When I first came to this world, I happened to come across that white Leviathan, and was cleaned up by Wuchen, and after being a servant for a while, Wuchen was willing to let him go.

Fortunately, dragon meat is not delicious, otherwise...

"Master Wuchen, I'm not in the mood to fool around with you now, I'm leaving!" Mayika turned to leave, Wuchen didn't stop him, when a dragon came, the whole academy was in chaos, it is estimated that this chick is looking for The dean should discuss the countermeasures.

The only one who can deal with dragons is D.

Just as Wuchen had guessed, after hearing the voice of the dragon, Midgar College responded immediately and immediately formed a small team of elite troops.

Among them, Shenyue, the student council president of the Ministry of Things, is the leader. This child is not bad, and has experience against the enemy. She participated in the war that encircled and suppressed the dragon. This war More obligatory.

"Damn it, come on when you say it, there's no movement at all!"

In the battle conference room, everyone was livid. The dragon was huge and moved slowly, and a large number of people were staring at his movements, but the Leviathan in White appeared bizarrely like a space jump. Now, there is no movement at all.

"Could it be that guy's fault?"

With a dignified look, a figure suddenly popped out of the head of the dean - Wuchen.

Because after the war between Wuchen and the White Leviathan, the evil dragon disappeared, and now Wuchen suddenly came to this school, and the White Leviathan also followed.

Is there any connection between the two?


The huge creature on the LCD screen began to roar again. His large body was crawling on the sea, and when he opened his mouth to scream, the entire sea was rippling. island.

Under such absolute power, D is not enough to watch at all, and everyone sees it with depression and lack of confidence.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 7 I will be embarrassed to kill him [First Update]

A few years ago, a similar incident happened, and in the end, he was forced to kill his teammates hastily.

"The key problem is that the dragon pattern mutants must be found and protected!" Mobu Shenyue stood up and said solemnly, and then his face became embarrassed, "If the dragon has not been expelled at the end, only the dragon pattern mutants can be removed. Give..."

Speaking of this, everyone's faces suddenly dimmed, their eyes lacked charm, and everyone had a lonely look on their faces.

In a desperate situation, the only choice is to kill the dragon-marked mutant, and in this way, the White Leviathan will leave on his own.

But no matter who it is, they are all companions, who can start?

"Bang, ka ka ka..."

The incomparably crisp cracking sound spread throughout Midgar, and the expressions of everyone in the meeting changed greatly.

A large area of ​​cracks have appeared in the barrier used for defense, and most of the head of the White Leviathan has penetrated into Midgar.

"Hurry up to meet the enemy, and the rest are responsible for finding the dragon pattern mutants!" The head of the academy waved his hand and gave the order immediately.


For humans, dragons are synonymous with disasters. They are infinitely powerful and have the power to change the face of the world. Humans are tiny ants in front of dragons.

"Boom boom... boom boom... boom boom..."

The White Leviathan was advancing unscrupulously. The entire Midgar College was in flames of war, the explosions kept on, a large number of buildings became ruins, and the screams of the students were also continuous.

"This stupid dragon has gained weight in the past few days. It's full of fat and stubborn. It seems that the few days I left, this guy had a pretty good life."

In a fairly intact building, Wuchen looked at the chaotic white Leviathan, and sighed with emotion.

If this kid knew that he was here, he would probably run for his life as soon as possible.

What do you say bride? !Shit bride, is it important to have a little life?Wuchenbao had beaten the White Leviathan before, but this guy left a serious shadow in his heart.

"Then, that, can you please help me with one thing?" There was a cowardly voice coming from behind the solemn voice.

"It is you."

Wuchen still looked ahead, even if he didn't turn his head to look, he knew who this person was - Elise, only this child would be so frightened when she saw herself, and stuttered when she spoke.

"Needless to say, the uncle is not interested, no matter what it is, I will refuse." Wuchen said indifferently, "I don't like you at all, little girl."

"Hug, sorry..."

Elise looked at Wuchen, bowed again to apologize, and then slowly raised her head. He still turned a blind eye to the raging White Leviathan, and didn't care about Elise at all.

"I understand!"

The two cheeks suddenly bulged, and Elise took a deep breath, as if she had gathered a lot of courage, and said loudly: "My dragon pattern is here."

After she finished speaking, Elise took off her top, and her snow-white skin was exposed. Under the sizable peaks, a mysterious pattern glowed with light.

"Why did you change sex?" Wuchen then turned to look at Elise, it was quite strange, wasn't this child still very determined before?There is no room for negotiation, and it is not for Wuchen to be killed.

What's changed now?

"I don't want everyone to get hurt because of me!" The sparkling light in Elise's eyes couldn't be concealed any longer, and her tears fell, sobbing: "Everyone is innocent."

"You are kind." Wuchen nodded slightly, with admiration in his eyes, thinking of others at a young age, and even willing to give his life, which is rare and precious, and then said softly: "It seems that you understand that the stupid dragon was attracted by you. But... but, what are you doing here with me? Do you want to ask me to clean up the White Leviathan? I'm really sorry, that guy called me big brother for a few days, I'll be ashamed if I kill him."

Wuchen finally spread out his hands, looking very helpless.

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