The loneliness and desolation were swept away, and Matekai bowed to the "Five Shadows", his voice was like a loud bell, with a sonorous and powerful sound.

The "Five Shadows" are also extraordinary people. Although Matekai concealed it well and perfectly, he couldn't hide it from the eyes of these old foxes.

"A mere Uchiha is dust-free, but it is a scourge to the whole world."

Tuying Onomu sighed, with endless melancholy in his tone. During the three wars, he realized that Wuchen Future was a rising superstar, and wanted to push Yunyin Village to kill Wuchen together, but he did not expect to be rejected by the other party. , and even the third generation of Raikage humiliated Yanyin Village.

"I all blame the guy who eats the ancients... If he listened to my advice at the beginning, the serious troubles of today's confidants have already been cut down and rooted, and there is no need to work like this now!"

Speaking of the three generations of Raikage, Onogi couldn't help complaining that if he had agreed to his plan, Wuchen and Konoha Ninja Village might have been wiped off the map.

"Lord Tuying, my father has passed away, please leave it behind... and the murderer who designed to harm my father is you, self-respect!"

Onogi's remarks immediately caused the fourth generation to look at Raikage angrily, and the golden messiness fluttered. If it wasn't for the occasion in front of him, he would definitely not mind teaching Ohnogi a lesson, so that this arrogant old stubborn knew how to behave!

"Two people, the enemy is hiding in the dark and eyeing them. If we fight first, the world's demise is just around the corner. Instead of casualties, it's better to hand over the world to them directly."

As the general staff of the Ninja Coalition Army, Chishou Tsunade reminded that seeing such a situation, he became confused about the future. Although the five major countries temporarily abandoned their personal grievances, some deep-rooted contradictions could not be forgotten. , the former enemy of life and death has suddenly become an ally, and not many people can adapt to it in a short time.

Hearing this, the fourth-generation Raikage and Ohnogi also fell silent, knowing that now is not the time for bickering.

"There's not much time, I'll be straight to the point, Kai."

Taking a deep breath, his eyes fell on Matekai, Tsunade said solemnly: "The current situation looks very bad, although we are full of advantages, we have the advantages of the right time, place and people, and the actual enemy. More terrifying than us are the hidden sharks in the deep sea, and no one knows when to attack."

The power gathered by the five major countries is extremely terrifying, enough to destroy any country in the Ninja Continent, but in the face of the mysterious organization "Xiao", they really have no confidence.

Especially compared to the "Xiao" organization that hides in secret, the five great powers are the target of exposing the bright side. The enemy can launch a sneak attack at any time and be caught off guard.

"Any mission given by Hokage-sama will be completed without hesitation!" Matekai naturally knew the seriousness of the problem, and said firmly towards Tsunade.

Qianshou Tsunade nodded with satisfaction, and pointed at the map formed by the sand table, which marked the geographical location and details of each country.

"Some countries have not joined the Ninja Alliance... The rebellion of the 'Xiao' organization is likely to be hidden in these countries."

His eyes froze, and his eyes suddenly fell on the country marked by the blue flag. Tsunade pointed at it and doubted: "Countries that have not joined the ninja coalition have already sent spies to sneak in, but the last ninja village, Yu Ninja Village, does not have any. Movement... It is very likely that the base camp of 'Xiao' is this village."

Hearing this, a sullen look flashed in Matekai's eyes, and he immediately guessed Tsunade's intentions, and said solemnly: "Does Hokage-sama mean to let me infiltrate Rainin Village for investigation... There is no problem with this, Kakashi and Lord Jiraiya's revenge will be avenged by my Konoha blue beast!"


"It seems that there are people in the world who are not afraid of death, who dare to hide in Yuyin Village alone."

When Matekai set off, the information had already passed to Wuchen, and the source of the news was naturally Terumi Mei, who was in Cao Ying and Han.

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, and Wuchen does not think how shameful the traitor is, but thinks that Terumi Mei is a different way to save Wuyin Village.

"It's up to me to deal with him." Hearing the enemy's attack, Yu Luo frowned, and Mao suggested himself.

Wuchen shook his head, this Matekai is not an ordinary person, maybe there will be such a hard thing as losing his wife and losing his troops, and launching a rush to Matekai, the fighting power is close to Liu Daoban, and it can even be short-term. Destroy six spots.

Even if it's just a flash in the pan, this beast in a runaway state cannot be underestimated.

"Mike's words, it is more reliable for me to do it myself. He is not in the pool and cannot be estimated by common sense."

After a long silence, Wuchen was quite excited and decided to destroy Konoha's blue beast by himself. Although the other party's bright face was just an ordinary person in office, if he angered him, he would burst out with strength beyond the sixth level.

Seeing Wuchen Xingshi moving the crowd, Yu Luo frowned, doubts flashed in his eyes, but he shut his mouth obediently.


Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for automatic various requests... At least five shifts a day... Naruto has accelerated the progress recently, and friends who like this book can vote for the next world! ! !

Chapter 340 Matt Kay [Second]

Otsutsuki Yuluo stared at Wuchen without knowing and sternness, the other party was just a mere tolerance, but Wuchen had to do it himself, whether it was reasonable or otherwise.

"You don't understand, that guy is the best person to test my strength."

The mysterious smile burst into laughter, and Wuchen’s heart that had been cooled for many years unexpectedly ignited strangely. Most of the enemies over the years were actors who played tricks, and only the outburst Matekai could be regarded as the real protagonist.

Wuchen is also eager to fight against the strong, instead of using the ability of the glittering fruit to consume the opponent.

Taking a ten thousand steps back, even if it is an elemental cheat, you have to wait for the ability to activate the glittering fruit when you can't defeat the enemy!

"Best test subject?"

Yu Luo was completely confused. Although he couldn't see anything special about that Matekai, the fanatical dust-free face could be seen all around. Ordinary things wouldn't interest him at all.


There was a drizzle in the sky, dark and depressing, and there seemed to be some beast hidden in the depths of the clouds, stirring the situation unscrupulously.

In the wind and rain, a quiet figure stood for a long time, wearing a black robe and hat, the world in the rain was extraordinarily lonely and lonely, and the solitary body was isolated from the world.

Looking up, the birds and beasts within a radius of several kilometers have disappeared, and there is no one inhabited, just like a purgatory on a deserted island.

"According to the route passed by Terumi Mei, it is undoubtedly here...but it's been so long—has it come?!"

The wriggling of the corners of his mouth stagnated, and Wuchen in the immortal mode suddenly sensed a sensitive figure. His movements were simple and capable, and his movements and jumps were like heaven.

"As expected of the wolf beast of Konoha..."

Can't help but nodded in admiration, Wuchen's face is full of admiration, and the ability to cultivate physical skills to such a peak level, looking at the whole world, is no more than Matekai and his son.

"It's a pity..."

The regret in his eyes disappeared in a flash, and it was replaced by indifference and coldness. The vast chakra in the body began to collapse, and even because the golden chakra was too rich, Wuchen was dressed in a golden coat.

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