Although Sakuraman's real name was not angry, her voice trembled.

"Yes, I can't leave you naked, I'm tired of helping you get dressed!" Wuchen looked aggrieved.

"Are you still wronged?!"

Seeing this, Sakura's famous eyes flashed gold stars, this shameless guy, who knows if this bastard took the opportunity to do something excessive? !

What irritated her the most was that Wuchen seemed to have suffered a big loss like this.

Chapter 35 You are not worthy! 【First Update】

"It's tiring to help women get dressed!" Wuchen sighed, hunched over, his eyes were confused and tired, as if he had suffered a lot.


Yingman's real name twitched and twitched. She stared at Wuchen without moving. How could there be such a shameless person in this world? I feel tired after you see it all? ? ?


"Shouldn't I have done something excessive?" Ying Manzhen subconsciously shrank his body, and muttered to himself nervously.

Women sometimes like to think wildly and make up their own minds.

"Don't think nonsense, this body is all cells stripped from me, do you think I will do some perverted things to myself? Is that different from indecently insulting myself?" At the place, the dust-free reminder is dumbfounding.

Today's girls... what are the messes in their heads?There's no cure.

"Force I believe you once."

Yingman's real name finally retracted his gaze, the blush on the pretty face disappeared in a flash, and suddenly felt a little abrupt.

After all, this body was given to her by Wuchen, and it's fine if you don't thank him, and it's really unreasonable to doubt the other party.

"Go find trouble with that brat."

Wuchen waved his hand, unwilling to talk more with Yingman's real name.

"That's for sure!"

The latter didn't have any extra nostalgia, and turned to leave. When he mentioned the Ya of the Gods, the pink face of Yingman's real name immediately cooled down, and his face changed faster than turning a book.

She didn't expect that Chi Shen Ya would be so vicious, that even her most beloved younger brother, Ying Manji, would kill him ruthlessly. The most hateful thing was that this guy also used himself to kill Wu Chen.

"Does Lord Wuchen really trust that guy?"

After waiting for Sakuraman's real name to leave, Shinomiya Ayase came over and worried: "Maybe I will let the tiger go back to the mountain, what if this woman turns traitor at that time?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I must have thought of what you thought of, otherwise, how can I get along with this boss? Do you really think that I will kindly help that guy create a body?"

Wuchen showed an indifferent smile, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth was fleeting. Most of the people were using and being used, and he and Yingman's real names were no exception.


After waiting for Yingman's real name to leave Wuchen, she took the initiative to contact Sangshenya, and the two made an appointment to meet at a certain place.

Yingman's real name is not stupid, and in any case, she can't fully believe in Wuchen, even if there is a witness like Yingman Spring and Summer, you need to ask some necessary questions.

in a church in the city.

There was no one in the empty church, and it looked very dilapidated. Even the walls had a lot of cracks, and the tables and chairs were covered with a thick layer of dust. It seemed to have been abandoned for many years, full of the vicissitudes of time. .

"That guy's real name would pick a place like this to meet?"

Outside the church, a frowning man in a leather jacket, sunglasses and a knitted hat, even his face was hidden by a mask, was barely discernible.

In fact, this person is the soul of the gods. In order to avoid Wuchen's pursuit, he even cut his blond hair short, and there is even a small amount of stubble under his chin.

"It's been so many years..."

Looking at the church in front of him, Jigshenya's eyes suddenly felt a little nostalgic, and his eyes became blurred.

When he was a child, he also had Yingman's real name and Yingmanji who liked to come to this church. Looking back, he found that those days seemed to be the happiest time in his life, leaving too many memories, the only regret was too short.

People are like this, when one day they reminisce about the past, they will feel that the past is extraordinarily beautiful.

"come in."

A cold voice suddenly came from the church, and the reminiscence of the jigshenya looked up, and his expression froze for a moment.

"Really, really,!"

Tsukuyomi immediately took off the sunglasses he was wearing, and rubbed his eyes quickly. There was no dizziness, it was indeed Yingman's real name.

At the same time as the surprise, there are also deep doubts. I used to occupy Yu Qi's body before. Now how did Yingman's real name get his body back?

How exactly is this done? !

"I have something to talk to you about!"

Yingman's real name obviously didn't have any intention of answering Jigshenya, and walked straight in, his back gradually disappeared from the sight of Jigshenya.

"It doesn't seem right."

Chi Shen Ya's brows condensed, always feeling a little weird, his real name seems to be hostile to him?And the tone of speech is extraordinarily indifferent, even worse than strangers.

When did your real name hate yourself so much?There was a deep confusion in the eyes of Jigshenya.

"Forget it, go in and ask."

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