Wuchen smiled calmly and said: "Although the white Leviathan is not as enchanting as the black Furido, it is still a dragon after all, and it is impossible to kill in seconds. Once the two dragons fight, it must be a scene of heaven and earth breaking apart. Can't find it yet?"


After listening to Wuchen's analysis, everyone felt a lot more at ease.

Wuchen looked at Qi Li all the time, this little girl kept clenching her fists, in addition to hatred, there were many complex colors on her face.

No matter what, the person who created her was a black man, and now he was about to wield a butcher's knife at this mother, and his heart was naturally very tangled.

"Some things, simply thinking about it, will only make you more and more distressed, so let's go with the flow."

Wuchen stood up and rubbed Qi Li's little head, the latter leaning on his shoulder.

Up to now, Qi Li has been appointed, and even if the black dragon does not appear again, she plans to follow Wuchen for the rest of her life.

No way, the two have already had that kind of relationship, and she has no regrets at this point.

Simply Qi Li's vision is right, Wuchen is much better than he imagined, and other things aside, she can [-]% conclude that Wuchen will not be abandoned like the black Friedo. she.

In fact, it's not just Qi Li, the people who have a relationship with Wuchen, including the rest, such as Mobu Shenyue, plan to share weal and woe with him.

Chapter 56 My meat is not tasty at all [first more]

In a certain direction of the world, just as Wuchen predicted, the black dragon and the white dragon made contact.

But the two dragons didn't go to war for the first time. Instead, they met and discussed for a long time like old friends for some reason.

No one knows what the two guys were talking about, except that in the end, the two dragons started the war.

I guess it's because of the breakdown?

"Boom boom... boom boom... boom boom..."

On the vast ocean, the two giant dragons fought an unprecedented fierce battle. With a slight movement of the huge body, huge ripples appeared on the sea surface.

Fortunately, there are no islands nearby, otherwise it would have sunk long ago...


The White Leviathan roared at the black dragon hovering in the sky. This guy's head was full of wounds, a large piece of it, and the entire head was bleeding and looked extremely miserable.

Obviously, in the confrontation with the Black Friedo, the White Leviathan was at an absolute disadvantage.

"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

The black Frido, who was entrenched in the sky, vigorously fanned his wings, and gusts of wind swept out. These bursts of wind and waves were extremely exaggerated. When blowing over the white Leviathan, you could hear the sound of "puchi...puchi".

After the blessing of the power of the Black Frith, the wind and waves have turned into a terrifying wind blade, which can cut through the skin of the White Leviathan, and the messy wounds look shocking.

In addition, Friedo the Black has a very obvious advantage. The two have been fighting for a while. She can be said to be spotless, her body is intact, and there is not a single wound, because Frido of the Black has The reason why it can fly is that its body is much more flexible, it is not as cumbersome as the White Leviathan, and its attack range is limited, so it is impossible to hit at all.

"No way... I really can't stand it anymore. If you continue to drag it on, that idiot will be exhausted sooner or later."

Above the higher sky, a figure loomed in the white clouds.

"Help him."

Wuchen, who had been secretly watching the battle, showed a bad arc on his face, looked at the constantly fanning wings of Frito the Black, and muttered in his mouth.


The black Furido dragon's eye is condescending, staring at the white Leviathan from a bird's-eye view, the giant mouth is open, and a row of sharp fangs emerges.

In the depths of his mouth, there was a flash of light, like a laser, aimed at the White Leviathan.


Before the beam of light could be sent out, Frito the Black screamed again and again, his voice full of great pain.

White Leviathan also raised his head in amazement, and when he saw her miserable appearance, he quickly stepped back for a while.

Looking around, the wings of the Black Folido have been swallowed by a large group of black flames, and a thick burnt smell is very pungent.

This black flame is too evil, and Furi of the Black has tried his best, but it is difficult to extinguish it.


After tens of seconds, the black Furido turned into a streamer and plunged into the deep sea. It seemed that he planned to use the seawater to extinguish the burning black flame.

Good idea, but...


When the black dragon sprang out of the sea again, not only did the black flames not go out, but it burned more and more violently. The flesh and blood on the two wings completely disappeared, leaving only a blackened skeleton.

And those bones were also burned into coke, and many cracks could be seen, and it might not be long before they broke.

"What a terrifying flame!"

Leviathan the White was horrified, his eyes were full of fear, and the huge body moved again, keeping a distance from Friedo the Black, for fear of harming Chiyu.

If you are contaminated by that black fire, you will definitely be finished!

At the same time, special power fluctuations appeared around him, and even the sea water was blown into the distance, and everything close to him would be bounced off.

"I didn't see it. This kid still has such a powerful ability. When he invaded Midgar College last time, why didn't he use it?"

Wuchen in the sky looked at the White Leviathan in surprise, and he naturally understood what kind of energy it was - repulsion!

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