roar whizzed past his ears, there was no more movement, and it shot into the distance. The turbulent heart in the Huo world finally calmed down, and he thought to himself: "It seems that my reaction is not bad."

At the same time, there was a sarcastic arc at the corner of his mouth, and he sneered at Wuchen: "The position you aimed at doesn't seem to be very accurate, you missed it!"


Wuchen didn't say much, just pointed to the back of the boo world with an indifferent face.

"Hmph, pretending to be a ghost."

Huo Jie snorted in disdain, but turned back for the first time, the light shot by the dust-free finger did not collapse, but continued to carry the light of destruction to move forward.

The location is unbiased, just the location of the enshrined family villa!


Huojie let out a happy laugh, and laughed unscrupulously: "This time you are afraid to hurt your own people by mistake..."

"Let's see clearly."

Wuchen reminded lightly, stunned the world for a moment, and then angrily said: "Do I still need you to teach me? Could it be that light can still go back the same way... puff!"

Before the words fell, the light that was shot out before bounced back again, and penetrated the body of Huojie.


Huo Jie spit out two mouthfuls of blood in pain, and roared like crazy: "What a joke, it just spreads in a straight line, why can you come back?!"

This totally violates the laws of physics!

"In theory, but ah..." The dust-free face squeezed out a sinister arc, "I am a shining person who ate the shining fruit, don't judge me with your ordinary eyes!"

In this world, nothing is impossible, and existence is reasonable.

As a shining person, Wuchen can manipulate and control light at will, and what ordinary people see is impossible in his hands, and changing the trajectory of light is a piece of cake.

Chapter 28 King to King [First Update]

"Do you want to say that you can turn corruption into magic?!" Huo Jie clutched his wound, trying his best to slow down the eruption of blood, otherwise he would die from excessive blood loss.

However, this doesn't change anything, not to mention that the heart has been pierced and there is no cure, even if the wound is covered, there is still a large amount of gray-brown blood spurting out from the fingers.

"See if you understand."

Wuchen casually put his hands on his hips, looked up bored and exhaled turbid air, "But I always feel that these words are very suitable to describe me."

"is it?"

At the same time, there was a sudden burst of coolness behind him, and Wuchen's face that was always light and windy was rarely loosened.

"Let me see your heart."

The voice came again, Wuchen turned around, and a figure as elegant as a white cloud was already lying on his back.

Being pressed on his body, he didn't even feel anything, as if this person had no entity and was as strange as a ghost.

"You came out so soon?"

Wuchen's voice was still very indifferent, looking at the cracked void behind him, his brows frowned, but he didn't say much.

The person in front of him is a young man in a coat with a handsome face. A pair of green eyes exudes a clear light. The light is radiant. It is like a pure natural gem, very soft and refreshing. Uncontrollable and relaxed.

"It's really annoying eyes." But Wuchen really didn't like these eyes, only pure disgust.

Because the owner of these eyes looks at himself like he looks at his prey, who would like this kind of person?

"Let me see your void..."

One of Daath's hands suddenly came close to Wuchen's chest, and immediately pulled it hard, as if something was pulled out of thin air, and there were a lot of light sources in his hand.

"This is..."

Wuchen was also a little stunned for a while. It was the first time he encountered such a situation. Under normal circumstances, it was the void that Wang extracted from ordinary humans.

"Hahaha... what an incredible guy!"

Looking at the ball of light in his hand, which finally condensed into a big sword, Daath's expression was quite excited, and even Wuchen looked at it blankly.

In Daath's hand, he holds a golden sword that is more than two meters long.

"This is my void?"

Wuchen looked surprised and curious at the same time. The divine sword in front of him reminded him of the Tiancong Yunjian with glittering fruits. Although there are many differences in appearance, the length and width of this great sword are larger than Tiancong Yunjian. It is more than two meters long, but the blazing destruction edge it exudes is almost the same.

"It seems to be similar to the ability of the glittering fruit, so my void is this thing." Wuchen sighed, looking at Daaath holding a big sword and didn't care much, how could he lose to this one who only dared to hide in the dark mice at the place.

"Unbelievable, this kind of power is really the void of human beings?" Daath enchanted the gorgeous photon sword, his hands trembled a little, lightly frosted the slender blade, feeling the power contained in it and exclaimed: "Perhaps the king's void is different from others."

"This idiot!"

Hearing this, Wuchen sneered, and at a glance he saw that this was the power of his own glittering fruit, the power he first obtained, what does it have to do with void?

If you have to insist on the relationship, it is just that the Glitter Fruit was used by Daath in the form of void.

"There's one thing I have to make clear before we go to war."

Daath's expression became extremely awe-inspiring, and he said with a victor's tone: "If you are willing to create a new world with Sakuraman's real name, I can stand on your side."

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