However, Tia's interest disappeared in an instant, and she complained to Wuchen: "Do you think that the dragon pattern is a mutation? It's too simple!"

Wuchen didn't reply, his fingers tapped on the table rhythmically, his eyes looked at the scenery outside the window, and he said to himself: "It's just these few days, right?"

Tia and Elise looked at each other, unable to understand what he was talking about.

In fact, the period of Tia's dragon pattern mutation is the last few days, and everything will be proved at that time.


Inside the girls' dormitory at Midgar College.

"That hateful guy, I will never spare you, absolutely not!!!"

The plump girl looked at herself reflected in the mirror, her graceful curves were enough to make all men feel restless and lose themselves.

"But since he knows my identity, since he didn't expose me, what does this mean?" The anger on the girl's face dissipated, replaced by a puzzled face.

This person is none other than Qi Li.

She had planned to run away. After all, her identity was exposed, but what made Qi Li puzzled was that no one came to arrest her, which made it intriguing.

"Maybe that guy didn't tell the dean of my identity. That's just right. Find an opportunity to kill you and kill you!" Qi Li's eyes glowed with bloodthirsty light, and at this moment, she really regained her true nature.

Originally, she planned to follow the plan and slowly fool Tia away, but now that her identity has been exposed, she can only choose other plans.


"Whoosh whoosh ... whoosh whoosh ... whoosh whoosh ..."

In the early morning of the next night, the cold and violent wind swept in unscrupulously, and the sea continued to hit the island. The whole island was shaking slightly like an earthquake.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night!


In the middle of the night, around two or three o'clock in the morning, an ominous roar raged throughout Midgar College. This roar contained extremely strong power. Just by roaring, a large number of buildings collapsed along with them. All collapsed.

Many students did not even have a chance to respond and were buried alive.


The next moment, the piercing whistle sounded throughout the island, and the students who had fallen asleep opened their eyes one after another and looked out the window in horror.

"What kind of monster is that!!!?"

"Did someone else mutate the dragon pattern? It attracted the dragon!!!"

"I was attacked by [White Leviathan] before, and now there is another dragon. It's only been a few days?!"


The students all looked at the night sky in the distance. On the shore of this island, a huge body stood. His body was extremely exaggerated, at least a few dozen high, and he made bursts of excited roars at the island.

And standing on the shoulders of the monster, a young body stood, with beautiful black hair dancing in the wind.

"It's really her!!!"

At this moment, Tia, Wuchen, and Elise were gathered together. When they saw the girl standing on the monster, Tia and Elise were instantly confused.

Yesterday, Wuchen said that there would be another visit, and it was a woman like Qi Li who put it in. Now he is really right. Could this guy be able to predict the future?

"Tia is a dragon..." Tia murmured in her eyes, and the bits and pieces of the past reappeared in her mind. This was the knowledge that Qi Li had instilled in her.

"That guy used some abilities to disguise as Tachikawa Honoka, but she is actually Qi Li." Wuchen said lightly: "I approached you just to bring you back."

"Tia won't go back!"

Tia shook her head vigorously, but looking at the monster's huge body, her eyes were a little desperate, and she couldn't stop it.

"Is it Hekaton Chris?"

Looking at the monster's dark and tall body, Wuchen recognized his identity at a glance. It was estimated that it was Qi Li, a ghost in underwear, otherwise Midgar College would not have found it.

But there is nothing to worry about, and calmly ordered Elise: "According to the plan just now."


Elise left without any hesitation when she heard the words, Tia glared at Wuchen angrily, "It's all this time, you haven't given up on your boring plan?"

"Boring? You can't say that. We may have different ways of having fun. You are not qualified to criticize me. The dragon in front of me is far less interesting than my plan."

The corners of Wuchen's mouth showed a smug arc, winked at Tia, and said with a smile: "And, aren't you looking forward to the answer? If that kid knows that your dragon pattern has mutated, you say whether he chooses to kill you, or choose To protect you? Tsk tsk... I'm looking forward to it if you think about it."

Chapter 22 is still killed [first more]

Tia is extremely embarrassed at the moment. Of course, she wants to agree to Wuchen's proposal. After all, she also wants to know whether Tobu Yuu really cares about herself, just like you like someone, and also want to know whether the other party likes you, this is a human being Is it normal...

The only thing that made her hesitate is that the ghost knows whether there are other conspiracies in Wuchen, what if he is caught?

"Don't worry about it, if I want to pit you, I'll definitely... no no no..." Wuchen immediately shook his head, looked down at Tia condescendingly, and said plainly: "What's not to be pitted, it's totally unnecessary, No matter what I do to you, you can't resist."

"Humph! Crazy guy, you will regret it!!!"

Although Tia did not refute the words, she still snorted heavily to express her dissatisfaction.

I have to say that Wuchen's words are more direct, but it is an out-and-out fact, and Tia is speechless.

"Why, are you afraid?" Wuchen blinked and deliberately stimulated: "I knew you were..."

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