"Looks like they've all said what they have to say, and it's time for me to make a move."

Wuchen stood up and stretched, Yingman's real name just wanted to dismantle Zangshenya, and the kid seemed to admit it, the drama seems to have stopped here, and this boring farce can also end.


Just as Wuchen was about to enter this church, a dull explosion came from inside the church, and then a few "swish, swish" sounds were heard passing by, and a black shadow disappeared in front of Wuchen in an instant. Extremely fast.

"No, is it true?!"

Wuchen's expression was stunned for a moment, and the muscles at the corners of his eyes twitched slightly. Although he said that the figure disappeared very quickly just now, with his eyesight, he could still see the blurred outline clearly, but he couldn't believe it.

After taking a few deep breaths, he muttered to himself, "The one who was beaten up just now... seems to be the child with the real name of Yingman, right?"

At the same time, Wuchen's eyes also looked over, and the embarrassed figure immediately appeared in his eyes.

Yingman's real name was lying under a cherry tree with a pale face, there were traces of blood on the corner of his mouth, and his throat was still grumbling constantly, and blood was constantly spurting out, which was obviously the injury he had just suffered.

The cherry tree behind her also has obvious dents. It was still brand new before. It is estimated that it was hit by the real name of Yingman.

There were only two people in the church just now, which can only mean that the person who attacked Sakuraman's real name was...

"You forced me, my real name!"

A figure in a black coat walked out of the church with a clean look on his face. Who else could this kid be if it wasn't Yang Shenya?

It's just that his appearance is completely different from the gentle and refined look he used to have. His eyes are full of bloodshots, and there are crazy red lights flashing. His fists have been clenched tightly.

There is no doubt that he was the one who attacked Sakuraman's real name just now.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it if I killed him. This guy would attack Yingman's real name." Wuchen, who had planned to do it immediately, was silent, and he couldn't help feeling a little emotional, "I love you so much, I hate you so much. The deeper it is, the greater the hatred, right?"

Sometimes things are so impermanent, and lovers may not necessarily grow old together in the end, or they may become enemies.

However, if Chi Shen Ya succeeded, it must have been the sneak attack just now, right?After all, Sakuraman's real name is also quite powerful now.

"You dare to shoot at me!?"

Yingman's real name stood up awkwardly, gnashing his teeth and glaring at Zagshenya, his eyes were splitting, it really is the heart of the belly, this guy keeps saying that he loves himself more than anyone in the world, but he is also more vicious than anyone. ruthless.


Jigshenya replied lightly, looking up at Yingman's real name, his eyes were less tender and more cold, and he said bluntly: "But the person I love wants my life, I still don't care about this kind of person. Should I fall in love?"

"It's all caused by you!" Yingman's real name snorted coldly, and he tried to move his body a little. The burning pain was like a tide, instantly spreading to every cell in the body.

Just now, Jigshenya's kick was impartial, and it just hit her stomach. Even if Yingman's real name hadn't reacted in time, it might have hit the heart. Such a violent kick might have directly knocked out the heart!

"This kid's strength has improved a lot recently."

There was a glint in Wuchen's eyes, and he rubbed his hair with interest, and said, "I'll play with you."

At the same time, Sangshen Ya was approaching Yingman's real name step by step. His face was expressionless, his eyes were as deep as black holes, and he was filled with ambition to devour the world.

"Real name, in fact, I want to thank you, because you are so ruthless, I suddenly understand something..."

Chishen Ya looked down at Yingman's real name from a high place, the corners of his mouth twitched, and said solemnly: "In this world, the so-called feelings cannot be believed at all, in the final analysis, it is still a world of the strong prey on the weak, with power, you can dominate everything and get everything you want. What we want is like trampling on Japan like GHQ before. We have no room to resist, we can only endure their devastation. If I have supreme strength, even if you don't love me, I can still dominate you! "

"Starting today, it's my turn to rule the world!" Chi Shenya's eyes burst with monstrous ambitions, his previous goals seemed too small, and he was obsessed with a woman who was not worthy of being taken seriously. .

"The ideal is very full, and the courage is also worthy of praise, but unfortunately you don't have that chance."

The contemptuous voice came from behind, and the high-spirited Zagshenya suddenly froze. This voice was the devil's voice he didn't want to hear in his life!

Turning his head abruptly, the pupils of Jigshenya suddenly solidified, and the rhythmic beating of his heart stopped at this moment.

"What's your expression? What's your attitude of pointing out Jiangshan just now?" Looking at Zagshenya whose face turned green in an instant, Wuchen felt a little pain in the ass. Does his face look so disgusting?

Damn, isn't the speed of changing face too fast, a look of constipation!

In fact, for Zangshenya, encountering a freak like Wuchen is indeed too bad. Life has finally started a new beginning, and it has come to an end in a blink of an eye. Can you feel comfortable?So the gloom on his face is understandable.

"Fortunately, this guy is here."

Yingman's real name is relieved, no matter what, at least it has something to do with Wuchen, isn't it?

Chapter 38 You Disappointed Me [First More]

"You weren't like this just now, that bossy look is a bit similar to the young me in the past, although I'm not old now." Wuchen smiled and praised, it was exactly the same as the old old man, the same young talent!


Yingman's real name, who had not had time to be happy, was suddenly speechless, looking at Wuchen with an idiot-like look, are you complimenting yourself on purpose?

"How the hell did you follow me? I haven't found out before." Tsugumi asked with a dark face.

"That's because your reaction is too slow, and..."

Wuchen paused for a moment, glanced at Yingman's real name intentionally or unintentionally, and smiled lightly: "To be honest, I'm not at ease with this child, so I moved some hands and feet in her body, you can use it as a similar coordinate The same thing. How did you come here, can you understand?"

"I see..."

Chi Shen Ya was relieved, and at the same time stared at Sakura Man's real name with disgust, "Traitor!"

"This is the end of the nonsense between you, now I will play with you." Wuchen grinned provocatively: "After you become a king, let me see how much you have, I hope it will make me feel more interesting. ."


Hearing this, Jigshenya didn't get angry. After watching Wuchen gloomily for a moment, he suddenly took out a black pistol from his pocket.

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