"So your enemy isn't me, but the guy in Sangshenya." Wuchen said lightly: "It's not too late to turn back to the shore."


Yingman's real name heard the words and stared at Wuchen in a complicated way. He didn't even think that there was such a secret in it. He sincerely thanked: "I took the liberty before, sorry..."

This is completely sincere.

"no need to say sorry."

Wuchen smiled, very bright, and said carelessly: "I have no intention of accepting your apology. The previous things can't be left in vain, the interest will be waived, and I must get the capital back."

In any case, the series of confrontations just now were all at a loss. This woman dared to feed him a virus, which is unforgivable!

If it weren't for Wuchen, the ten tails were immortal and could regenerate infinitely, which would have been abolished just now!

"It's all a misunderstanding, isn't it necessary?!"

Yingman Chunxia looked at Wuchen cautiously, and couldn't help feeling her scalp tingle. She knew that this guy could definitely do what he said, and he would never aim at nothing.

"Seeing that you are still a child, and even your body is ruined. You are still occupying Die Qi's body, hehe... I will pity you and give you a [-]% discount."

Wuchen narrowed his eyes, and the next sentence made Yingman's real name and Yingmanchia vomit blood.

Chapter 33 In the Name of Father's Love [First Update]

"I've always been kind, so I don't expect too much from you. Just sign a contract to sell yourself and be my slave." Wuchen said generously. For the sake of the spring and summer daughter, she was slapped to death long ago.

It's all so generous, but some people just don't know the fun.

"Fuck! Go to hell, you call it a discount?!"

Yingman's real name stared at Wuchen, spitting out the stars, and scolded: "Let me be your slave? You can dream! I will not promise you even if I die."

This kind of maddening request, this bastard can also open his mouth, is he not afraid of flashing his tongue? !If you get a discount, you will be a slave. If you don’t get a discount, will you be cut into pieces? !unacceptable! ! !

"It's really difficult for a strong man." Yingman Chunxia also looked at Wuchen with resentment. Anyway, even if there is no blood relationship, at least nominally Yingman's real name is still her own daughter, so I can give her some face.

"Remember, even if I die, I won't be your slave, and I won't sign any contract of prostitution, nonsense, naive!" Yingman's real name said coldly, it's ridiculous.

Originally, because Wuchen told himself who the murderer who killed Yingmanji was, I had some good feelings for this guy, but now that weak goodwill is not only gone, but full of malice towards Wuchen, who made this guy so hateful of.

"Okay then, looking at Chun Xia's face, I'm just wronging myself and lowering some requirements for you." Wuchen said with a painful expression, giving the impression that he suffered a big loss.

"Tsk tsk..."

Looking at Yingman's real name in front of her eyes, Wuchen's eyes were dripping, and then she seemed to think of something, and said with a strange smile: "By the way, real name, do you know my relationship with Chunxia?"

"Don't be so affectionate, I'm not familiar with you!" Yingman's real name was disgusted, and goosebumps all over his body. Seeing this bastard's wicked smile, it must not be a good thing.

But Wuchen called Yingman spring and summer spring and summer, and she didn't refute it. It can be seen that the relationship between the two is really good.

No matter who it is, driven by a heart of gossip and curiosity, Yingman's real name asked, "You...what secrets?!"

"It's very simple." Wuchen said without hesitation: "I am her husband, and Xia Xia is my wife!"

"real or fake?!"

Yingman's real name instantly widened her eyes in amazement. Although first and second marriages are common in this era, even third and fourth marriages are common, but when this kind of thing falls on her head, Yingman's real name Still bewildered.

Her demeanor was more serious than ever before, her threatening gaze looked at Wuchen as if she was interrogating a prisoner. After looking at it for a long time, she nodded slowly, "So-so, it's not bad."

Although he didn't know this guy, and even had some resentment, at least one thing was true. Wuchen's strength was very strong, and that was enough in this chaotic era.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Ying Man Chun Xia suddenly fried the pot, and her white fingers pointed to the bridge of Wu Chen's nose, beating and scolding, "When am I you..."

The angry voice stopped abruptly, and the anger in her stomach disappeared in an instant.

Looking up, it was Wuchen's indifferent eyes, which conveyed a very simple meaning - when I speak, don't interrupt!

"Then should you call me another name?" The smile on Wuchen's face thickened, almost turning into a flower, "You are the daughter of Chun Xia, and I am her husband, I am the same person. I've always liked children, so..."

"Are you going to call me Daddy?"

Hearing that, Yingman Chunxia and Yingman's real names are both petrified, which is indeed the case in theory, but it is more uncomfortable for Yingman's real name to call her father to Wuchen than to kill her.

"Come on, my dear daughter, call me Daddy." Wuchen quietly swept to Yingman's real name, rubbing her head very intimately, "Calling Daddy, I can tell you what you did before. In the name of fatherly love, forgive you!"

"If you don't call it... Hehe, then it's hard to say anything! Don't say revenge for Sakura Manji, you will be planted here yourself!"

Hearing this, Yingman's real name almost fainted, how could there be such a brazen person in this world? !


Ying Man Chun Xia is also dumbfounded, Wu Chen is too insidious, he is simply taking advantage of it in an upright and honest way, it is complete nonsense to forgive you in the name of fatherly love.

To put it directly, the relationship between the two is just a transaction, but Wuchen is too domineering, and has always been to Yingman Chunxia's wife.

"What if I didn't scream." Yingman's real name was black, and blue veins appeared on his forehead. This guy is too stinky and shameless.

"Hey...then the crime will be added one more level." Wuchen replied as a bachelor, without feeling shameless at all, and continued: "The child made a mistake, as a father, you should teach it a lesson to avoid going astray in the future. Of course, there is no need to worry too much, and my punishment is not very serious."

"It's very simple, take off your pants and slap him a hundred times, and in front of everyone, take everyone as a warning!" The righteous words that Wuchen said, there is nothing wrong with killing chickens to warn monkeys.

Yingman's real name turned blue and white, and he was about to cry. Does this guy need to be so shameless?In broad daylight, that kind of place is exposed to Wuchen?Or in front of everyone, do you want a face?This requires one over the other.

In comparison, it seems that it is more cost-effective to call Dad!

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