"You you you you you... You said it's not a big pervert!!!" Illya shouted in a panic, she didn't dare to look up at Wuchen anymore, and it was very important to find a crack and get in.

Because Wuchen's slap didn't hit anywhere else, it was her butt, can this place be slapped casually? !So the girl at the moment is like a frightened rabbit, terrified.

"You all say I'm a pervert. Since you've all scolded me, if I don't have the obligation to travel a pervert, it will be a big loss." Wuchen said indifferently, he did the right thing, no What's wrong? !

"You are shameless!!!"

Ilya pointed at Wuchen with her pale fingers, trembling with anger.

"Then I'll continue to be shameless." A frivolous smile appeared on Wuchen's mouth, and he pushed towards the girl with bad intentions.

Only Ilya kept retreating, her face was full of fear, as if she had forgotten it was D.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang..."

At this moment, several gunshots shot out from the coconut grove not far away, and then a figure rushed towards Illya at a very fast speed.

"And a little mouse?" Looking at the flying bullet, Wuchen's eyes didn't blink, his body swayed slightly, and the cloud lightly avoided the bullet's trajectory.

Looking at Illya again, there was already a handsome young man standing next to the child. It is worth mentioning that he was also wearing a military uniform.

"It's really interesting. I used to think that the world was too small, and now it's even smaller. You said no, the protagonist."

This child is of the slender type, but from the speed at which he ran just now, it can be seen that the muscles of his body are very strong, obviously after long-term training.

"Protagonist-kun? Who is that? My name is Yu Mobu!"

At the same time, a pair of bright eyes stared at Wuchen, and said badly: "It's too unprofessional to bully a girl, I'll be your opponent."

"My opponent? Just you?"

Wuchen laughed dumbly and sighed: "I really don't mean to look down on you. I regret to tell you that if you want to be my opponent, you will need a hundred years of training to barely pass."

"Bah, not only is it perverted, but also likes to brag, hum!" Elise, who was redeemed, snorted softly, listening to Wuchen's meaning, as if she had lived for hundreds of years.

It is worth mentioning that the reason why Mobu Yu drifted on this kind of island was somewhat similar to Wuchen, and also encountered a shipwreck, but unlike Wuchen, a new instructor, Mobu Yu came to be a student. .

"It's best not to be too arrogant." Tobu Yu said with a frown.

How does Wuchen's casual tone feel like he is talking to a tiny bug?When did you feel so bad?

"If you don't agree, just let the horse come over, and you will immediately understand how much you have." Wuchen provocatively said.

"Boom bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang..."

Without further ado, Tobu Yu pulled the trigger again, and several bullets flew head-on again.

I have to say that this kid's marksmanship is pretty good, and all the bullets are aimed at almost one place - his head.

As expected of a genius trained by the military, among human beings, it is quite outstanding.

But the opponent is...

I saw Wuchen raised his hand gently, and flicked his finger against the void, like sea water, immediately splashing out a burst of ripples.


Before he got close to Wuchen, the flying bullet burst open on the spot, twisted out of shape, and landed on the beach in front of him, curled like a twist.

"Well, how did this happen?"

Motobu Yu was talking to himself in a demented manner, looking at Wuchen like a ghost.

Chapter 3 Mobu Deep Moon [Third Update]

"Okay, okay.... Awesome!!!" Elise's eyes lit up, and it was estimated that today was the most stuttering time in her life.

The girl looked at Wuchen with unbelievable eyes, recalling the amazing skills, the handsome movements like flowing clouds and flowing water, and the look of adoration on Elise's face, how did this guy do it?It's not an exaggeration to call it Superman. With just a flick of the finger, all the bullets exploded. This is like a bridge in a movie, which is unreal but really happened.

"Want to learn?" Wuchen smiled kindly at Elise.

"I can learn too?!"

Elise suddenly showed an excited smile, then suddenly thought of something, and quickly lowered her head to change her mouth, "Uh... No, this guy is the enemy, I must not learn from him, this guy is a big bad guy, specializing in peeping. The perverted girl must be expelled to ensure everyone's safety."

Elise kept talking to herself, Wuchen just touched her head, what about the IQ of this child?

"You better get out of here quickly. You have to be distracted to take care of you while fighting with others. There's no chance of winning." Yu Motobu stared at Wuchen intently, and instructed Elise on the other.

"Hehe...that's really interesting."

Without waiting for Elise to reply, Wuchen took the lead with a smile and teased: "Can I understand that, without the burden of Elise, you can defeat me? Kid, look at your young age, not yet. Come of age, this tone is not small."

"Young man, you still have a long way to go. It's too early to brag now. Let's brag when all the hair grows." Wuchen sarcastically said yin and yang.


Hearing this, Elise smiled tenderly, blinked her beautiful eyes, and asked with a pursed mouth, "Is there an age for bragging?"

"Of course, when you get older, people will become more and more mature, and their speech will become more convincing as they get older. At that time, I was bragging that maybe if I was lucky, I could turn the fake into the real one, but now I just humiliate myself. ." Wuchen said without hesitation.

"It seems to be the truth." Illya nodded with a vague understanding, and suddenly noticed that a pair of eyes were peeping at her. She looked up subconsciously, and it was Yu Mobu looking at her expressionlessly. Illya saw He shook his head hastily.

Although the girl is simply over the top, she still has the most basic judgment. At this time, Yu Mobu is obviously helping himself, how can he demolish his stage?

"Boy, the uncle is in a good mood today, I advise you to stay out of your own business." Wuchen reminded with good intentions: "Your hero save the beauty in the wrong place, everything that happened before was a misunderstanding, your rash move just now I can also be regarded as young and ignorant, after all, everyone has a time when they are ignorant."

"So, there is still a chance to make up for disappearing from my eyes now, otherwise..."

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